pretend to be a boss

Chapter 77 The Legend of the White Snake Mining Area Edition

Chapter 77 The Legend of the White Snake Mining Area Edition
A large swath of white mist rises from Daze under the ice.The grass and trees in the distance are also hard with dead gray because of the cold.It breaks when touched.

The huge Wa snake was dying, but it did not die after all.It opened its mouth wide, eagerly hoping for some restless food to come out.

At the same time, Dongran Akas Tang Xiaojiu and Qiao Shanshan also opened their eyes wide, watching this incomprehensible scene.

After the terrifying natural disaster creature showed its body, it instantly showed the strength to crush the Shengtang team, and the final breath of ice made the battle situation enter the harvesting stage in an instant.

But just when a greater tragedy was approaching, the serpent twitched, and the excitement just now became dull.

Under the watchful eyes of Dongran and others, a guy who was naked because of acidic corrosive liquid appeared.

The two women who were worried about him just a second ago blushed in embarrassment, ahed in unison, and turned around.

Tang Xian came out.

He is sure that even if the big snake is dying to fight back, it will not be able to cause any substantial harm to him.

Arcas didn't know how to express his surprise.

"Great, you're fine." After thinking for a while, Akas could only say this.

Tang Xiaojiu burst into tears.

Akas noticed that the color of Tang Xiaojiu's pupils had returned to normal, and the little tiger teeth had disappeared.

He suddenly understood the meaning of Tang Xian's words, Tang Xiaojiu and Tang Suoye were the same.

"Luck is better, mathematics can change fate." Tang Xian looked calm, like a bystander.

"What? What does this have to do with mathematics?" Qiao Shanshan turned her head and looked at Tang Xian puzzled.

"Actually, the snake's bite force is enough to crush me in an instant, but as long as it opens its mouth and rushes towards me, I can grasp the timing well... and I can insert it when it closes its mouth."

"Why does this description feel so obscene?" Qiao Shanshan said to herself that she was really worried about Tang Xian for nothing.

Is it the first time in human history that you can survive being swallowed by a natural disaster grade creature?

Arcas was also shocked and said:

"Wa Snake's instant attack speed... At that time, even I thought it was very fast..."

Akas was actually not sure how strong Tang Xian was.After all, Tang Xian never confessed to everyone.

Tang Xian explained:
"It's actually very simple. When you are fighting with Wa Snake, I estimate the actual moving speed of Wa Snake, assuming it is x. I calculated the attack range of Wa Snake in the third school year, which is probably the same as it It is related to the body length, assuming that the body length is y, the range is one-third of y.

After entering the range, the attack speed of Wa snake is seven times of x, assuming that my moving speed is z, and the distance between me and Wa snake is [-]/[-] of y.This makes it easy to figure out where the Wa Snake will bite me. I don't need a strong reaction force, I just need to control my own speed z, and when I reach the position, I rush towards the Wa Snake in the opposite direction.

This is actually simpler than the math test for survival education, and children in the third grade should be able to do it now.A little attention should be paid to the difference between the distance estimated by the eyes and the body length of the snake and the actual body length and distance of the snake. "

Everyone was silent.Are you still doing math problems between life and death?

This is really too unbelievable.The two girls looked at Tang Xian with devilish expressions.

So much so that they all forgot that the poor big snake's weak eyes were still staring at them.

Tang Xian approached Wa Snake and said coldly:

"I really hope that you have completed the evolution and become a natural disaster-level boss creature, but unfortunately, it is still a little bit short."

"But this is also a good thing. After all, if I become six times stronger, all my team members will die here."

"I can't hear what you say, but since you can change into a certain form, I think maybe you can understand me."

Everyone was puzzled, but Dong Ran recalled that Brother Tang seemed to talk to these creatures on his own after killing the creatures in the mining area several times.

"You can't kill me anymore, you know? Unless you evolve now. There is no way to kill two birds with one stone and fulfill the wishes of two women at the same time. I am also helpless, but to be safe, I have to kill me before you evolve. you."

The kitchen knife can add [-]% of the maximum health damage.Tang Xian held up the kitchen knife and slashed wildly at Wa Snake's eyes.

At this time, Akas, Dongran and Qiao Shanshan all looked at Tang Xian in shock.

Wa Snake's HP decreased a lot in an instant, and this terrifying attack power froze their thinking.

Tang Xian knew that his companions could see the life value of creatures. Needless to say, Akas, Qiao Shanshan and Dongran could also see it.

