Chapter 82
Time passed day by day, and when Huo Yu was training Fei Yuqi with all his heart, the imperial court urgently sent an imperial edict, which disappointed everyone.

And Huo Yu's father-in-law, Cai Yong, did an earth-shattering event in the last month. Because he couldn't bear the current situation that the imperial court was controlling the eunuchs, the big man was becoming more and more corrupt, and the people's lives were suffering day by day, he impeached the eunuchs.

The memorials of impeachment pointed directly at the Eunuch Party headed by Shi Changshi. In the memorials, it was mentioned that the disasters in the world do not originate from the outside, but mostly from the inside. Therefore, although the Yellow Turban Rebellion has been quelled, if the internal troubles cannot be ruled out, Then it is impossible to achieve great governance.

It's a pity that Emperor Ling didn't take it seriously at all, he laughed it off after reading it, and threw the memorial aside.Unexpectedly, it happened to be seen by Zhongchang Attendant Zhang Rang, and then he felt terrified, and after many times of verbal probing, Lingdi didn't have the slightest intention to accept this memorial, but Shichang Attendant and others still held a grudge against it.

This memorial was spread out for some reason, and the whole Luoyang knew the content of the memorial, and the scholars called it out, and Cai Yong's reputation was greatly shaken again, so Huo Yu, Cai Yong's son-in-law, was blacklisted by the ten permanent servants middle.

At this time, the Qiang people rebelled, and more than [-] rebels invaded the border. Geng Bi, the governor of Liangzhou, led his troops to the expedition and was killed. Someone in the court advised Dong Zhuo, the governor of Xiliang, who had a high prestige among the Qiang people. Please put down the rebellion as soon as possible.And many people of insight in the DPRK were secretly worried about this, and began to pay close attention to the situation in Liangzhou.

Sure enough, Dong Zhuo was defeated and retreated to Longxi. The rebel army approached the Sanfu area and pointed at Chang'an.After arguing for several days, several parties insisted on their own opinions. Some recommended Huangfusong and Zhu Jun who were outstanding in quelling the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

The trouble made Emperor Ling feel dizzy for a while, General He Jin advocated that the combination of Huangfusong, Zhu Jun and Huo Yu go to Liangzhou, but Taiwei Yuan Kui said that the road to Liaodong is far away and Xianbei is about to move, Huo Yu should not be taken lightly.Zhang Rang also took this opportunity to slander. In the end, Emperor Ling ordered Huangfusong and Zhu Jun to lead the eight captains of Xiyuan to the place of Sanfu after considering all factors, while Huo Yu was ordered to strictly guard Liaodong to guard against Xianbei. .

The imperial court ordered Huangfusong to guard Chang'an, the main purpose of which was to defend the royal tomb. Now there are nearly 7 soldiers around Huangfusong. This is all because the imperial court allowed Huangfusong to act cheaply.

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the Huns were very powerful, and the Qiang people could only be attached to the Huns. Some Qiang people requested to move inward. Han Jing Emperor Liu Qi allowed Yanzhong Liuhe to lead his people to move to Didao, Angu, Lintao, Shidao, and Qiang in Longxi County. Road and other places.In order to fight back against the invasion of the Huns, Emperor Wu opened up four counties in Hexi, cut off the connection between the Qiang people and the Huns, and sent troops to garrison in Huangzhong.Later, a county was set up in the Huangshui River Basin, and the Qiang School Captain was established to take charge of the affairs of Qiang Central.During the reign of Emperor Zhao, Jincheng County was established again, with jurisdiction over Huangyuan in the west and Xiahe in the south.

Afterwards, the Qiang people lived together with the Han people, and they were gradually Sinicized. Until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Qiang people became an important force in Xiliang and other places. Rebellion is a good thing and a bad thing.

