Tyrannosaurus hits sweet wife

Chapter 817 Another nickname is Dragon King

Chapter 817 Another nickname is Dragon King
Looking at Li Weisheng's expression, Tian Tian naturally knew what he was thinking, and it was because she knew that that made her even angrier, so she simply ignored him.

Along the way, Glandy's car was driving fast, but after a while, there were still cars chasing him.

Seeing the gun barrel protruding from the opposite car window from the rearview mirror, Glandy stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the whole car rushed forward like bullets, even Tian Tian and the others who were sitting in the back seat were all shocked. He was thrown heavily on the backrest: "Madam, please fasten your seat belt!"

Knowing that this was not a joke, Tian Tian buckled the seat belt straight away, and then checked whether the windows were closed properly. She didn't want everyone to be in danger because of her negligence.

As for who was going to deal with her, she was too lazy to bother.

Anyway, there are many people in this world who have to deal with her, and she is not interested in investigating them one by one. As long as she is not injured, it doesn't matter what other people do.

And Tian Tian didn't believe that Ghost Dragon would put her in danger.

Sure enough, not long after, a car came from a further back position, and a few precise short bursts immediately made a car misfire, but at the same time, it was also surrounded by three other cars.Looking at the two cars still holding on to the back, Tian Tian sighed: "Sure enough, it's not good to be too popular, seeing how different people's welcome ceremonies are for me."

Everyone couldn't help being amused by Tian Tian's complaints, and the tense atmosphere just now was swept away.

Tian Tian just smiled: "Well, no matter how nervous we are, the opponent will still chase what should be chased, and what should be shot will still be fired, so we might as well continue driving home happily, right?"

"Yes! Ma'am!" As long as Tian Tian said it, even if she said that the earth is square, Grandi would definitely agree. Li Weisheng was powerless to complain about this somewhat unscrupulous housekeeper.

However, with Tian Tian's complaints, everyone's feeling is indeed much better.Even if there are cars chasing after him, he is no longer as nervous as before.

Because of Tian Tian's car's good performance and the bulletproof treatment, even if they were chased by other cars, they never caught up. Occasionally they were hit by a few bullets, and they didn't even scratch the car's skin.After discovering this, Tian Tian was in a better mood: "They must be very depressed and don't get a few better cars to chase us."

"If they get a good car, it's me... Watch out!"

Facing the big truck ahead, Glandi turned the steering wheel calmly, successfully avoided the truck, and let it collide with the car that was chasing after him.

Tian Tian couldn't help applauding this beautiful skill: "Grandy, give you a thumbs up, I want to give you a raise!"

"Thank you, ma'am!" Facing Tian Tian's praise, Grandi just nodded with a smile, and then continued to drive forward. Not far away is the ring road of Paris. It's safe, if they can get on the ring road, they will be absolutely safe.

In this city, if you dare to mess around, the police, even the slightly lazy police in France, will never allow it.

Sure enough, when Glandy's car drove onto the road around the city, the other party knew that it would not be able to catch up, so he could only stop helplessly, then turned around and left.

After discovering this, Tian Tian laughed happily: "Yeah, another narrow escape! Grandi, you are awesome!"

"This is a skill that a housekeeper must possess." Glandy was as humble as usual, causing Li Weisheng to roll his eyes. Even if he was a little older, he wanted a housekeeper like this.

When the car arrived at the community where they lived, Tian Tian found that a police motorcycle had already driven towards them.However, she didn't want to stop there: "Grandy, drive the car home directly, if you have anything to do, we'll talk about it at home."

Grandy opened the window on the side of the passenger seat and was about to say something when the policeman suddenly pulled out his gun.

Li Weisheng, who was sitting in the back seat on the other side, saw the action of the policeman drawing his gun, and without thinking about it, he directly pushed the chair in the front seat forward: "Quickly close the window!"

Although Glandy's reaction was quick, he had no choice but to close the window a little slower, watching the other party pull the trigger.

With a bang, the gun hit Li Weisheng and pushed him onto the seat in front of him.Tian Tian didn't think too much, and leaned forward directly: "Accelerator!"

Grandi, who had reacted, heard Tian Tian's words, and subconsciously stepped on the accelerator, and the killer whose hand was caught by the glass window was immediately dragged forward by the car as if flying.And Li Weisheng used the cushion in the car to press hard on the killer's gun, preventing him from having the strength to shoot: "Tian Tian, ​​the electric shock device!"

To be on the safe side, Tian Tian carried an electric shock device with her. She quickly found it out of her bag, and then pressed it hard against the opponent's hand.

Tian Tian didn't know if there was a scream or not, but she could clearly see a blue electric arc flashing across the man's skin, then twitched, and then the pistol fell feebly on the front seat.Until then, everyone was barely out of danger.

When the car stopped at the gate of her house, Tian Tian hadn't recovered from the shock just now, even if Li Weisheng called her, she just sat there without moving.That scene just now really scared her.

