The Liaodong Iron Cavalry of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 473 One Unification of the World

Chapter 473 Unification of the World (End)

In Xiangyang, the Jingzhou government, Huo Yu led an army to besiege the city for three days.During these three days, Liu Biao and Cai Mao were the worst.

Liu Biao is terminally ill and can no longer handle government affairs.However, Cai Hao was tied to a flagpole by Lu Bu and stood outside Xiangyang City.

For this move, Huo Yu not only didn't say anything, but even sent additional people to scold outside the city.

"Ma'am, I can't do anything about Liu Shijun's illness. Madam, please mourn and prepare for the funeral!" An elderly doctor shook his head and sighed after taking his pulse for a long time.

"Doctor, is there really no cure? Huh, huh." At this moment, Mrs. Cai has completely lost her support, and she no longer has the arrogance of the past.

In the past, Mrs. Cai relied on Liu Biao's favor, and her elder brother Cai Mao controlled the military power in Jingzhou, often ignoring the existence of others.They have made countless enemies on weekdays, but Liu Biao is still around, and these old ministers have thought of Liu Biao's interests to some extent, and they haven't exploded yet.

Once Liu Biao drives the crane west, one can imagine what will happen to Mrs. Cai and her beloved son.But at this juncture, Mrs. Cai has already planned to take advantage of the relationship between the Cai family and the Kuai family.

"Come here, pass on Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue!" After the doctor left, Mrs. Cai resumed her previous posture.

In Jingzhou in June, it has gradually started to be hot, and Cai Mao, who was hung high on the flagpole, was miserable.But the good thing is that every hour, the Youzhou army will let him down to drink water, and the meal will not be missed. Based on this alone, Cai Mao does not have much resentment towards Huo Yu.

Winner and loser, now I don't have any room to bargain, so I can only pray silently that Huo Yu will be lenient to Caijiawang after he takes control of Jingzhou.

Although Kuai Mansion in Xiangyang received Liu Biao's order, Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue did not respond.

"Brother, Mrs. Cai is still dreaming of her own spring and autumn dream."

"Your brother is right, the time has come, let's contact each family to take action!"

Half an hour later, the north gate of Xiangyang City opened. Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue led the representatives of the major families in Jingzhou to wait in front of the gate, waiting for the arrival of Huo Yu, the new owner of Jingzhou.

"Hahaha!" From a long distance away, everyone heard the sarcasm and laughter of the Youzhou generals.

Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue looked up and saw Lu Bu riding a war horse with a rope in his hand.On the other end of the rope is the disheveled and ragged Cai Mao.

Seeing this situation, the facial muscles of the two of them trembled involuntarily!
"Kai Liang and Kuai Yue led the civil and military forces of Jingzhou to meet the champion. We are willing to surrender!" Not long after, the two of them saw Huo Yu appear and hurried forward to bow down together.

And all the civil and military people behind him also paid homage at the same time!
"Yidu, Zirou, please get up!" Huo Yu got off his horse, walked up to the two of them and said enthusiastically, at the same time bowed his body slightly and supported him with both hands!
After seeing the two get up, Huo Yu said again: "Everyone, please get up!".

With such a small action, everyone knew the status of the Kuai family.It wasn't until this time that many people realized that the Kuai family had contacted Youzhou a long time ago, and now that they think about it, they really regret it.

Huo Yu entered Xiangyang with his front foot, and Liu Biao died with his back foot.Since the moment the city gate was opened, Mrs. Cai collapsed on the ground, hugging and crying with her beloved son Liu Cong. As for Liu Qi, she followed in her father's footsteps.

In Huo Yu's heart, it has always been solidified by the thinking of later generations.He always thought that Liu Qi was cowardly and cowardly, but the facts in front of him made Huo Yu realize once again that the current history has changed greatly.

The Youzhou army stationed in Xiangyang does not mean that the entire territory of Jingzhou is attached, but these are not what Huo Yu has considered, and the rest of the matter will naturally be arranged by Xi Zhicai and others.

