Chapter 47
The man glanced at Li Yu in surprise, but he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

"We are going to Myitkyina ahead. When you get there, go to the police. If you need help, you can also tell me."

"Thanks, I can handle it myself when I get there." Li Yu nodded gratefully.

Afterwards, the car fell into silence for a short while, and neither of them spoke first. The man glanced at Li Yu through the rearview mirror from time to time, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Li Yu touched his travel bag, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he was slightly relieved.

Myitkyina is a medium-sized city in Myanmar. Because it is surrounded by mountains, the city’s economy has been sluggish, and the living conditions of local residents can only be ranked middle and low in Myanmar.

More than an hour later, Li Yu arrived in this city. The first thing he did after getting off the car was to go to a restaurant and have a full meal, but when he finished eating, he touched the money and remembered The banknotes in his pocket are still domestic, but there is no local Burmese currency.

Li Yu glanced around, smiled wryly in his heart, and thought that he, a cultivator of immortality, would run away because he had no money.

Taking advantage of the people around him not paying attention, Li Yu quickly picked up his travel bag and ran out, then ran all the way along the street.

A few minutes later, the boss found out that someone ran away without paying, and there was no sign of him when he chased him out.

After Li Yu escaped from the restaurant, he always felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart, and his mood was abnormally irritable.

A few minutes later, Li Yu came to a shop selling clothes, but when he thought about the money in his pocket, he sighed helplessly.

"Looks like I'm going to get the local money...but where?"

Li Yu glanced around, thinking about how to get the local Burmese coins.

Although he has a bank card, he needs an ID card to exchange foreign currency, but Li Yu doesn't have an ID card.

Suddenly, Li Yu suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Myanmar is a big producer of emeralds, and there are many people who gamble on stones every day, maybe he can make some money from it.

Thinking of this, Li Yu stopped a local resident and asked him where there was a quarry in his broken Burmese.

Fortunately, when Li Yu was in school, he went back to the library to browse and learn foreign languages ​​when he had nothing to do. Otherwise, he might really have difficulty moving an inch in Myanmar.

Twenty minutes later, Li Yu came to the largest stone gambling field in Myitkyina.

The mining of Burmese jade has at least two years of history.There have been ups and downs, and now it is still in the ascendant.With the large output of emeralds, the field area is gradually expanding.

Among them, the gambling stone mine in Myitkyina is large and very famous in Myanmar. As long as you are interested in gambling stones, you will usually come here to try your luck.And some merchants who specialize in buying jadeite will stop here every day, hoping to encounter a good jadeite one day.

When Li Yu came to the mine, it happened to be at the peak of the flow of people. People in different clothes shuttled among them, and some people who were interested in buying began to negotiate prices with the shopkeeper.

It's hard for a god to break an inch of jade, and gambling on stones is risky.Due to the particularity of gambling stones, all purchases depend on personal vision and luck.

Therefore, in the mine, from time to time, there will be the sound of a grinding machine, and then there will be a surprise betting increase, or on the contrary, the stone will not lose money if it does not produce emerald.

Li Yu inspected several shops in person, and after watching others cut a few stones, he finally got a general understanding.

Those unprocessed jade stones are called "wool...", and these wools can also be called stones.

Wool that is full of green is called "colored goods..."; wool with uneven green color is called "flower brand...", and large pieces of wool without emerald green are called "brick material..."

The whole body is covered by a leather shell, and the jade wool that has not been cut or opened is called "gambling stone...", or "gambling goods..."

Gambling on stones is all about heartbeats. Li Yu saw with his own eyes that some people were sent to the hospital because their hearts couldn't bear it because the stones didn't turn green.

There are also some people who gambled up and shouted excitedly, and the people around them let out a sound of wonder.

Li Yu came to a crowd of people watching, just in time to see a man who did not produce green stones and left his hands on the ground.

Li Yu looked at the gravel on the ground, then with a heartbeat, he walked up to the man.

"Brother, don't you want your stone? I wonder if you can give it to me?" Li Yu said with a smile.

The man glanced at Li Yu, curled his lips, and said, "Those are broken, what do you want them for?"

Li Yu smiled lightly, and said: "That's not necessarily true, maybe I will get a little green out of it."

With disdain on the corner of the man's mouth, he turned and left.

As the man walked away, the onlookers dispersed immediately, leaving only the boss and Li Yu in the blink of an eye.

Li Yu rubbed his nose subconsciously and smiled, then grabbed a palm-sized stone from the ground, and came to the cutting machine next to him.

Stone cutting is a technical job, and it can't be done well without a few years of foundation. However, Li Yu has divine sense, and under the induction of divine sense, he quickly cut off a small piece of the stone, exposing the inside. green.


"It's actually the jadeite of the oil green species!" The boss next to him glanced at it casually, and suddenly saw that the stone in Li Yu's hand had turned green.

As the boss thought about it with a startled cry, some curious people around immediately gathered around, and when they saw the green stone in Li Yu's hand, they immediately let out an exclamation.

