Chapter 24
"Why did you come back so late? You went up the mountain." Shen Weinan asked with a cold face, but his final tone was indeed affirmative.

Lin Feifei completely ignored the little villain's displeasure, ran over and dragged Shen Weinan to the house, and said like a thief while dragging: "Yes, there are good things."

Shen Weinan was unmoved. After confirming that this person really went up the mountain, the expression on his face was not only ugly, but he was so angry that he wanted to give this woman a long lesson, but he couldn't do it, and finally looked at Lin with cold eyes. Feifei glanced at her and walked home without saying a word.

Lin Feifei trotted behind with a basket on her back, but she had no choice but to catch up with Shen Weinan's long legs with her short legs.

"Husband, wait for me." Lin Feifei was about to die of anger, she made a great contribution today!This little kid doesn't know what he is angry about.

But thinking of what he said in the morning and the danger she encountered when going down the mountain, Lin Feifei felt a little short of breath.

Shen Weinan ignored Lin Feifei and walked forward without saying a word. When he got home, he set up a small table and started eating without calling Lin Feifei.

He was very angry, very angry, how could this bad woman be so stupid, she didn't listen to persuasion!
Lin Feifei was also angry, angry that people ignored her and ignored Shen Weinan after locking the courtyard door, hum, who is afraid of whom!If you don't talk, I won't talk either!

After going to the mountains for a day, Lin Feifei was also tired, and started to take a bath after boiling the water. Although it is troublesome to take a bath in the countryside, many people only take a bath once a week or even a month, but she can't do it. She is used to taking a bath every day in modern times. Feifei couldn't get used to it, and besides, it was still summer, and if she didn't take a bath, she felt stinky all over.

However, the only dissatisfaction is that it is inconvenient to take a bath. She can only use a basin to change the water for washing. She doesn't want to have a shower and a bathtub. It would be great if there was a big bathtub, Lin Feifei thought while washing.

I don't know if it was Lin Feifei's illusion, but she found that her skin is becoming more and more delicate now, the surface of her body is as white and delicate as if she had used body lotion, Lin Feifei herself couldn't put it down.

Then she let out a "bah" to herself, she realized that she was lecherous now, she was so embarrassed, she was good at everything in her previous life, but she had a flat chest.

Although every time my roommate joked with her that her breasts looked like an airport, she would say that flat breasts are popular now, and she also acted like she didn't like big breasts very much.

But it is undeniable that she still envies girls with big breasts in her heart.

Especially for that bold girl with big breasts, every time she saw it, she was very envious. She secretly ate countless papayas, but her breasts still didn't improve, so she gave up later.

But, now, she is also a girl with big breasts!

Meimeidi took a shower and washed her hair, Lin Feifei changed into clean clothes and came out.

She didn't take a bath quickly, but the little villain who was supposed to have finished eating was still eating at this moment. The porridge in the bowl was half gone, but the vegetables on the plate were tall.

Seeing Lin Feifei came out, the man paused, and then continued to eat with a blank expression, as if someone owed him money.

Lin Feifei laughed first, then sat in her usual seat and said, "Let me tell you, I have a big harvest today, just wait!"

Then a gust of wind got up and ran out. After a while, he went into the kitchen with the basket in the afternoon.

She reached into the basket and fumbled vigorously, finally pulled out the ginseng, and waved it in front of Shen Weinan's eyes as if she was doing a good job.

"Dangdang, what do you think this is?" Lin Feifei said with a look of dedication.

I thought to myself: As soon as the ginseng is shot, see if you are still angry!

Shen Weinan took a glance from the corner of his eye, saw that it was ginseng, his pupils shrank, and then thought of Lin Feifei's disobedience to go up the mountain, so he kept a straight face and ignored her.

This woman, let's see what she can do, how high she is, she dares to get ginseng, and then sweep the chestnuts in her basket. Dare to go up easily, she is a woman, she doesn't take anything, and she doesn't talk to anyone privately, so she rushes up, let's see if she can do it!
Thinking of this, Shen Weinan became even angrier... How could he have fallen for such an ugly woman, he was so angry that his heart ached, his liver ached, and his lungs ached!

Seeing Shen Weinan's darker face, Lin Feifei put away the smile on her face, feeling uncomfortable. Did this person always plan to ignore her?
Or do you want to use cold violence with yourself?
She also brought back two ginsengs!
The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became. Lin Feifei's eyes were red, and she sat on the stool and wiped her tears, "Honey, you hate me for using cold violence against me... Woooo...I hate you..."

When Shen Weinan heard Lin Feifei's cry, his heart throbbed. He glanced at the man, and then said to himself: "Shen Weinan, you must hold on! Don't let this bad woman soften your heart when she cries."

"Husband, you bastard, you scumbag, do you have another woman, do you think I'm fat, dislike me as a yellow-faced woman... woo woo woo..." Crying and complaining, then secretly squinting look at that man.

Shen Weinan felt bitter: How could he be such a person?

Thinking of what this woman had said to frame him, his face turned dark, and his teeth itched with hatred: "This bad woman is annoying, why did he end up with such a woman?"

"Honey, why don't you talk? really changed your are no longer the old Shen Weinan, hoooooo..."

Shen Weinan really couldn't bear it anymore, he was so angry that he said with a dark face: "Lin Feifei, don't talk nonsense."

This mother-in-law is really against the sky!

Hearing Shen Weinan's words, Lin Feifei was overjoyed. She also knew that she was unreasonable, but she just wanted him to talk.

"Finally talking?" Lin Feifei looked at him with a half-smile.

Seeing this woman like this, Shen Weinan became even more angry, and immediately started to clean up the table. He didn't eat the food or the rice, put the things in the cupboard, and went out without washing the dishes.

Lin Feifei saw that something was wrong, and quickly hugged the angry man's arm, "Husband, I was wrong, I shouldn't be disobedient today."

"Husband, don't be angry, you will not be healthy if you are angry."

Lin Feifei actually knew that she was wrong. After all, Shen Weinan also cared about herself, but she was just a stubborn donkey, usually arrogant, but when people got angry, especially when the little villain got angry, she would be scared...

Hearing that the woman knew her mistake, Shen Weinan heaved a sigh of relief, but thinking of this man's attitude just now, he still remained silent.

"I was really wrong... I promise: in the future, if you let me go east, I won't go west. If you let me beat dogs, I will never chase chickens..."

"Can't you go up the mountain yet?"

After all, Shen Weinan's heart softened...

This bad woman, how dare he ask her to be like this, as long as she is honest and doesn't take any more risks, he will be thankful.

(End of this chapter)

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