Super Magic Farm System

Chapter 109 Become stronger!Become stronger!

Chapter 109 Become stronger!Become stronger!
The beautiful woman of the elves was slightly stunned. She didn't seem to expect that Baker, who had just been the number one in the world and loved everything, suddenly became so unscrupulous, like a dog leg.

Noble and decent beautiful women would look down on such a huge change from pretentious to respectful, so she couldn't help shaking her head slightly.

However, she was really curious about Baker's escape from her powerful illusion just now, so she asked again patiently: "How did you wake up from my illusion?"

"Illusion magic? The process of marrying Kassel that I experienced just now was the illusion magic performed by you? I'm sorry!"

At this time, Baker finally turned the corner. From when the system suddenly said "illusion magic" just now, and now the elf aunt also said this word, Baker connected all the things he experienced before and after. It's no wonder that the Copenham tribe that had been destroyed has reappeared, no wonder just now in the tribe, he's "whatever he wants", he can do whatever he wants, and even married the goddess Kassel he has been chasing for many years. Go, it turns out...

It turns out that all of this was created by the elf aunt in front of her using illusion magic!

Oh my god... how powerful is this illusion magic?What level is this elf aunt?

Thinking of the incomparably real Copenham tribe he saw just now, thinking of the scene where he greeted everyone in the tribe just now, and thinking of the situation when he married Kassel just now, Baker simply gave this elf aunt, Kneeling at 360 degrees, isn't that too crazy?So true!So do whatever you want!So impeccable!All of this turned out to be just an illusion magic!
"Answer my question! Otherwise, do you still want to be beaten?"

The cold words of the beautiful elf woman awakened Baker who was in awe.

"I answer! I answer...Aunt Elf, just now I was... well, I was my 'wife'. When I was do bad things in the bridal chamber, I suddenly felt a pain in my head, and then I woke up Now, I don't know what's going on!"

Naturally, Beck would not ding the super system and tell the story of his awakening. However, the clever Beck knew that if he made up things in front of this great expert, he would definitely die a miserable death. Not to mention anything else, just now he was holding a piece of dead wood and asking for a kiss, the other party absolutely saw it clearly, so Baker told the truth about what he encountered in his dream just now, only in In the end, the reason for waking up has been slightly adjusted.

"The headache woke you up? It shouldn't be. Could it be that you have a special constitution or a great talent?"

The beautiful elf woman frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something, but in a moment, her beautiful frown returned to normal, and her dreamy eyes suddenly looked straight at Baker.

The moment the other party's outrageously beautiful eyes looked over, Baker only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and then he felt that every part of his body was exposed to the other party's gaze, and there was no secret at all!

This... I, my super system, won't be shown by this old lady, right?If that's the case, I'm afraid my life will be lost!

Baker still knows the truth of innocence and guilt, like planting radishes and cabbages, what planting a magic super system means in this world where magic is respected, Baker knows better than anyone else. He understands that once the other party After discovering his miraculous system, the tragic incident of killing people and seizing treasures will be truly reflected in him from the old chief's story.

In this way, under Beck's incomparable torment, I don't know how long it took, the feeling of being seen all receded from his body like a tide.


Like a bellows, Baker breathed desperately, as if he wanted to replenish all the fresh air that was lacking due to suffocation just now.

While taking a deep breath, Baker carefully watched the beautiful woman. He knew that the moment to decide his own destiny was coming. The strong man, have you discovered the super system in him?

Although there is incomparable worry and panic in his heart, he can't do anything now, he can only let others slaughter him!

For the first time, Baker didn't want to pick up Cassel, but from his own considerations, hoping to become stronger, because this feeling of powerlessness is really aggrieved, and Baker wants to control his own life!

"When I was in my twenties, I only comprehended three magic spells. Such an unsatisfactory aptitude, hey..."

Baker heard every word of the beautiful elf woman whispering to herself. From her words and the natural disdain shown in her behavior, Baker felt an unprecedented feeling of disdain. Reverse psychology!

Only comprehended three magics?Not so good?underestimate me?Are you above yourself?snort!In a few days, I will have the fourth magic!In XX days, there will be the fifth, sixth, seventh...

Even though you are powerful, with a super system, I will catch up and surpass you sooner or later!On that day, Lao Tzu will also fix you, and then unscrupulously probe you, and then say, too weak, too weak!

Baker, who has been laughing and joking all these years, playing life, and being indifferent to other things except Cassel, suddenly had a realization at this moment. In order to control his own life, he Must become stronger!

"It seems that you just woke up from my illusion magic. It was purely an accident. I wanted to accept you as a student, but your qualifications are too poor. Even if you teach, you can't teach it. If you go out in the future, it will embarrass me. That's it, since this happened to you, I won't take you and those people as slaves anymore, so you can do it yourself."

The beautiful elf woman said something indifferently, then turned and left.

"Aunt Elf, may I ask your name?"

Baker clasped his hands tightly, and he summoned up courage to ask the beautiful back that was fading away.

"You don't have the qualifications to know now, but if you get along better in the future, it shouldn't be difficult to know!"

A faintly haughty voice came, making Baker clenched his hands even tighter, and he could even hear the cracking of joints!

 The small pig's foot universe has exploded, and it is about to embark on the road of self-improvement. The next two chapters are the tail end of this plot, and some things will be resolved in these two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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