There is a fox in my house

Chapter 1866 Loneliness 4

Chapter 1866 Loneliness 4
Therefore, for a long time, the father and king lived in the mortal world with the queen.

He would go back to the Fox Realm to deal with affairs every day, and after finishing his affairs, no matter how late it was, he would return to the Mortal Realm again.

The father's love for the queen made every woman in the Fox Realm's harem deeply jealous.

They only hope to share the slightest bit of love from their father.

However, even this small hope can only become a fantasy.

The king's father's love has been completely given to another woman, even if it is a little bit, it cannot be given to others.

He yearns for the love of his father.

I don't ask too much, I just hope that the father can treat himself like other children.

Even if you don't like him very much, don't always treat him coldly.

To this end, he set a lot of goals for himself.

Father Wang said that he likes smart children.

Therefore, he must be a smart boy.

As long as he can become smart, the father will like himself.

"Hen'er, you have to practice sword every day, and you have to read so many books, and you still have to learn how to play the piano and chess. You do so many things every day, what should you do if you are exhausted?"

In the dormitory, he had just finished his sword practice, came back to freshen up, and was about to learn how to play the piano when he was stopped by his mother.

He was only ten years old just now, and still had a very childish face.

However, it can be seen that this face will definitely grow a charming appearance in the future.

Her small body was wrapped in a light purple brocade robe, and her silky black hair was tied up casually with a purple ribbon.

Xiao Liuhen blinked Shuishui's eyes, opened her thin pink lips slightly, and said with a smile, "Concubine Mu, Hen'er doesn't feel hard..."

As long as the father recognized him, then the father would definitely not neglect him again.

As long as the father no longer neglects him, he will definitely not neglect mother and concubine again.

It must be because I didn't live up to it and couldn't make my father like him, so my mother and concubine would not be welcomed by my father either.

A hint of distress appeared on Hu Yumei's slightly melancholy face.

She walked to the side of Jiyue Liuhen, stretched out her hand and gently touched his head, took him to sit down beside her, and slowly said, "Hen'er, tell my concubine why you suddenly Have you worked hard?"

(End of this chapter)

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