Super Magic Farm System

Chapter 126 The Gift of the Unicorn

Chapter 126 The Gift of the Unicorn
Since Baker was always thinking about the treasure on the man in the Chinese costume, he didn't notice anything wrong with the pearl of the tribe.

After a while, the unicorn retracted the two lightning claws and stopped them in front of Baker. There was a black sign and a dark red ring on it.

"Wow, Unicorn, all these things are for me?"

Although Baker had a questioning tone on his lips, before the unicorn could say anything, this guy honestly put both things into his arms, which made the unicorn who was about to nod , a little speechless.

"One horn, have you searched it out? Seeing that he is dressed so well, he must have a lot of good things on him. How did you find such a little thing?"

While talking, Baker simply rolled up his arms and sleeves, stepped forward, and searched for the man in the Chinese suit. Baker was not as refined as a unicorn. When he came up, he took off the clothes of the man in the Chinese suit , Immediately, almost every inch of him was searched, and the search was so strong that the unicorn on the side stared straight at him.

"Single horn, let's say you are careless, look, the golden tower! This is the most expensive currency in the dark holy city, it's all gone, let me tell you what's good about you, wow, another golden tower, There are still a few silver nars, yo yo, there are still a lot of copper fils here, tell me, how many good things have been left behind!"

Under Beck's two rake-like paws, after a while, a small pile of coins was found from the man in Chinese clothes, making Beck's happy eyes shine golden, while the unicorn beside him was I swear in my heart, what kind of good thing is this?Compared to the two I gave you earlier, they are worthless!
"Let me see what a good thing this is? Damn! Just a few broken petals! Hey, this guy has a few petals of dry hair on his body? Why don't you have some more gold towers?"

Baker thought he had found another treasure, but when he took his hand out of the pocket of the man in the fancy dress, he saw only a few petals, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Petals? Are these rose petals from him?"

However, just when Baker was about to throw away the useless petals in his hand, suddenly, a small hand snatched them all. Seeing that Tribal Pearl, who was a little emotional, was holding a bouquet of broken roses in one hand, and the rose petals just snatched from him in the other hand.

"Bloodstains...the bloodstains on it belong to Sophia! Sophia, she, did she come to this tribe???"

After making comparisons, Cassel became extremely excited, "Sophia, is it really you?"

Tribal Pearl looked around and couldn't help but shouted loudly.

And at this time, Baker finally knew the reason for Kassel's excitement. He was also very familiar with the bouquet of roses. It was the roses that Kassel gave to Sofia as a token of love. During the frenzy, the bouquet of roses was stained with blood in the hoof prints of the elephant demon in front of Kassel's hut!
Unexpectedly, today, bloody rose petals were found in the undead tribe thousands of miles away from the Copenham tribe. Moreover, the petals seemed to have fallen from that bouquet of roses, so, Kassel That's why I'm so excited.

"Sophia, are you there? Answer me? Sophia..."

Tribal Pearl shouted loudly, but there was no response at all.

Shouting and shouting, Cassel suddenly stopped, because, looking around, she saw that except for them and their party, there were all corpses in disorder. Suddenly, Cassel's pretty face turned pale.

She lowered her head, a little scared, but couldn't help it, and searched among the cold corpses on the ground...

Seeing the appearance of the tribal pearl, Baker sighed slightly, said nothing, and helped to find it.

And the big and small unicorns on the side looked at each other, looking at the two suspiciously, not knowing what they were doing.

"No, Cassel..."

After searching around, Baker, who even tossed the big house next to him, met Tribe Mingzhu and spread his hands and said.

"No? Didn't you check it carefully? Oh no, it's impossible that you didn't check it carefully. Hey, let me take a look again."

Tribal Pearl is very conflicted at the moment, she wants to see Sophia quickly, but also doesn't want to see Sophia here, because there are corpses here, if she sees her here, doesn't it mean that Sophia is dead?

Cassel, who was filled with huge contradictions, then carefully checked the place Baker was looking for, but still found no trace of Sophia.

"By the way, Baker, you, help me ask the unicorn to see if it has seen Sophia..."

The beautiful eyes of the tribe's pearl swept to the side, stared at their unicorn with big eyes, and said with bright eyes.


Baker understood Cassel's mood very well at this time, so he agreed and came to the unicorn.

"Dijiao, have you... um, have you seen a... woman next to this man in a fancy dress?"

"Master Unicorn, she has long wavy hair, is as tall as my chin, and is wearing a..."

Tribal Pearl was then supplemented in great detail.

Roar ~ woo ~
The unicorn with extremely high intelligence naturally understood what the two said. After hearing their description, she couldn't help but growl and shook her head.

Although the other party gave a response, Cassel still insisted that he asked the unicorn to check the whole tribe to see if there was any news about Sophia.

Fortunately, Baker was there. Otherwise, the unicorn, as a monster, would not have done such trivial and time-consuming things. However, Baker asked, and it naturally wanted to help.

Next, the unicorn roared loudly, and all the groups of wild beasts that were not dead and did not dare to run away were called by it, and then, under its command, these groups of wild beasts were Search the whole tribe.

It didn't take long for the search results of all the savage beasts to be gathered up, and the result was... I didn't see such a human being!
Because this is a tribe of undead, if there is a human named Sophia here, it will be easy to find.

Although Pearl of the Tribe was still unwilling, she was powerless in the face of reality. Coupled with Baker's persuasion, she had no choice but to give up.

Kassel no longer looked for Sophia, so the two of Baker decided to leave here. Originally, Baker was so shameless that he wanted the unicorn to follow them on the road. If there was a monster as a bodyguard, then the road would not be sideways. , don't you have to be afraid of the wild beast frenzy?
However, the unicorn said 'NO' decisively to Baker. After sending the two of them back to where the old chief and others were, he left with the little unicorn, which made Baker feel very sorry.

However, the old chief and others were extremely happy. Under the ravages of the cruel demon king unicorn, they survived intact. This is a great miracle!

Naturally, everyone thanked and praised Baker one after another, which made Baker, who is so easy to satisfy, burst into snot bubbles with joy.

The matter here is over, and everyone continued on the road. As for Baker and Cassel, following the unicorn and entering the tribe, everyone was savvy and didn't mention it. After all, they saw a small package on Baker's body. Everyone could vaguely guess that it was probably a gift from the unicorn.

A group of people walked all the way, after bypassing the undead tribe, they walked a certain distance, and then repaired.

While repairing, Baker found an opportunity to call Kassel and Chief Yuri together, and immediately took out all the things he got from the man in the Chinese suit, "Old chief, These gold pagodas, silver nar, copper fil, you just put them away, they are so heavy, I have no use for them."

"Hey, you're quite generous, you can give such a large sum of money."

"Of course, we will be a family in the future. If I give it to you, isn't it just for my own family?"

"Dogs bark!"

After this period of resolution, Tribal Pearl has let go of the previous Sophia matter.

Regarding the scolding from the goddess, Baker gave a mean smile and didn't care at all. Then he took out the black brand and the dark red ring from his shirt, "Old chief, look at these two things again. What are they? Look at that unicorn as a treasure, it should be something good, right?"

"Heh... then let me see what a good thing it is... Hiss, this, this ring..."

Originally, Chief Yuri was smiling, but when he saw the dark red ring in Baker's hand, his old eyes almost popped out!

 Good morning, everyone, the first update is here~
(End of this chapter)

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