Chapter 4 Online Shopping
Chacha walked into the small house, the house is antique, the inside is very clean and tidy, all kinds of furniture are also complete, but strangely there is no dust, Chacha only found some antique jewelry on the dressing table, Chacha After looking at it, it is real gold and silver, all kinds of jewelry and jade are top-quality good things, and there are some women's clothes made of silk in the closet, and the style is also ancient style, Chacha thinks this is probably the previous owner The things left behind, I don’t know what dynasty left them, they should be antiques now, I don’t know about Chacha, but the dressing table, jewelry box, and wardrobe are all made of precious rosewood, that’s not to lose It's about the precious jewelry and furniture, but these are trivial things, but what Chacha drools the most is the big white marble bed, which really makes Chacha blind.

Although Chacha is very happy to have these things, but Chacha doesn't dabble in antiques at all. These things are priceless at first glance. Clothes, although Chacha can get addicted to ancient costumes, but the clothes look good but can't be worn out. The most unbearable thing for Chacha is the white marble bed, which can only be seen but not moved, just like what Chacha said, this Revealing something will definitely cause a sensation in the world, but it will bring benefits as well as danger. It is estimated that Chacha will die as soon as she reveals this thing before she gets any benefits.

After seeing the things in the house, Chacha went out. Compared with the jewelry and clothes in the house that could not be taken out, Chacha cared more about the land. This space looks so weird, presumably these lands are not ordinary The land, it's just that Chacha doesn't know the use of these lands yet. The land is used to grow vegetables and rice. If this land is used to grow rice, it needs to be further treated. It can still be used to grow vegetables and so on.

Chacha thought about eating watermelon a few days ago. Although the watermelon was not very tasty, there were a lot of watermelon seeds. Zhuang's mother put away those watermelon seeds and said that she wanted to make fried watermelon seeds. Chacha had an idea In addition to the space, I found watermelon seeds that were being exposed to the sun on the balcony. After a few days in the sun, they were a bit dry, but Chacha thought about making do with it, and went to the Internet to buy some seeds later.

Chacha took the tools that Zhuang's father used to grow flowers, and when she was about to leave, she saw Zhuang's father's flowers on the balcony. There was a pot of roses that seemed to be dying, so she picked them up and brought them into the space together.

Chacha dug a few holes in a small piece of land with a small hoe, threw a few watermelon seeds in each hole and covered it with soil, and found a place to plant the dying Chinese rose tea, and looked at the planting. The watermelon seeds and Chinese roses, Chacha felt that farming was really too tiring. After doing such a little thing, I was already so tired that my waist was sore and my back hurt. We are watering. Fortunately, there is a small stream in the space, so Chacha doesn’t have to go outside to carry water. Chacha’s ankle sprained, and the palm of her hand was scratched, which made Chacha feel very uncomfortable.

Chacha squatted by the creek and filled a small bucket of water. Although the creek is not big, it is very clear and clean. There seems to be no fish or shrimp in it. Chacha really wants to drink it.

I don't know what's going on in this space. There is no sun, only the blue sky, but the temperature in the space is very suitable, and there is a breeze blowing from time to time. Chacha is very comfortable staying in the space. It's just a period of time. The work made Chacha a little tired, but Chacha still couldn't resist the temptation and drank a handful of water. The water looked very clean, and there were no pollutants in this space. It should be no problem to drink the water raw.

"It's amazing!" After taking a sip of water, Chacha felt that the water was sweet and delicious. It was much better than those pure natural pollution-free mineral water. It's warm and comfortable, and the fatigue caused by the work just now has been swept away. Now Chacha feels energetic and energetic. I knew that the water is not so simple. I didn't expect this water to be It's so good, after drinking it, the fatigue of the whole body is gone, and Chacha also feels that the scratches on the palms of her hands are no longer painful, which is really great!

Chacha was no longer tired, and immediately began to water the seeds in the ground. This water is so miraculous, there must be other uses, and now Chacha can't wait to see what other uses this miraculous water has.

After pouring the water, Chacha will save the space. Turn on the computer and click on the Taobao website. Chacha wants to buy some seeds and fish fry on Taobao. Xiaoxi, it must be good to raise some fish and shrimp. Nowadays, vegetables and aquatic products are really expensive and unsafe. Those vegetables sprinkled with pesticides and fish that have taken birth control pills, Chacha feels terrible when he thinks about it. It is still safe to grow vegetables and fish and shrimps that you grow yourself.

Chachadian opened the Taobao website, there are many seed stores, and there are many types of seeds, Chacha is confused, and finally Chacha chose eggplant, tomato, cucumber, and baby vegetables, which are vegetables that the whole family loves. Later, Chacha saw that there were still many fruit tree seedlings, so she bought some seedless grapes, some peach trees, lychee trees and longan trees, and some seedlings of grass carp, carp, crucian carp, yellow girl and freshwater shrimp. Chacha is a special person. A girl who loves to eat, and especially likes to eat fish and shrimp. Thinking that there will be fish and shrimp in a short time, Chacha's saliva is about to flow down.After buying the fry, Chacha thought about buying some hoes and fishing nets. To farm the land, I still need some tools. The tools that my father used to grow flowers are really difficult to plant. And those fish and shrimps, wait until When he grows up, he still has to use fishing nets to fish, so Chacha bought some tools and fishing nets, and after paying the money, Chacha turned off the computer. Chacha almost thought of the scene of a good harvest in Kong’s house, but Chacha is a little discouraged when she thinks that those fruit trees will take a few years to grow fruit. When will I wait for this method!

But only for a while, Chacha recovered again, forget it, just wait, anyway, there is no other way, Chacha felt a little tired, so she climbed into bed and went to sleep, dreaming of a scene of harvest in the space , Chacha happily rolled on the various fruits.

When Chacha woke up, Chacha saw that it was pitch black outside the window. Hearing the movement in the living room, it should be that her father and mother came back. Chacha was about to go out, but suddenly smelled a sour smell. Chacha looked, oh my god !My skin was actually covered with a thick layer of black sludge, it was so dirty, Chachahua turned pale, and immediately jumped up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom, Chacha is a very clean girl, Chacha really couldn't stand such a dirty mess. Chacha washed for a full hour until her skin was flushed before she came out of the bathroom. "Huh!" Chacha let out a long sigh of relief and finally washed clean. Very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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