pretend to be a boss

Chapter 87 The First Farm in the Mining Area

Chapter 87 The First Farm in the Mining Area

Tang Xiaojiu's small face was soft when pinched, with a little baby fat that only children have.

Qiao Shanshan and Dongran didn't expect such an answer.Qing Jiuyu and Bai Mansheng also felt that this answer was a bit evasive.

But... there is nothing wrong with it.

Even though Bai Mansheng saw Tang Xiaojiu for the first time, he still thought this little girl was very cute.

Tang Xian, who can be said to have narrowly escaped death, was not surprised.

Just like there are many women in this world who make people feel the breath of first love at a glance.They are ideal lovers for most men.

Naturally, there will be some children who will make older people think of their daughters and younger people think of their sisters when they first look at them.

Similarly, children don't have as many complicated thoughts as women, especially some boring and vulgar ones.

So among this group of women, Tang Xian thinks Tang Xiaojiu is the cutest.

The fly in the ointment is that he is too stupid and can only be a stupid foodie kid.

"When you have children in the future, you will probably be able to experience this kind of liking more. Well, it's time to break up after the talk."

Bai Mansheng did not look back to bid farewell again, and slowly left with the Wa snake group.

After the group of natural disaster grade creatures left, the depression in the air eased a lot.

Dongran and Qiao Shanshan only felt that their breathing became much easier.

Then a group of people walked out of Zhiluhuai slowly.

Qing Jiuyu already regarded this group of people as Tang Xian's servants, so he didn't care, and took them to Tianque Plain, the stronghold of the Fox Clan.

Six-tailed foxes are solitary creatures. Even during the war, the places where they live are separated by a certain distance.

They have lived in Tianque Plain for a long time. Tang Xian looked over and found that the forest seemed to have been transformed by these foxes.

Huge guide locust trees stand in groups, presumably it was Qing Jiuyu's instruction.

Tang Xian didn't say much along the way, just the same advice, don't say anything, don't ask anything, and he will tell them everything on the way home.

Dongran and Qiao Shanshan had actually noticed some clues.

But the shackles of habit and common sense prevented them from thinking in a certain direction.

This has nothing to do with wisdom, but the content is too subversive.

Qing Jiuyu lived in a cave in a low mountain.

When approaching the cave, even Dongran, Akas and the others could smell the strong smell of duplex orchid.

The interior of the cave is completely different from the fox den that Tang Xian saw in the sea of ​​trees. It is more like a woman's boudoir.

The crystal-like material is used as the material, and the embellishment of biphase orchid makes this place have a special charm.

Qiao Shanshan and Dongran, as beautiful girls, of course like it here.It is not easy to see such a place in the mining area.

Qiao Shanshan and Dongran wanted to talk to Qing Jiuyu.

But before she could speak, Qing Jiuyu's coquettish glance made the two girls feel terrified and tremble unconsciously.

This feeling of fear seems to be a little heavier than when he was in the woods just now.

The two girls stopped, and the words came to their lips, and finally remembered Tang Xian's advice, don't say anything, don't ask anything.

So he sat next to Akas who was on the side.Watching Tang Xian and Qing Jiuyu whispering in silence.

Because the cave was so huge, it was impossible to hear what the two of them were talking about.



"When do you plan to evacuate with the fox family?"

Tang Xian found that Qing Jiuyu enjoyed it more than himself.

There is actually a mountain spring inside the cave.

"Let's set off in the day after tomorrow. The beast tide is migrating, and the Scarlet Wasteland is more suitable for us."

Qing Jiuyu slowly trimmed her nails.

"By the way, why are there more and more humans around you?" Qing Jiuyu said.

"Do you hate human beings?" Tang Xian borrowed the mountain spring to wash his hands, and turned to look at Qing Jiuyu.

"Although they are weak, they are cunning and cruel. I heard from the ancient ape that the history of human beings has always been killing each other."

Tang Xian nodded.

"Animals actually kill each other a lot. People generally don't eat people when they kill people, but the killing of animals is often accompanied by devouring."

Qing Jiuyu frowned slightly, and said:

"Sometimes I think you're a human being."

Tang Xian didn't care, since he had successfully tricked Qing Jiuyu when they first met, there would be no more troubles later.

"The biggest difference between animals and humans lies in wisdom. When you have human wisdom, you will also walk the old road that humans walked in the past."

