Chapter 62

From Li Xiaoyu's expression, Tang Xian was sure that Li Xiaoyu did know about the evolution zone.

It doesn't look like a miscellaneous fish organization.

"A friend."

"You have so many friends, men and women?"

"It's almost enough, let's talk about things." Tang Xian gave Li Xiaoyu a blank look.

Li Xiaoyu didn't care, thinking it was reasonable to ask such a question.But she didn't continue to ask, and said:
"The Evolution Zone is a very mysterious and special institution. They hold many technologies that are ahead of the times."

"More than the Li family has?"

"The direction is different, so it's hard to compare. Our Li family mainly has some attainments in weapon research. They are different. They pay more attention to the training of soldiers in the mining area. But I don't know the specifics. This organization is in many pyramids. Both, it is not an organization of China's own country."

"What do you mean? Foreign pyramid fortress institutions can still survive in domestic pyramid institutions?" Tang Xian was a little surprised.

Li Xiaoyu nodded, not caring at all that there was a spy subordinate arranged by him next to him.

This subordinate also knew one thing, he had to forget everything he heard today, or he would end up miserable.

"You should know that as long as the benefits are achieved, there is nothing in this world that cannot be agreed upon. The evolution zone supported twelve elite fighters in Huaxia No. [-] Fortress. These fighters are named after the zodiac. Their talents are all in the seven to nine categories. Comparable to the top hunters, the most frightening thing is that even in the pyramids of the real world, these people seem to be physically stronger than ordinary people."

Li Xiaoyu's pride was carved into his bones.So Tang Xian was sure to hear her surprise about an organization from such a proud population, which shows that this organization is indeed not simple.

Tang Xian said: "How strong is it? Could it be possible to bring out the skills in the mining area?"

Tang Xian probably just said it casually.

But rarely, Li Xiaoyu showed an expression of uncertainty, and said: "My brother had a conversation with the senior management of the evolution zone once, and he didn't elaborate on some of the technologies he talked about during the conversation, but the hypothesis you mentioned seems to be One direction they are attacking. They are creating superhumans, not only the chosen ones in the mining area, but also the chosen ones in the pyramids."

Li Xiaoyu added:

"My bodyguard, Eve, is code-named Rabbit. Originally, it was all a little gift money for breaking into the Huaxia Fortress as an evolutionary zone, and then my father bought one of them to be my bodyguard."

"Although Eve is very vulgar, the rabbit is obviously not much better." Tang Xian said.

Then he continued to ask: "In other words, these people are really trying to develop creatures that can behave as powerfully in the pyramid as in the mining area? This is really crazy."

Li Xiaoyu nodded and said, "This kind of thing is theoretically impossible, and there is no precedent."

Tang Xian thought this was indeed crazy, but it was not without precedent.

I should be a special case.

"Eve is the most powerful and outstanding group of fighters they made, but Eve's memory, she can't remember clearly, just said that she experienced a lot of cruel training when she was a child. Eve's ability is in the pyramid In terms of performance, there is a big gap with her level in the mining area. But it is true that she is stronger than many people."

"I heard from my brother, they call it sync rate."

"Sync rate?"

"Yes, it is the proportion of the gap between the ability of the mining area and the actual ability. Those who can reach [-]% are the first-class resources among these reformed fighters. That is to say, he already has [-]% of the ability of the mining area. "

"The twelve zodiac warriors are about [-]%. This is definitely not the strongest fighter in the evolution zone, even though they say they are the strongest."

Li Xiaoyu gave a lot of information at once.

"At present, it seems that their ultimate goal is to cultivate superhumans with a synchronization rate of 20.00%[-]. But my brother may know a little bit about the specific scientific fields involved. They are talking about cooperation projects. But they haven't been in touch for a long time. gone."

Synchronization rate of 20.00% five is the ultimate goal?

What is the synchronization rate of Arcas?

Tang Xian thought for a while, in his own situation, does it count as a [-]% synchronization rate?

"You suddenly mentioned the evolution zone, what are you trying to do?"

"I want to go and see."

"Then don't even think about it. The evolution zone now has its own experimental bases in the first fortress and the second fortress. The degree of martial law is the same as that of a military fortress."

