take space to eighty

Chapter 11 Change

Chapter 11 Change (1)
In the morning of winter, the dawn is very late. At six o'clock in the morning, the sky is foggy and dark, but in rural areas, people are basically up at this time.

Especially if there are people who are still studying in the town at home, even the meals are prepared.

In Wang's family, there are two students who want to study, Zhang Lanzhi gets up early, cooks and boils water quickly, so that the children will not be late for school.

Wang Li and Wang Fulai both go to school in the town. It takes about 40 minutes to walk from home to school. It takes half an hour to eat and wash, and it takes about the same time to arrive at school after eating.

Wang Jing, who was soundly asleep, woke up to Hongyu's milky voice, opened her eyes in a daze, and rubbed her eyes vigorously, "Hey! I'm so sleepy, Hongyu, why did you call me so early. "

I haven't woken up yet, I really want to be on the water for a while.

Wang Jing tilted her head lazily, her hair was disheveled, her whole body was sitting on the bed like a cartilage man, her clothes were listless.

Flapping her wings, she flew onto the bed, walked up to Wang Jing's arm step by step with her little paws, and said slowly, "Master, your mother has already woken up, your father, your sister, and your brother have also woken up, and your brother and sister-in-law have also woken up." Get up, if you don't get up again, you will be discovered!"

"You didn't say it earlier." Wang Jing was so frightened that she dozed off and woke up. She stood up abruptly, picked up the clothes beside the bed, quickly put them on, rushed to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face.

Unprepared, Hong Yu fell from Wang Jing's arm, and her head fell directly on the soft quilt. She screamed in fright, "Ah! Help!" shake.

"Woo hoo, bad master, I scared this bird to death." Fortunately, it didn't hurt, otherwise I would have to be the first bird to be stunned by the master.

Kureha stood up slowly, flew to the full-length mirror and combed the feathers on her hair with her wings, hum!Fortunately, he is still so handsome, and his hairstyle is not messed up.

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the hairstyle can't be messed up. As a high-level bird and a stylish bird, you must always pay attention to your own image.

When Wang Jing came out of the bathroom, she saw a picture like this. A red bird was looking at the mirror very seriously, combing the feathers on its head with its wings. Don't make a mess." No matter how you look at it, it is so joyful,

A bird knows how to love beauty, and is quite narcissistic. Wang Jing burst out laughing, "Haha, I'm dying of laughter, Hongyu, your head can be broken, the blood can flow, and your hair can't be messed up? Just your bird head What kind of hairstyle can that tuft of hair on the bird have?" The whole body of the bird was glowing red, and the eyes and claws were a different color, so she really didn't realize how stylish it was.

snort!Hong Yu waved her wings and stared at her unscrupulous master with those bird eyes, "Huh! You are not the master, but they kindly woke you up, and you didn't even know what to say when you stood up, Hong Yu fell down." , Hongyu is so scared that he is still jumping up and down? It's all because the master is not good, bullying the bird." Is it easy for this bird.

"Okay, lovely Hongyu, forgive me for my unintentional mistake." Wang Jing hurried out of the space after speaking.

Well!If the heart stops beating, isn't that a dead bird?

As a high-level bird, Wang Jing felt that the space elf's courage was too small, and his courage needed to be improved.

From now on, I have to practice the gallbladder for it every day, so as not to faint from fright that day, which is too careless.Um!So it was decided.

Poor Hongyu didn't know that it was because of this morning that his master was thinking about it, and he started a life of gallbladder training every day.

(End of this chapter)

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