Chapter 13
"Nice and obedient" Qing Li nodded obediently and replied with a good word.But there seems to be some embarrassment between eyebrows.

In fact, she has a very strange personality.Once she made up her mind, even death could not change her mind.

Of course it is necessary to talk about falling in love with the villain, but this love must be for a lifetime.The so-called embarrassment is just for the system to see.

After Yingying saw her embarrassment, she thought that her host was different from the one she had before.Her host is a pure, cute and simple little white flower, which is different from those coquettish bitches outside.Could what she just said to her be a little too much?

Yingying coughed lightly, and then said to Qingli: "If you really don't want to, you don't have to fall in love with the villain. Anyway, you can do it yourself, whether you talk about it or not, you don't have to. It's important, what's important is being with the hero."

Qing Li replied softly, um, got it.Yingying no longer took the initiative to chat with her, after all, she was still facing the villain.


When Qing Li raised her eyes, Mu Cheng was still looking at her.

After Mu Cheng realized that she had recovered, he said softly again: "Is it so difficult to choose?"

Qing Li thought that because she was talking to the system, her mind wandered for a while.He apologized again and said, "I'm sorry, then... let's go home together."

Mu Cheng looked at the soft and weak girl beside him, she looked extremely innocent.But...Mu Cheng felt that she didn't seem to be like this.

It's just that no matter what she looks like, he just likes it.

Just when Qingli and Mu Cheng walked to the school gate, Yingying suddenly said Qingli again: "Quick! The male lead is fighting with others in front, this is the time for you to gain favor."

"..." After hearing such a story, Qing Li thought, MMP, the group of kids, why don't they study hard and fight all day long?Yesterday it was the male lead who fought with someone else, but today it was the male lead who fought with someone else.Can't you stop for a while?Will you change the villain tomorrow?If the villains fight, she will definitely go to gain favor.

Even though Qingli was unwilling in her heart, she had to maintain her personality in front of the system, and she still had to listen to what the system said, or else her own life would be lost...

Qing Li said to Mu Cheng who was beside her: "There seems to be a fight ahead, let's go and have a look."

Mu Cheng frowned, he was never a nosy person.But the little girl next to him is different from him.Since it was like this, he couldn't refuse her directly.

In the end, Mu Cheng still walked with Qing Li. As a 'weak woman', Qing Li naturally hid aside and watched.It's just that she still observed whether Mu Cheng was in danger.After all, she had already set her sights on him, it would be bad if he was injured or disfigured somewhere.

Although Qing Li in the later life seemed to have only done some exercises to strengthen her body, she remembered everything she had learned in her previous life, and she had never lost a fight in her previous life.As a weak little white flower, future generations will certainly not learn such "hard and dangerous" things.

I have to say that Mu Cheng is really a very powerful person, and he is indeed qualified to be a villain.After all, the big villain boss is very strong from the very beginning to the end, Mu Cheng is such an existence in this world, very strong from the very beginning.How could such a person not be more attractive than the hero?What is the vision of the system?

(End of this chapter)

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