Tang Xian nodded following Li Xiaoyu's words, without refuting, he just asked:

"Speaking of which, are you all acquiescing to this kind of project that uses humans as experiments?"

"I can't answer this question for you. Or my answer doesn't work."

Tang Xian thought for a while, and agreed with Li Xiaoyu's statement.

Experiments with human bodies would be criticized in the most enlightened era, but even at the risk of being criticized, some people would take the risk for huge benefits.Do something unethical.

In today's era, not to mention, the moral aspects of this era have been weakened.

According to Tang Xian's speculation, maybe all the humans living in the pyramids are just monkeys in cages.

"So now both Fort [-] and Fort [-] have their bases? On which floor?"

"What do you mean, do you really want to go?"

"Broaden your horizons." Tang Xianyun said calmly.

I can't say that I'm going to get rid of the evolution zone. After all, this organization has cooperated with the Li family and even other current owners of the highest-level fortress.It can be said that they know the way of survival very well. Offending them will also offend many powerful forces invisibly.

This is also the reason why he called Li Xiaoyu.

Li Xiaoyu will not harm himself.

"I'm not a woman with big breasts and no brains. You can't fool me with your words."

"You are indeed not a woman with big breasts and no brains. But I do things for my own reasons. When have you seen me suffer?"

Li Xiaoyu nodded, pretending that he didn't hear Tang Xian break up a certain word.

I wonder if the fruits given by the trade route are all genetically modified and inferior products?No matter what, it didn't work at all.

Tang Xian was thinking about other things, and he suddenly asked, "Is Eve with you?"

Li Xiaoyu was stunned.

Looking at Tang Xian angrily.

Not only did he take the bowl I gave you and stare at other people's pots, but now he has the idea of ​​my bodyguard?
So he still likes this kind of woman with a fierce face?

Tang Xian couldn't hold back, and knocked Li Xiaoyu on the head.

Li Xiaoyu came back to his senses, and said quietly: "Of course my guards have been following me."

"Let me use it?"

"You!" Li Xiaoyu stared at Tang Xian.

Considering that Li Xiaoyu has no brains in certain situations, Tang Xian explained:
"I just want to understand the situation with her, after all, she comes from the evolution zone."

Li Xiaoyu looked at Tang Xian indifferently, and finally clapped his hands.

Not long after, Eve walked into the tea shop.

"Second Miss, you are looking for me."

"I didn't look for you, he looked for you."

"Hello. I have something I want to consult with you." Tang Xian greeted politely.

Eve knew how Miss Er felt about Tang Xian, so she didn't know whether to respond.In the end, he just nodded and asked, "Please tell me."

"About the evolution zone, do you not remember anything?" Tang Xian asked.

Eve nodded and said, "There are only some very short clips, but they basically don't constitute clues, and I instinctively feel that it's not a good memory, so I didn't try hard to recall it."

Tang Xian continued to ask:

"You should know that your talent and physique are much stronger than ordinary people and even some excellent hunters. You don't know the reason?"

"I don't remember. Sorry." Eve's expression was always cold.

"It's okay. There is a plant called Anai in the mining area. The juice of this grass can make creatures fall into hallucinations and cause certain damage to the brain. In severe cases, it can achieve the level of amnesia, but it is not irreversible. I know some recovery method, if you are interested in previous memories, I can help you." Tang Xian said.

"If you have this need, I can cooperate with you." Eve said.

Cooperating with Tang Xian is equivalent to helping Li Xiaoyu, and Eve knows this.

Tang Xian shook his head and said:
"There are many ways to make human amnesia, not necessarily the one I mentioned. You also said that these memories are probably not good memories, so I don't force them. I just tell you that these memories may be recoverable, but is it necessary? Do it, it's up to you to decide. One last thing to bother you."

Eve was a little surprised, but Tang Xian was not as domineering as Second Miss.

"You say."

"I want to fight you."

Eve was stunned, and Li Xiaoyu was also stunned.

Tang Xian felt that the matter he wanted to investigate was almost done.Eve's current level of honesty is very high, not lying, this female guard really can't remember the past.

But as a person with a perfect score in the Tianxuan Test, Tang Xian has dabbled in a lot of knowledge.

