Chapter 42
The hunting event is held every four years, and Tang Xian has never participated in it. At the last hunting event, he had bet with the old temporary workers in the mining area which team would win.

Since there is no way to enter the competitive jungle in the mining area, he can only judge the winner by observing those who know the inside story.

Someone compared the hunting event to the ancient Olympic Games, but Tang Xian thought it was nonsense.

It is true that the hunting event is also held every four years, and it is an important event for human beings in the new era of civilization, but in the final analysis, it is the same as the ancient slaves fighting in the arena, using their lives to please the audience and slave owners.

Two hundred of the world's best hunter teams entered the competitive jungle in the blue area, where there were a large number of enhanced creatures, various dangerous plants, and some terrifying elite creatures.

Compared with the ancient Olympic Games, the hunting event is not fair.The survival of 1000 teams and [-] people, the ultimate competition is which team has the most soul crystals.

This process is very tragic. At least in the hunting events of the past, the number of teams that can walk out of the competitive forest after the end is only half of what they entered.

As for these dead teams, were they killed by wild beasts in the mining area, or by humans themselves.Nobody knows.

Because the live broadcast equipment can't work inside, no one knows what's going on inside.

"What do you think of the hunting event?" Tang Xian asked a rare question.

"It's a stage to compete for honor!" Dongran didn't even think about it.

"What honor?"

"The ranking of the hunter team is like the top [-] teams now. Many of them did not climb up by slowly hunting creatures in the mining area. They were killed in the hunting event. Such a team will get all the rewards. It is recognized by humans, and the hunting event rewards are very rich."

Tang Xian nodded.

In general, I also understand Dongran's saying, and I know why.

"Because the education I received since I was young is to regard this kind of cannibalism as an honor, so I can also understand why there were arena fighters in ancient times who were really obsessed with arena battles."

"As for the ranking, it is even more meaningless. Sometimes I also wonder what happened to the catastrophe hundreds of years ago. Human civilization has lost a lot, and many systems called post-modern culture are no longer inherited."

Tang Xian's tone was a little cold.Dongran choked on Tang Xian's words.Don't know what to say.

"Have you ever been outside the pyramid?" Tang Xian asked a question.

"Brother Tang, what's wrong with you, I can't understand these words... The outside of the pyramid is a place of death. I heard that many condemned prisoners are directly exiled. Of course it is impossible to go!"

"I've heard of it too, but I haven't seen it. I've seen that the mining area can't survive for seven days, but outside the pyramid is a world where human beings can't live. I don't have an example."

Dongran looked at Big Brother Tang's calm expression.

I don't know how Brother Tang thinks of such a distant place from the hunting event.

Tang Xian didn't explain either.

He will also have times when intuition is faster than thought, which is much more likely to happen to smart people.

After the catastrophe, many systems have become more and more like the system of the slave era. Technology is advancing, but civilization is regressing.

Tang Xian actually asked many people how many floors the pyramid had, but no one had an answer.

Even Li Xiaoyu, who was born on the sixth floor back then, didn't know what was at the top of the pyramid and what kind of existence lived there.

Hunting extravaganzas seem like a reasonable plan to purge the gifted from humanity.But in hundreds of years of education, this kind of thing has become an honor and a tradition.

It's not that the people around are stupid. Tang Xian is well aware of how biased people's subjective impressions are when judging an activity after it becomes a tradition.

No one will deny the inhumanity of the slave masters who arranged the confrontation between beasts and slaves in the Roman Colosseum.

But in that era itself, those slaves thought it was honor.They are not stupid than modern people, but the word tradition has great binding force.

Hunting extravaganzas are a tradition today.

Tang Xian shook his head and said, "Let's go, it's time to catch the cattle."

"Well, Brother Tang, are you really not going to participate? If you get a good ranking in the hunting event, you will definitely be able to wash away the name of the cheater." Dongran still wanted to insist on persuading.

"If you rack your brains and can't figure out that a hunting event is not a place for fair competition, then in the future, you should use the indescribable parts below the neck to think about it, in the competitive jungle where no one can judge, and there is no law and justice , Those who are stronger than you may consider letting you go because of this."

Dongran blushed, didn't she do it for him too!Why is he suddenly so angry?It's so ugly!
Naive people always have beautiful fantasies about the unknown. If Dongran really sees the scene in the competitive jungle, she may have nightmares for a month.Tang Xian ignored it, took Tang Xiaojiu's hand and walked towards the wasteland.