This is a common attribute that gifted people can see.

A certain smell in his breath convinced Tang Xian that the war with the Wa Snake would not end easily, and that there was an unexpected visitor coming.

Tang Xian intends to show some power that they can't understand first.As for the explanation, Tang Xian was too lazy to give an explanation, and let them figure it out by themselves.

Wa Snake's last trace of vitality disappeared. Tang Xian took a kitchen knife and frantically cut Wa Snake's pupils, and even tried to put his entire left arm into the snake's eye socket.

This scene was too bloody, a viscous liquid mixed with blood and brain sprayed out, splashing all over Tang Xian's face.

Dongran looked at this scene, turned his head away, and almost vomited.

Tang Xian gave her an annoyed look, just like people in ancient times liked to eat pig intestines but didn't see anyone saying that it was pretending to be shit.

Anyway, it is really fragrant when it is served on the table.

As a doctor, Qiao Shanshan is used to seeing blood. She treated Akas's calf injury from a distance, and Qiao Shanshan was amazed by the amazing speed of self-healing.

Akas also admired Qiao Shanshan's healing ability. After all, the pierced calf originally took several hours to recover, but with Qiao Shanshan's help, the pain disappeared within a few minutes.

After tossing around for a long time, Tang Xian was covered in blood, as if he had some kind of obsession with flesh and blood, but in fact it was just because the soul crystal in Wa Snake's skull was buried too deeply.

Tang Xian spent a lot of energy and finally took it out.

The huge snake, but the soul crystal is the same as the previous perfect-level elite-level creatures, the size of a night pearl.

Tang Xian threw the soul crystal to Akas,
"The booty, find a place to wash and pack it up."

Akas nodded, and Dongran said curiously: "Brother Tang, the color of this soul crystal has a purple luster! Is this the soul crystal of a natural disaster-level boss creature?"

Everyone was shocked, especially Qiao Shanshan. This snake had changed too much when it met her before.

She said that it evolved into a white-scaled snake, and she absolutely did not doubt it.

The soul crystals of perfect-level creatures and perfect-level boss creatures are green, the only difference is the intensity of the luster.

The soul crystals of natural disaster level creatures are blue, but the soul crystals of natural disaster level boss creatures are purple.

This soul crystal seems to have a certain purple luster, but it is very weak.

Tang Xian looked at it for a long time, then shook his head and said:

"I also hope to pick up such a big deal, but it is only close to the boss form, and has not yet completed the evolution. If it completes the evolution, it will suddenly release its weak state, and its strength will soar six times. We simply cannot survive a face-to-face meeting."

Qiao Shanshan has actually seen the horror of natural disaster-level creatures once. Tang Xian is right. Although this snake has changed greatly, it can even use the breath of the boss.

But its strength has been weakened a lot due to the evolution period.

Even so, when it showed itself, it was still powerful at the crushing level.

"It's a pity, the whole body is covered with scales, and the meat in the eye sockets is not tasty, there is no way to make snake meat soup."

Tang Xian's focus was elsewhere.He frowned, slowly digesting today's battle.

[Kill an adult Wa Snake and gain combat skills · Snake Power]

[Killing more snakes can increase the attack speed and power of snakes]

I dropped something.

The battle that almost wiped out the battle has achieved results.Tang Xian, who was in a mess, finally had something to gain.

It was only described as a skill for the strengthening of the sense of smell, but this time it was described as a combat technique.

The two are naturally different.

Tang Xian knew nothing about fighting, but because of this, he was not very satisfied with this "combat skill".

【Snake Poses】There is no explanation, and he doesn't know what it is.

Just thinking that if his opponent is a human being, he doesn't seem to need to use fighting skills.

If it is a creature in a mining area... As a non-talented person, he has no other advantages except for being fleshy and fleshy.

"It's a bit tasteless, but since there is no description, maybe it will be useful in the future. It's better than nothing."

Thinking of this, Tang Xian turned around and looked at the crowd.

"There will be a strong enemy later. According to its approaching speed, it will arrive in about ten minutes. Qiao Shanshan, you, Dongran, and Tang Suoye Tang Xiaojiu all go back."

"Wait, aren't you going back?" Qiao Shanshan was puzzled.

"Of course I have to go back. I will deal with the snake's body with Akas. I will go back later."

"Then be careful." Qiao Shanshan did not doubt Tang Xian's judgment.

Dongran is even more convinced.It's just that Tang Xiaojiu was a little reluctant to leave.