When the Han army entered the Sanfu area, Huangfusong planned to defend against the enemy. Perhaps it was due to the pressure of the court that Huangfusong wanted to use his own weaknesses to attack his own strengths.The land of Sansuke is flat and very suitable for cavalry combat, but most of the reinforcements Huangfusong dispatched are infantry, so they are very disadvantaged in field battles.

This time Huangfusong was recruiting reinforcements from various places, and besides the Eighth Colonel of Xiyuan, Sun Jian was also among them.When Beigong Boyu led [-] vanguard cavalry approaching, the war was about to break out, and Huangfusong immediately summoned the generals to discuss matters.

"The vanguard of the rebel army will arrive with ten thousand cavalry in a short time. What do you guys think?" Huangfusong looked at the people in the big tent and said loudly. Not unfamiliar.

Most of these generals have participated in the Yellow Turban counter-rebellion, but this is the first time for them to fight against foreigners, and everyone is very cautious about it.

Sun Jian is known as the fierce tiger in Jiangdong, which has a certain relationship with his character. He is not a person who can live comfortably, so he stepped forward and said: "General, the enemy is 1, and our side is against the enemy several times. It’s the first battle to enter Sansuke’s land again, so it’s natural to display the prestige of our army, and it’s impossible to wipe them all out, so we just want to kill the enemy and boost our morale.”

Sun Jian also knew the mobility of the cavalry. Unless he also had a considerable number of cavalry, it would be even more difficult to wipe them out. Therefore, Sun Jian did not boast.Huangfusong also heard Zhu Jun mention Sun Jian's name, and seeing him today, he is indeed a man to be made.

The ignorance of the foreign race made the generals in the tent not want to show the limelight. If they fail to win the first battle, they will be unlucky, so most of them choose the way of protecting themselves.So they all agreed with Sun Jian's proposal, and Huangfusong was a little disappointed to see the general.

Of course Zhu Jun supported Sun Jian, so he came out and said: "Wentai is so brave, he is the best candidate for the first battle!"

Huangfusong's camp was built in a very open place, which was suitable for both large-scale troops and cavalry charges. Beigong Boyu led the vanguard of [-] cavalry and finally appeared in front of the Han army.Then Huangfu Song ordered Sun Jian to gather all the soldiers and horses in the headquarters, open the door to meet the enemy, and he led the troops with the generals to lead the formation.

As the two armies faced each other, Sun Jian rode his horse forward a few steps and shouted sharply, "Rebels, the imperial army has arrived, why don't you surrender quickly?"

Unexpectedly, one person in the rebel army was furious when he heard this, pointed his spear in his hand, and cursed angrily: "Li Wenhou is here, the generals of the Han army don't play tricks, dare to fight?"

"Hmph! You people under the imperial court, the imperial court has treated you well. Why do you want to rebel? If you don't surrender quickly, if not, you will be killed by the sword, and no one will be left alive." Sun Jian snorted coldly.

Li Wenhou was not good at words at first, but when he heard Sun Jian's words, he was furious immediately, and was about to ride his horse into battle, when he saw a young general rushing out from behind, shouting: "My lord, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, the last general is willing to capture the enemy general and offer it to his subordinates! "

Li Wenhou pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement.I saw the young general was overjoyed, rode his horse and galloped out, yelling loudly: "The enemy general is not crazy, he is here to take your head, don't hurry up and send it to him."

Sun Jian sneered, raised his hand to stop Zu Mao who was about to fight, and galloped out by himself.When the young general saw the leader of the Han army coming out, he was not surprised but happy, and roared to meet him.

"The general will be named, grandpa will not kill anyone." The young general shouted loudly, but Sun Jian didn't answer, the horse galloped like the wind under his crotch, and the ancient ingot knife came out of his body, and he shot very quickly, without mercy.

In an instant, the Gu Ding Dao was in front of him, and the young general who was still talking turned pale with shock, but the experience of living on horseback for many years instantly made him turn his waist and quickly fall backwards.However, the direction of Sun Jian's ancient ingot knife changed immediately, and a human head fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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