He hated hunting events, but whether to participate or not was another matter.Dongran had said so much, but there was actually only one sentence that Tang Xian thought was somewhat convincing.

That is, the prizes of the hunting event are very rich.

As for the honor, he really didn't care about washing away the name of the cheater.

Everything depends on fate, and before the team members are assembled, no matter how rich the rewards of the hunting event are, he will not be able to participate.



The Scarlet Wasteland is actually not barren. This is a grassland, but the grass is red. This kind of grass is not the red thread grass, it is called the red heart grass, which is the favorite food of the cattle in the wasteland.

This kind of grass is actually suitable for growing in the south. If it is planted in the laterite forest, it may grow as tall as the red thread grass.

Wilderness cattle live in groups, but their leader, Yi Niu, lives alone.

Yi Niu is a very proud cow. It is always on the high ground in the wilderness, not allowing other ordinary cattle to approach, enjoying the pleasure similar to "a glance at thousands of miles of rivers and mountains".

Tang Xian felt pretty good.

Animals are really stupid when they are stupid.Along the way, Tang Xian tried his best to choose roads with less red heart grass, avoiding the wilderness cattle.

The creature with the most blood in the wasteland is the wilderness cow, and this place is simply the country of the wilderness cow.There was a smell of cow dung in the air.

Tang Xian actually wanted to contract here, who wouldn't want to have a natural pasture?

However, there are still many places that cannot be realized temporarily in the implementation of this plan, and Tang Xian is not in a hurry.

It is also very good to eat the head first to suppress the shock.

The sense of smell of Yi Niu and Wilderness Cattle is not as sensitive as that of carnivores, but their eyes are very good.

Some, like frogs, are more sensitive to things in motion.

So when he arrived in the wasteland, Tang Xian walked leisurely, deliberately slowing down his pace.

The wilderness cow couldn't sense the demon fox's breath, but still didn't attack Tang Xian.Tang Xian was sure that as long as he kept moving at a certain speed, he would not attract the attention of the barren cattle.

"Brother Tang Xian, there are so many cows here."

Tang Xian probably guessed what Tang Xiaojiu was thinking, and said, "It's not enough now, but we can consider raising them in captivity later."

"What does it mean to be captive?"

"It's the prep work you do before you eat them. Keep them calving and we'll have beef forever"

Tang Xiaojiu understood.That's a really great plan.

Dongran was a little worried: "These cowhide are rough and thick, what should we do if we can't move them..."

"Don't worry, when you fight against Yiniu later, it will basically turn its back to you, I will remind you of its position, you just need to keep attacking its abdomen."

The highlands of the wasteland were soon to come.

The three-meter long-handled Yi Niu was proudly patrolling his territory. Tang Xian led Tang Xiaojiu and walked unhurriedly.

Then Yi Niu saw Tang Xian, its eyes were wide open, with a bit of anger in them.

Dongran was a little nervous. She believed in Tang Xian in her heart, but it was the first time she faced such a powerful creature.

Tang Xian took out a long ribbon from the item bag and tied it around Dongran's waist.

"Yiniu is very powerful. If its attack hits you once, you will definitely die. Its skin is very hard, and its abdomen is also the same, but it is relatively soft. This time it will take a long time. Alright, let's face it now. Corner position."

Dongran nodded.

Once the fight started, a resolute expression appeared on the girl's face again.

Although it is the steps of a bullfight, the posture of starting hands is indeed a dance. The white ribbon is blown, dancing with Dongran's figure, bringing out a trajectory.

Cows are creatures that are very excited about things that are constantly changing irregularly.

This is especially true for the proud Yiniu, whose front hooves are stepping on the soil, accumulating strength.

Various values ​​of Yiniu appeared in Dongran's eyes, with 12000 health and 2400 attack power.

As Brother Tang said, this creature is very strong, hard to kill, and has the power to kill itself with one blow.

But its speed was a few beats slower than its own.

Yi Niu launched a charge.

"From now on, dance steps [-] to [-] will cycle." Tang Xian's voice sounded.

Dongran couldn't respond, she could only choose to trust Tang Xian for this moment of life and death.

The dancing steps moved lightly, as if a whole maglev train was rushing towards it at maximum speed.Dongran cleverly avoided Yi Niu's second dance step, and felt the strong wind blowing against his face.

What kind of terrifying collision is this?

She didn't pause, because she avoided Yi Niu's impact, but she still had the tail sweep and the kick of her hind legs.

But the third and fourth dance steps perfectly avoided the blow as well.

The fifth dance step is to retreat, a large distance retreat, and the sixth dance step is to return.

