She shines brighter than the galaxy

Chapter 38 The amount of milk in the A cup

Chapter 38 The amount of milk in the A cup

The third brother is my father: yes.

Lin Yang: "What rank are you?"

Half a minute later, the other party sent back, "Xingyao."

"Okay, then I'll change the number, you can go to YY, and then add a game friend."

The two sides added game friends, so Lin Yang asked on YY, "Hey, can you hear me?"

The other party coughed before the voice came slowly, "I can hear you."

Barrage 1:? ? ?
Barrage 2: This voice is very familiar!

Lin Yang pursed his lips and smiled, and asked, "Did anyone say that your voice resembles Li Yunlong?"

The third brother is my father: "You are a fucking genius, you are not the only one who said that."

"Oh my god, it's so similar!" Lin Yang was a little surprised. Could it be Li Yunlong himself?
The ranking was opened, the middle lane was selected, Luna was banned, Lin Yang was the last one to choose a hero, so he could only fill in and take a support Cai Wenji.

The third brother chose ADC Sun Shangxiang.

As soon as the game started, I heard the third brother say, "Protect me, but don't eat my soldiers."

Lin Yang: "I haven't played support very much. If my hand trembles and I get a pawn, it must be because my hand has its own thoughts."

The third brother didn't speak, but the word "haha" was all over the screen in the barrage.

The start has been very smooth. After dismantling the defensive tower, Lin Yang instinctively issued a "retreat", but the three didn't seem to have any intention of leaving. They rolled left and right until they reached the second defensive tower, but the opponent's top lane , jungler, and mid laner all ran to catch him, but he was still persistently playing towers.

"Crap, they're all here."

"Not urgent."

After saying this, the opponent's assassin, Miyamoto, directly hit Sun Shangxiang, and Lin Yang immediately opened a breast ring. After Miyamoto landed, Sun Shangxiang clicked Purify, and rolled out of the range of Miyamoto's attack.

At this time, the eldest lady was still bleeding, and the people behind her were chasing after her. Lin Yang started his big move and sucked back all of Sun Shangxiang's blood.

And our jungler finished fighting the tyrant at this time, and came to support.

Sun Shangxiang's group rolled to the back of Ying Zheng in the middle of the opponent's middle lane, and only added Lin Yang's second skill, which was directly beaten into residual blood.

The other party Bai Qi wanted to hook Sun Shangxiang over, but he cleverly rolled away.

Because this Sun Shangxiang played rough and vigorously, and his blood volume was low, Lin Yang, who was a nanny, was as worried as chasing after her own child to breastfeed.

"Can you stop running so fast, I can't even breastfeed you!"

"You just need to protect me, I have weeping blood, not bad for the amount of milk in your two A cups."

Lin Yang subconsciously glanced at his chest, bah, he was talking about Cai Wenji, not her!

"Hmph, don't say that, when you will beg me to milk you."

Sure enough, not long after saying this, Sun Shangxiang was arrested by the other party. Her purification and CD were caught by Miyamoto's master, and she lost her blood directly.

But Lin Yang was not beside him, so Sun Shangxiang could only rush towards her.

Lin Yang smiled, and went up to meet him and only gave him a second skill, but he didn't give him milk.

Seeing that all the opponents came to support her, Sun Shangxiang panicked, "What's wrong with the nanny?"

"Don't you need my milk? Didn't you mean that my milk volume is small? You go to the jungle to suck blood, or just go up and fire a few shots. When your blood is full, it depends on whether you shoot fast or the other party kills you quick!"

Sun Shangxiang snorted with a sneer, "I'll go back to the city soon!"

After finishing speaking, I found a bush and went back to the city...

 Learn about Li Yunlong's voice pack~
(End of this chapter)

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