"Little brother, I want 5000 yuan for your emerald!" said a man with a bag in the crowd.

"Deal!" Li Yu handed the stone to the other party.

Although he didn't know how much the oil green seed was worth, he guessed that it shouldn't be much higher, and now he just wanted to get a sum of Burmese currency.

But when he traded with the man again, Li Yu was stunned when he saw the other party take out a stack of domestic RMB.

"Well... I want Burma, can I?"

"Ha ha."

"Little brother, you must have come to Myanmar for the first time?" the man laughed.

"Yes." Li Yu nodded.

"That's right."

The man smiled and said, "Don't you know that you can also use domestic RMB in Myanmar?"

"Ah?" Li Yu was stunned.

Li Yu really didn't know that Myanmar can use RMB. If he knew, would he still have to eat and escape?
Having made such a big oolong, Li Yu's face turned slightly red, and after taking the man's money, he turned around and left.

"Grandma, it's terrible to be uneducated!" Li Yu said depressedly in his heart.

If he had known that RMB could be used, it would be ridiculous for him to go to such lengths to bet on stones.

"But betting on stones makes money so much, maybe I can make a fortune before leaving..."

Li Yu now has about 200 million yuan in his card, which would be enough for ordinary expenses, but he still needs to buy some messy things for his cultivation, and [-] million won't last long.

Although there are risks in betting on stones, under Li Yu's consciousness, all risks will no longer exist.

Li Yu circled the mine for half a circle, and then stopped at a middle-aged man's shop.

Li Yu squatted down, pointed to a piece of head-sized round wool, and asked calmly, "How much is that piece of mountain material?"

"8000 yuan!" The boss laughed immediately.

"Could it be cheaper, boss?"

"You can see that the mountain material has many edges, corners and cracks on the surface. The structure is rough and loose, and the quality is obviously not very good." Li Yu said, pointing to the stone.

The boss gritted his teeth and said, "If you really want me, I'll sell it to you for 6000 yuan!"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Li Yu's face, and he said, "If it's 5000 yuan, I'll take it, but unfortunately I'm short of [-] yuan." After speaking, Li Yu stood up and pretended to leave.

"Hey... I'll sell it to you for 5000 yuan!" The boss quickly stopped Li Yu.

Li Yu turned around, took out the money from his pocket, and picked up the mountain material.

"Little brother, do you want to find a master to polish it for you?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

Li Yu carried the stone and came to the cutting machine beside him, ready to cut the stone by himself.

This stone weighs fifty or sixty catties. If Li Yu is not an ordinary person, I am afraid that it would be really difficult for ordinary people to carry it.

Seeing that Li Yu was about to open the stone, the people around formed a circle, guessing whether Li Yu's stone would rise sharply or be abolished.

Gambling stones are realized by rubbing, cutting, and grinding. Therefore, how to rub, how deep to rub, how big to rub, and whether to rub can be carefully considered.The same is true for cutting stones. You can get rich across the board, or you can get poor across the board.

But Li Yu didn't need any of those things. Under the observation of his divine sense, he just cut them open.

As Li Yu cut it with a single knife, a piece of green suddenly appeared inside.


"It's emerald!" Someone among the onlookers exclaimed.

"Little brother, I'm willing to pay 100 million for your piece!"

Li Yu only cut it once, and someone paid for it, but Li Yu just shook his head and continued to cut it.

After the second cut, everyone around suddenly exclaimed, with a hint of wonder in their eyes.

A dazzling green shone in the stone, and those who knew the goods around immediately knew that the young boy in front of him was probably about to get rich.

Some people don't understand very well and ask the person next to them what breed it is.

"That's a top-quality emerald, a gem that is known as the king of emeralds, and the transparency is clear, bright, and crystal clear. I'm afraid this one is no less than 1000 million!"

"Hiss!" Hearing someone say that this emerald is worth 1000 million, the people around suddenly took a breath.

"Little brother, I bought your piece for 800 million!"

At this time, an obese man squeezed out from the crowd, pointed at Li Yu's stone and said.

"I'll offer 900 million!" Another man squeezed out and offered.

"I'll give 1000 million..."

"1000 two million..."

As more and more people made quotations, the onlookers became more and more surprised. Thinking that the stone bought for 5000 yuan had doubled hundreds of times in the blink of an eye, everyone felt a cold sweat in their hearts.

"I'll offer 600 million!" With the sound of a middle-aged man's quotation, the surrounding bosses suddenly fell silent.

This piece of emerald is very good, but 600 million has already exceeded its value, so even if it is processed well, the profit earned is very low, basically not worth it.

Li Yu turned his head to look at the man who made the offer, raised his brows slightly, then smiled and nodded at him.

"I really didn't expect..."

The man came from the crowd and glanced at Li Yu in surprise.

Who would have thought that he kindly rescued a person on the road, and in the blink of an eye, he drove out a million emeralds.

Li Yu was quite surprised to meet the man again in the stone gambling field, but since the other party wants to buy the emerald that he opened, of course Li Yu can't ask the other party to pay 600 million for it.

(End of this chapter)

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