"Wisdom does not reduce greed and the wildness of survival, it just hides them and will expose them at the most deadly time."

Tang Xian thought about getting some food, since eating fish all the time is not good.

"It's hard to understand what you're talking about."

"You don't need to understand. To you, I'm probably the same as a time traveler who is reborn, or a senior netizen who just met someone in the village who just got online. We're not on the same channel."

Qing Jiuyu didn't understand what Tang Xian was talking about, but thought he was very interesting.She silently jotted down some words in her heart.

"Are there no other creatures around here?"

"The beast tide migrated away many creatures, but you can still find some other beasts going east."

"Are there pigs, chickens, cows, sheep, etc.?"

"Without what you said, there are a few mountain-controlling beasts in the east."

Tang Xian knew that creature, a huge goat-like creature.

Although it is huge, it is only an elite creature.

"Can you kill one and bring it back?"

"Why am I going?"

"Because you are cuter."

"Does this have any connection?"

"It's cute, you should go out more. Be good, be obedient, I'll make you haggis soup, I guarantee you like it."

Qing Jiuyu glanced at Tang Xian lazily, and found that this man would order her around every time he came.

"Are you going with me?"

"Alright, can I ride on your back?"

Thinking of the speed at which Bai Mansheng disappeared from sight within a few ups and downs, Tang Xian speculated that even if Qing Jiuyu became a human, he would not be able to keep up with her.

Qing Jiuyu felt it was unfair.

"I also rode a glutton once."

"..." Tang Xian didn't expect the little fox to think so much.

Then he casually broke a tradition that gluttons cannot be rules.

In the end, after some chatter, Tang Xian persuaded Qing Jiuyu and brought Tang Xiaojiu with him at the same time.

When Qing Jiuyu left, he took a special look at Tang Suoye, who was unconscious, with a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

There was an instant silence in the cave.

Tang Crunch and Tang Refrigerator hid in the corner and dared not speak.

Dongran was the first to open the chatterbox.

Originally, Akas seemed to them to be as rare as a natural disaster grade creature.

But Akas was easy to get along with. After two days, the two girls felt that Akas was much better than Tang Xian, a big pig.

Dongran opened the chatterbox.

"Akas, you don't look surprised at all."

Qiao Shanshan also found out that she and Dongran saw too many incredible things today.

The extremely beautiful woman, and those natural disaster-level snakes, these creatures are obviously the most terrifying existence, but they stand so peacefully behind the two women.

Qing Jiuyu's hasty glance made them tremble in the depths of their souls.

Everything was vaguely pointing somewhere, but they still didn't dare to think in that direction.

Akas looked solemn, and felt that he was not unsurprised, but... he was mentally prepared two days ago.

He nodded and said:

"Try to think in the most daring direction. Their dialogue with Tang Xian has already explained everything in many places."

It's just an inspiration to think where it's most daring.

But soon the expressions on the faces of the two girls gradually changed from doubt to horror.

At the end, the two girls were so scared that they retreated tactically.

"...Did we... meet a monster?"

"I heard from Tang Xian that this is an ability of biological mines, that is, soul crystals. Only a very small number of creatures in mining areas can do it."

The creatures in the mining area, soul crystals, these few words almost told them the answer.

"" Dongran was a little scared.

"The two women just now... are actually...?"

Akas smiled, feeling the need to appease the two girls, and said:
"It's what you think of, but don't be afraid. Isn't the captain dealing with this?"

After a long time, Dongran and Qiao Shanshan finally accepted this fact.

But another problem popped up.

Is Tang Xian human?



Tang Xian rode Qing Jiuyu, whose body had appeared, holding Tang Xiaojiu in his arms.

It can be said that the two nine-tailed demon foxes in this world are closely connected with him.

Those unlucky mountain beasts even forgot to resist after sensing the breath of the demon fox.

The Mountain Riding Beast is like a black goat, but it is huge in size and has the strength comparable to an elite boss creature, but its defense and life recovery are seriously lower than the average of creatures at this stage.

This also made Tang Xian finally discover a creature that was edible, easy to kill, and had relatively soft flesh.

Tang Xian also struck while the iron was hot, and with the help of Qing Jiuyu and Tang Xiaojiu, Tang Xian went deep into the den of the mountain beast and took out two cubs of the mountain beast.

