Chapter 744 New Products 756

After Xu Yating left, Xu Haoran stood in the yard blankly.

He casually took out a lighter from his pocket, lit a cigarette for himself and stuffed it into his mouth...

Taking a deep breath, he sighed inwardly.


During Lin Feifei's absence, the company did take a lot of orders.These orders are no less than when she was there, and it is true that as Niu Shuangshuang said, there are more orders in the south than in the north, and the amount of orders is also large.

"It seems that the market in the south has been opened." After summing up, Lin Feifei said to herself.

"Sister Lin, are you free?" Niu Shuangshuang suddenly ran over and asked.

"Just finished reading the ledger, what's the matter?" Lin Feifei looked at her and asked with a smile.

"Sister Lin, are we going to release new products next month? Many people are paying attention."

"Up, why not?" New products must be launched, and it is her company's tradition to ensure the continuous supply and innovation of new products.

"Is it still the 15th of next month?" Niu Shuangshuang asked curiously.

"Yes, it's still the 15th of this month. I'm ready. I'll show you the new product in the next two days. Let's discuss it and see if there is any improvement." Lin Feifei closed the account book, Said confidently with arms crossed.

New product, she plans to release some perfumes!He found that his company has skin care products, make-up, facial masks, and basic soaps, but there are no perfumes, shampoos, etc.

She intends to make these all the same, and then put them into production and operation.

Eventually create a one-stop, comprehensive brand.

"But it's the 23rd now, and it will be too late for the operation to start on the 15th next month?" Niu Shuangshuang asked worriedly.

Because usually, it will be put into operation on the 15th of next month, and it has been set around the 15th of this month.

"It's not too late! Everyone work harder, improve efficiency, and try to finalize the product before this month! Shuangshuang, you and your partner should be responsible for supervising, and the sales can be delegated to your subordinates." Lin Feifei thought for a while and said .

It's not an option for him to make up his own mind. Now she needs to cultivate a few people who can be used and a few capable helpers.

In this way, even if there are any emergencies in the future, even if she is not around, it will be able to ensure the smooth operation of the company and deal with some emergencies.

"Sister Lin, don't worry, we will definitely improve efficiency, and I will talk to Lulu and the others later." Niu Shuangshuang said seriously.

"Okay! In the next time, I will work hard for you. This month's salary will be doubled! I will also explain to the following, so that they will be happy and motivated by the way." Lin Feifei patted Niu Shuangshuang on the shoulder and said, eyes full of It is the respect and trust in her.

"That's really great, everyone will be so happy to know!" Liu Shuangshuang's face was full of smiles.


"How is the designer looking?" In the office, Shen Weinan took a glass of water, drank half of it, and raised his head to ask Liu Zi.

"It is really difficult to find a good designer. There are many people who have learned superficial knowledge, but it is still difficult to be really talented. Several people applied for the job. I looked at the designs they had designed before. The works are all ordinary, but there are one or two good ones, and I have notified them to come for an interview in two days." The six sons looked up and said bitterly.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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