"Tang Crunch and Tang Refrigerator are still in the tent outside the mountains. Brother Tang Xian, I don't want to leave. You promised me to find Aunt Qing."

Tang Xian wanted to touch the little girl's head, but with the smelly blood all over her body, he held back.

He bent down and said:

"I keep my word, but you have to go back first. Don Crunch and Tang Refrigerator will not be in danger, but you are different. Be obedient."

Tang Xiaojiu didn't understand why she would be in danger, but Tang Xian was very serious, so she nodded obediently.

Under Tang Xian's urging, Qiao Shanshan took Tang Suoye and Dongran took Tang Xiaojiu back to the pyramid using the teleportation rift.

Akas said, "Go hunting again?"

Tang Xian shook his head and said: "Not this time, it's too troublesome this time, so I can only keep you. I will tell them some things sooner or later, but it's more troublesome to explain to women, and it's more convenient for you."

Akas smiled wryly, and said, "It's something unbelievable to think about. You just need to tell me, and you'll believe me when you say it."

"That's why I kept you."

After a pause, Tang Xian said:

"In about a few minutes, we will see a human being. But this human being is not simple... You will most likely see the data on her."

"A mining area creature in human form?"

"you know?"

"That's how the Wa Snake was killed this time, and those two girls should also be surprised by this."

Tang Xian nodded and said:

"The conclusion I have come to now is that natural disaster level and above boss level creatures can transform into human form, but their strength will be greatly weakened. But why this is so, I don't know. The last one told me so, only Said it was because it looked good."

Although Qing Jiuyu was very honest at the time, Tang Xian still believed that she had concealed a lot.

Women are creatures who sometimes lie without realizing they are lying.

"The last one? It should be the nine-tailed demon fox."

The reason why the sea of ​​trees became a red area is because of the nine-tailed demon fox, and the nine-tailed demon fox is not in the sea of ​​trees, but there is an extra human being.

Thinking about when they first met Tang Xian, both Tang Xian and Tang Xiaojiu showed an attitude of boredom towards eating foxes.

Akas deduced that Tang Xian had probably seen one of the strongest creatures in the entire mining continent.

Tang Xian felt very comfortable talking to Akas, without explaining too much.

Forget about Dongran, after all, it's legal and ignorant.Qiao Shanshan is obviously just a c, but she doesn't want to use her brain too much.

"These are some unsolved mysteries, but the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is now my friend. The next one is not as powerful as the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, but it is not something we can handle now."

The smell in his breath became clearer and clearer. Tang Xian thought that it was the frozen swamp that made the creature sense it.

It's coming fast.

"So what are we going to do?"

"Just cooperate with me to perform. I have done this job once before, and I have experience."



Bai Mansheng changed from the form of a huge white-scaled snake to a human form, and the tail of the snake turned into a long skirt. He moved lightly with lotus steps, but in just ten minutes, he crossed the entire Baigu mountain range and came to Daze on the edge of the mountain range.

She frowned.

There was a strong stench in the air, and when she looked at it from a distance, she saw the corpse of a fellow snake whose body was smaller than her own, but stronger than that of an ordinary snake.

Part of the snake's pupils had been dug out, and the viscous blood couldn't flow because of the cold.

Under the snake's body, a man covered in blood looked at her with white teeth showing.

Next to him was a silver-haired man with no expression on his face.

Bai Mansheng jumped lightly and came to the two of them in an instant.

She didn't notice the flickering surprise in the silver-haired man's eyes, because her gaze was opposite to a guy who was covered in the blood of his tribe and was holding a kitchen knife.

"I confess that I killed the snake. But this human being can testify that it ate me first. According to the rules of the court, this is my self-defense, right?"

Tang Xian was also not sure whether the Court of Ten Thousand Beasts adjudicated disputes between ten thousand beasts.

I'm not sure whether they have legitimate defense.

But if it is true... probably more people will think that Tang Xian's current situation seems to be too defensive.

Bai Man said in a deep voice:

"I am the leader of the Snake Clan, the Bai family. If you killed my clansman, I shall be the judge."

Even in human form, the coercion and momentum exuded by Bai Mansheng made Akas instinctively feel the danger.

If Tang Xian hadn't told him in advance, he might have subconsciously made a defensive posture.

Tang Xianruo didn't realize it, and said with a serious face:

"Hi Xiaobai, my name is Xu Xian. Let me explain to you about this matter."

 Regarding the amount of updates~ the author also really wants to update more, and suffers from hand speed~
(End of this chapter)

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