In terms of the size of the cubs, the young form of the Yushan Beast is actually smaller than the little lamb.

It looks quite cute.

"Brother Tang Xian, are we going to raise them? It's the same as cats, cats, birds and cats."

Tang Xiaojiu enchanted the cub of the mountain beast with black fluff.

Tang Xian said:

"Are they cute?"

"Cute. Fluffy, so soft."

Tang Xiaojiu touched two mountain beast cubs. Because they were too young, they didn't have the ability to perceive dangerous creatures.

Instinctively, she got close to Tang Xiaojiu.

"We eat them when they grow up."

Tang Xiaojiu was stunned.

"I suggest that you raise the mountain beasts in the Scarlet Wasteland. You can eat them when they grow up."

This is not for Tang Xiaojiu, but for Qing Jiuyu.

The Fox family is about to go to the Scarlet Wasteland, which is a grassland that can raise an entire herd of cattle, and naturally it can also raise mountain beasts.

Qing Jiuyu thought that he wanted to eat the grown-up mountain beast, wouldn't it be good to catch it?

Why do you still want to raise it?

Tang Xian bent down, and together with Tang Xiaojiu, stroked the mountain beast.

"It's easy to catch the mountain beast, even my clansman is not difficult to do it." Qing Jiuyu was puzzled.

"A fox is a carnivore, but the Bloody Wasteland is a grassland. Every time it hunts, it needs to travel a long distance, right?"

Qing Jiuyu nodded.

"Then why don't you consider looting a batch of mountain beast cubs. These lambs grow up to be much larger than the six-tailed fox and the three-tailed fox. One is enough for many of your clansmen to eat. After raising to a certain size, you The fox family doesn't have to travel too far to forage here.

"As long as food supply and environmental factors are considered carefully, and their reproduction speed is faster than you can devour it, then you will have endless mountain beasts, won't you?"

"I can also eat mutton regularly." Tang Xian added by the way.

Qing Jiuyu's eyes lit up, she really hadn't thought about such a problem.

When lions hunt antelopes, they often kill them as soon as they meet them.Hunting among animals is like this. It often takes luck to meet something to eat. Who would think of raising food specifically, and then eat it when it grows bigger?
"Let's find some cubs of the mountain beast later, and let your people raise them somewhere in the Scarlet Wasteland."

"Captivity? What do you mean?"

"Mountain control beasts will eventually grow up, the size is too large, it is unrealistic to use human fences, you have to modify the local environment, raise them in a place that is easy to observe, and order your fox clan to take turns guarding them. In short, let them adapt to this environment from a young age. They develop a sense of dependence on the environment."

Qing Jiuyu looked at Tang Xian in surprise, feeling that this man had a lot of thoughts.

Tang Xian said:

"This is the embryonic form of animal husbandry. The development of animal husbandry in the future is actually the development of the breeding process. For example, how to make the meat quality of the raised livestock better and grow faster. These are written in human texts. There are ready-made ones. I will share some of my experience with you every time I come to pick up mutton.”

Qing Jiuyu nodded, really shocked by Tang Xian's thoughts.

Tang Xian can understand.

Most of the living creatures live a life that has no next meal, and the drive of wildness for countless thousands of years has made them never think about changing at this level.

In addition, the creatures in the mining area are not like humans. Although humans have many countries and cultures, their overall cognition is the same.Because they can reproduce together, there is almost no difference in food requirements.

However, the creatures in the mining area are essentially different.Such as Qing Jiuyu and Bai Mansheng.

What they eat is very different, and they are not the same species.

This will inevitably lead to selfishness, which is not conducive to the progress of civilization.

Therefore, although the very few powerful creatures in the mining area have human intelligence, their civilization level is only at the most primitive stage.

Tang Xiaojiu felt a little uncomfortable.

Because the cute little lamb will be eaten.

Tang Xian saw the little girl's expression and said:

"The cuteness of this world naturally has certain advantages, but the weak are the prey, and the strong are the hunters. This is an unchangeable law."

"You can be friends with a weak creature because you love it, but even if you want to eat it one day, as long as the laws of your family allow it, then no one has the right to blame you."

Tang Xiaojiu didn't understand this, she was stunned for a long time before saying:

"Then...are they delicious?"

"It's delicious, I promise you will forget about these troubles later."

(End of this chapter)

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