Chapter 7

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo..."

In the early morning of summer, it dawned very early, and the air was cool with a touch of freshness. Lin Feifei, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a high-pitched rooster crowing.

It was only a little past five o'clock, and the sun was already showing a faint tendency to rise.

Lin Feifei, who was sleeping beautifully, stretched out her fat hand and scratched the itch behind her, then turned over and continued to sleep.


"It's time to eat!" Shen Weinan got up at four o'clock, and by now, the meal was ready.

Hearing Shen Weinan's voice, Lin Feifei woke up suddenly. Thinking that she had already crossed over, she opened her eyes and found that it was still an earthen wall and thatched cottage. Lin Feifei sighed and turned over and sat up.

"It seems that I won't go back..." In fact, she also knew that this was the result. What is the probability of crossing this kind of thing?It is generally a one-way car, the kind that takes care of going and returning.

Looking at the dilapidated and outdated furnishings in front of her, Lin Feifei's heart calmed down.

"Feifei, it's time to eat!" In the kitchen, Shen Weinan yelled again.

What's the matter with this bad woman?You won't be sleeping at home today, will you?What a slob!We can't spoil her, Shen Weinan thought to himself.

"Here we come..." Hearing the voice, Lin Feifei subconsciously responded.

Sensing that the little villain was getting a little impatient, Lin Feifei smiled maliciously, feeling very proud of herself, virtue, just this little patience!

Yawning wearily, Lin Feifei came out after changing her clothes.

"I'll wash up first, you eat first." Lin Feifei said, then took out the toothbrush and toothpaste newly bought by the original owner, filled up the water and began to wash. As for the one the original owner used before, I'm sorry, she really can't use it anymore , although she has no cleanliness, and even though she is the original owner now, she really feels uncomfortable if she wants her to use the same toothbrush as the original owner.

I can only make do with washing my face. There is no facial cleanser, and Lin Feifei didn't wash with soap. The original owner doesn't have oily skin, and her face is relatively well maintained. Although she is fat, she looks very cute in the mirror, with red lips and white teeth. , There are no acne, pimples, fat particles and other things on the face, and she has not seen spots or uneven skin tone at all. Lin Feifei is very satisfied, this face should be very thin.

After washing up, Lin Feifei felt like she was sweating all over her body. Hey... This body is too fat, and it is easy to sweat when she moves a little. Lin Feifei has experienced the feeling of people saying that fat people are afraid of heat ...

It's really virtual and hot!

Losing weight is imperative, Lin Feifei secretly decided that she doesn't want to keep getting so fat, this weight is estimated to be 180 catties...

Too heavy, not to mention affecting life, not healthy.

By the time Lin Feifei walked to the dilapidated small dining table in the kitchen, Shen Weinan had already started eating, still holding the black and green steamed bun with pickles in his hand, eating big mouthfuls, not to mention how delicious it was.

Those who don't know think they are eating delicacies from mountains and seas!

Lin Feifei took a sip of the porridge and frowned. It was not as good as yesterday's, and it still felt like it had been left for a long time.

"Why does this porridge taste weird? It's not as good as last night's." Lin Feifei frowned.

"The rest of last night." The little villain who exuded a gloomy aura inadvertently raised his eyes and said something casually.

Then I still ate happily, as if I was eating some world-class delicacy.

Lin Feifei: ...

"You drink it, I won't drink it anymore!" Lin Feifei was a little unhappy, she hadn't had any satisfying meals when she came here, she pushed the bowl onto the table, wrinkling her chubby face.

Seeing the little villain's black and green steamed buns with a happy expression on his face, Lin Feifei stared at them, maybe... it should be good to eat?

Seeing this woman's behavior, Shen Weinan just wanted to reprimand her, but she really became more and more immature, she didn't cook, she didn't wash her clothes, she waited on her all day without saying anything, and even found fault with the world. It used to be okay, but now it's getting worse. Getting more and more squeamish...

I'm so used to it!

No, he is not used to it!

A spoiled wife is like killing a wife, he can't spoil this lazy woman, so delicate, what will he do in the future...

"This is the condition of our family. If you don't eat, you will be hungry." Shen Weinan said with a straight face.

After finishing speaking, he continued to eat, ignoring the woman.

Glancing around from the corner of his eye, he saw that the person who hated wild vegetable steamed buns yesterday reached out and took one...?
Is this a steamed bun?
However, this fantasy was quickly shattered, and the woman "threw" the steamed bun on the ground in disgust after taking a bite.

"Ah bah~ it's so unpalatable!" Lin Feifei wrinkled her chubby steamed stuffed bun face with disgust.

What kind of fairy steamed bun is this!There is sour in the bitterness, and a salty taste in the sour. When you swallow it, your throat will be dead.

 Hello everyone!

  I, Hu Hansan, came back to fill in the hole again.

  Don't worry, the hostess didn't throw the steamed buns
(End of this chapter)

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