At this time, Dongran found that he had come to the position where Yi Niu launched the charge just now, and Yi Niu went to his previous position.

Tang Xian smiled.

This girl Dongran has many problems, but her execution ability is not bad, and she practiced her dance steps very diligently. In order to make girls more acceptable, he did try to make her dance steps look graceful.

Especially with the fullness of the chest, when jumping up, it can make all men feel pleasing to the eye.

"Continue, the direction is reversed, one to six cycles."

Having escaped the first time, Dongran gained confidence.

Yiniu's collision can exert a power that far exceeds its attack power value. In short, the attack power and life of this creature exceed that of a perfect creature, but its speed and endurance are far inferior to ordinary perfect creatures .

Once it collided, the ground shook, and when it ran, the highlands of the wasteland trembled slightly.

However, if the hit fails, it will also consume a lot of money for Yiniu.

The white ribbons sway in the wind, acting like a dog's tail teasing a cat.Yi Niu likes this very much.Or cows are very fond of this set.

While enjoying the bullfight and dancing, Tang Xian felt that this was double the happiness.

He is very happy.

Dongran is also very happy.

Every beautiful woman is a born dancer. She never thought that one day she would be able to deal with perfect creatures with such graceful steps.

Big brother Tang is really amazing. He shouldn't have experimented with this kind of dance steps before, right?How much computing power is required to ensure that the desired effect is also achieved in practice?
Even counting every change of Yiniu, this collision was the seventh time. Dongran felt that his physical strength was exhausted, even if he needed to stop occasionally to make up two palms.

In her eyes, Yiniu's health has decreased very little.As a human, her attack power is less than three hundred.If it hits Yiniu, part of the value will be offset by the defense.

You have to calculate Yiniu's life recovery speed.Although she can't see this option.But occasionally Yi Niu's HP will recover some.

The value is irregular and difficult to calculate. Presumably this value is related to the current endurance and is variable.

In short, Yiniu's life is hard to beat, but indeed, it is being worn away bit by bit.

About half an hour later, Yiniu's speed and endurance dropped a bit, and Dongran could also see the defense power, which was originally 150 defense power, but now it dropped to 130 unexpectedly.

Even the health value did not continue to recover.

"Get ready to change steps, then it will fight back, you need to keep cycling the third and fourth steps. Clockwise."

Dongran just nodded slightly.

There was no accident after that, as Tang Xian said, Yi Niu seemed to realize that his collision was ineffective, so he began to attack Dongran with oxtail sweeps and back kicks.

Dongran followed Tang Xian's instructions, using the third dance step and the fourth dance step to dodge easily, especially when she was diagonally facing Yi Niu's abdomen, she could easily deal with hitting Yi Niu's abdomen.

Another half hour passed.

Yiniu's speed was significantly slower, and the speed of the back kick became slower, so Dongran's reaction time was longer.

Tang Xian said: "Okay, now you can play freely. To face it head-on, follow the first and second dance steps, and the third and fourth steps from the side, just remember. It's best to hit the same position every time with your Wind Palm. "



An hour later, Yi Niu fell to the ground, panting heavily.Horrible wounds had been punched into its abdomen, and its strength was gone. The certain luster in its eyes was gradually dimming.

Tang Xian crouched in the distance, watching Yi Niu.

Suddenly, Yi Niu's voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"An existence like you... why do you want to plot against me. Why do you use this method to wear me down, despicable alien!"

Tang Xian smiled, this cow is really interesting.He knelt down and said:
"Who would want to eat beef and run for a day and night, who would want to kill a cow and jump around for two hours? Do you think I am willing to do this? If I can kill you with one knife, I will take the trouble to do it What? Is it something a normal cow should do to evolve into this invulnerable form as a top-level ingredient? Do you have the awareness that a cow should have?"

Yi Niu was stunned. Its Niu Sheng had never met such an unreasonable person. This person actually wanted to eat him?Do you think it's hard for you to eat?
Tang Xian had a way to kill Yi Niu directly. After all, Tang Xiaojiu took a mouthful of fox fire and the steak was almost done.

But Tang Xian's favorite method is to cook the beef slowly and cook it with curry potatoes.

Regarding how to eat, Tang Xian didn't think too much for the time being, the things he had to do now were more troublesome.

For example, how to disembowel this cow.

 Dear readers, brothers and sisters, Children's Day is coming soon, and other children have gifts, please give Tang Xiaojiu a recommendation ticket and collection support TAT

(End of this chapter)

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