She couldn't imagine what would have happened if Li Weisheng hadn't seen the police's actions just now and let the other party shoot Grandy dead, and then got into the car.Maybe she will die, and Li Weisheng who is with her will definitely be killed.It was just such a short moment that decided the life and death of the three people, so she couldn't help but not be afraid.And whether it's Grandi or Li Weisheng, they are people Tian Tian absolutely does not want to lose.

Because of this, Tian Tian is even more afraid.

Finally, a pair of warm and powerful hands opened the car door, gently hugged Tian Tian out of the car, carried her upstairs, carried her to the bathroom, took off her clothes, and put her in the bathtub filled with warm water. The feeling made her slowly come back to her senses: "Don't!!"

Screaming, Tian Tian covered her head, as if she didn't want to see that terrible scene.Then in the next second, she fell into a firm embrace: "Shhh, don't be afraid, don't be afraid! It's over! No one was hurt, everyone is fine! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

Her eyes, which had been blurred by tears for a long time, could no longer see what the person behind her looked like, but the familiar voice made Tian Tian relax, she turned around suddenly, and threw herself into the arms of that person: "Aze !” Then, she burst into tears.

Long Zeting didn't say anything, just hugged Tian Tian tightly so that she could feel his presence, and just stretched out his hand to gently pat her on the back so that she wouldn't be unable to breathe due to crying.

I don't know how long she cried, Tian Tian finally got tired of crying, so she fell asleep lying on Long Zeting in the bathtub.

Gently holding Tian Tian up, wiped off the water on her body, and carefully put her under the warm quilt, Long Zeting then dried himself, changed into a suit of clothes that are convenient for exercise, and came downstairs: " Grundy, where is that person?"

"Master, that person has already taken advantage of our unpreparedness and escaped from the rope. There is a surveillance video to prove it." After finishing speaking, Grandi handed a key to Long Zeting: "The small blue building across the river On the top floor of the building, there is a hut where sundries are piled up. By the way, on the way back, you can buy a cake from the cake shop by the river, Madam likes the desserts in that shop very much."

Holding the key, Long Zeting sneered, "Let Aunt Jiang take care of her in Madam's room! You and Ah Cheng have a good rest." After what happened just now, the two of them obviously need to take a good rest.

Grandi just nodded slightly, but did not answer.What happened in the community just now must have alerted the police, and the police will arrive soon.

As for Long Zeting, with his skill, it was too easy for him not to be caught by the surveillance cameras in the community.

Ignoring Glandy's plan, Long Zeting took the key and found a place without surveillance, quickly climbed over the fence, crossed the avenue, walked across the small bridge, climbed the stairs, and opened the utility room.

Inside the room was a guy covered in blood. He was firmly hung in mid-air, and his mouth was also gagged.Seeing someone coming in, he yelled loudly, wanting someone to let him down.

Long Zeting pulled the rope, lowered him a little, the height...was almost the same height as him, and stretched out his hand to tear the other person's clothes.

The bloody scars that had dried up had already glued the clothes to the wound. After tearing it off like this, the other party twitched in pain. If it wasn't for the fact that his hands were hanging and his feet were off the ground, he might have punched and kicked him. , Unfortunately, now he can't do anything except convulsions all over his body.

When the man finally recovered, Long Zeting looked at him: "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Long Zeting, and I also have a nickname called Dragon King. Dragon is the dragon of the Eastern Dragon God, and the king is the king's." king!"

When he heard Long Zeting's self-introduction, the man who only heard the first two names didn't respond. Everything was mentioned in the materials, but when he heard the introduction of the Dragon King, he suddenly widened his eyes. An expression of disbelief.

Long Zeting seemed very satisfied with this expression: "Yes, that's right, I am the Dragon King you think of. The Dragon King of the Dragon Mercenary Corps! I have to admire you, you have so many methods, you can really scare me Wife. She is my wife, the wife of the Dragon King! Concubine Dragon! You guys are really nice! How dare you touch my people!"

"Hmm..." The person who was hung in the air struggled desperately, and made an unintelligible sound, as if he was eager to explain something.But Long Zeting didn't care about it: "Having heard my name, you should know that I am not a very tempered person, and I don't like to talk nonsense with others. I don't care who you are, which organization you belong to, and who you take orders from." Not interested. You just need to know that today you will know that hell is also a very beautiful and desirable place.”

Just a few short words seemed to deprive that person of all the courage to live. He tried hard to spit out what was in his mouth and wanted to say something, but just like what Long Zeting said, he didn't like These are not of interest, nor do they plan to know, so whatever that person does is futile.

With all kinds of pain being added to his body, now that person began to understand what Long Zeting said before, as long as he can escape Long Zeting's torture now, even if the gate of hell opens in front of him, he Will jump in without hesitation.

After the blood on the ground flowed into a small river, Long Zeting made sure that the man didn't even have the strength to howl, then he pulled out the cloth from his mouth: "Don't get me wrong, sir. Do you think I want to hear something now? ? No, I don't want to hear it! I'm only doing this so you don't die from lack of oxygen."

(End of this chapter)

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