What Arcas needs is the blood of the creatures in the mining area.Soul crystal is secondary instead.

This reminded him of the ancient biological serum extraction technology.

He has only briefly understood this technique.

Injecting the serum of the creatures in the mining area into humans will definitely increase the strength of the human body. The question is, can the human body withstand the serum of these berserk creatures?

Tang Xian can almost conclude that what the evolution zone does is in the direction he wants.

So in order to remove the evolution zone, one thing must be ensured.

"Mr. Tang... I can't fulfill your request."

Tang Xian glanced at Li Xiaoyu.

"What are you looking at me for? I haven't hit you before, so why should she hit you?"

Tang Xian reminded Li Xiaoyu: "The last time we met."

"The last time we met was to stop you!"

Tang Xian recalled the last time he fought against Eve, he was indeed no different from other people, and he couldn't feel the opponent's strength.But always be careful to confirm.

Maybe they didn't work hard last time?
Li Xiaoyu looked at Tang Xian strangely, what is this request?Does this person have any special hobbies?

Tang Xian was hard to explain.

I am now immune to human damage.

But it is really uncertain whether these people who have been injected with the biological serum of the mining area are considered human beings.

His plan is not complicated, it can even be said to be reckless, but the premise is that all he is facing are human beings.

So Tang Xian didn't care too much, and said forcefully:
"It's okay not to fight, and it's okay to compare strength."

Eve did not refuse this point, and said, "How do you compare?"

"Wrist wrestling?" Tang Xian remembered that the captain of the White Rose team couldn't break free after being held by him. In theory, by wrestling his wrists, he could confirm whether a super fighter like Eve belonged to the human category.

This is a very necessary thing, and Tang Xian thinks it is worth testing.

Eve looked at Li Xiaoyu.

Li Xiaoyu's shortness of breath was obviously caused by excessive anger.

"You want to touch her hand!"

Unable to communicate, Tang Xian said, "What I'm doing now can be regarded as preparations for hunting natural disaster creatures. If you like the Song family so much, keep talking. If you don't want to, just shut up."

Li Xiaoyu pointed at Tang Xian, his eyes widened, and he was speechless for a while.

But at this time, Li Xiaoyu also remembered that Eve seemed to have said that Tang Xian is very strong.

She calmed down very quickly, as if the shortness of breath just now hadn't been revealed at all, and she became the indifferent and noble second lady in the past.

Li Xiaoyu nodded, and said to Eve: "Go. Don't lose."

Eve sat opposite Tang Xian.

It's not uncommon to wrench wrenches in the tea house, but it's a bit rare for a young lady from a wealthy family to wrench Tang Xian with her own bodyguard.

Some people here still know Tang Xian.

Tang Xian is the kind of person who hides at the back and calmly analyzes every time there is a riot or fight in the mining area, but never takes action.

The others didn't know what Tang Xian was doing.

So they each guessed.

Probably some poor boy wants to show off his strength in order to chase after a rich lady?

This seems reasonable, and the eyes of the spectators are also focused on this.

Li Xiaoyu originally wanted to clear the scene, Tang Xian could lose face in front of him, but where would it be his turn to be ridiculed by others?
Just thinking that this man is too arrogant, he didn't touch his own hand, but touched other women's hands, so he decided to let him lose face.

Tang Xian stretched out his hand, settled the posture, and signaled Eve to start with his eyes.

Eve thought about whether to give him a little face, after all, he was someone the Second Miss liked.

Play it?
So she didn't exert much force, waiting for Tang Xian to exert force, but Tang Xian didn't exert force either.

In arm wrestling, there is basically no offense or defense, it is all about running in the direction of the opponent to use strength, but the person who exerts strength later is often more self-sustaining.

Eve didn't expect Tang Xian to be so confident.

So he tried to use his strength to let Tang Xian know the difference in strength.

It's just that Tang Xian's hand still didn't move much, and his expression didn't change.

A few seconds later, Tang Xian found that he didn't feel the pressure from the arm wrestling, so he urged, "It's time to start."

Eve: "..."

Didn't it just start?
 Today's is a bit rushed, but I finally got no pigeons~ [-]-word chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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