As for Liu Biao's offspring, Huo Yu will of course have to be buried generously.No matter how you say it is still related, as for Mrs. Cai's arrangement, Huo Yu didn't make things difficult, but just ordered his mother and son to be placed elsewhere.

But what happened later, Huo Yu turned a blind eye to it.The desolate mother and son were robbed and killed by robbers, God is so short-sighted!
After Huo Yu occupied Jingzhou, he began to vigorously reform, and the Shida family of Jingzhou had no objection to this.The world is impermanent, and now a hundred thousand troops are stationed around Xiangyang, and there is still that short-sighted person who speaks out against it.

After paying a visit to Sima Hui, Huang Yancheng and other Jingzhou famous people one by one, Huo Yu began to prepare for the last stop with Jiangdong.

In Jianye, one month ago, when Huo Yu occupied Xiangyang, Da Qiao took his son Sun Shaoyuan to Wu County. When Sun Quan got the news, it was useless to chase after him.

Half a month later, Zhou Yu, who had already been squeezed out of the core circle of Soochow, actually supported Sun Ce's son Sun Shao in Wu County.For a time, Wu County and Kuaiji County responded to his call one after another.At this point, Soochow, which looked powerful on the outside, was divided into two.

"Bastard! Zhou Yu, don't dare to bully me!" Sun Quan was furious when he heard the news, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

As the saying goes, people drink water and stuff it between their teeth.Just when Sun Quan was about to crusade, the Youzhou army stationed in Jingzhou moved.

Under Huo Yu's general order, the army began to collect warships, and then stationed in Chibi.

"Mr. Zhuge, Jiangdong is split, is there any chance of a comeback?" Xiahou Dun asked the same question for the first time along the way.

"General Xiahou, wait for us to serve Sun Quan. The two generals asked for orders to attack Zhou Yu, so that we have room for maneuver." Zhuge Liang did not give a clear answer to the previous several inquiries.

After getting the answer, Xiahoudun nodded silently, and then winked at Xiahouyuan.Actually, the current Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan somewhat regretted following Sima Yi's suggestion.

If Cao Cao's orders had not been disobeyed at the beginning, two of the [-] troops attacking Jiangdong would have had their place. Little did they know that Xu Chu, Xu Huang, Li Dian, Le Jin and others had already been persuaded by Xun Yu to surrender to Huo Yu.

In the battle of Wancheng, the guards of the two brothers suffered heavy losses. In addition, they did not return directly to Xiangyang, so they did not know the situation of their family members. Up to now, they can only take one step at a time.Even if the worst plan is for the two of them to catch Zhuge Liang and plead guilty to Huo Yu, there is still a way to survive.

In Chaisang Sun Quan's camp, looking at the three people in front of him, Sun Quan was overjoyed!Sun Quan, who had no generals to use before, was thirsty for talents at this time.

Needless to say, Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan are already well-known.As for Zhuge Liang, Sun Quan was somewhat skeptical, after all, Zhuge Liang personally commanded the Battle of Wancheng.If it wasn't for the face of his elder brother Zhuge Jin, Sun Quan would never be so polite.

"Mr. Zhuge, do you have a strategy to defeat the enemy?" During the banquet, Sun Quan continued to drink and deliberately made things difficult.

"Liang thought that the main force of Jiangdong had all left Xiakou, and Yu Chibi camped on the opposite bank. Although Youzhou's army is strong, cavalry can't fight in water? Even if Youzhou's navy comes to reinforce it, sea ships can't enter the inland river at all." Facing Sun Quan's To make things difficult, Zhuge Liang talked without changing his face or heartbeat.

"Under the same warship, I believe Jiangdong's navy is definitely far better than Youzhou."

"Mr. Zhuge, do you know that Zhou Yu supported Sun Shao?"

"Just send two generals, Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun, to conquer! Even if they can't be wiped out, they can still enter a state of confrontation."

Regarding Zhuge Liang's reaction, his brother Zhuge Jin nodded secretly.Although it seems that there are many crises now, what Zhuge Liang said is not bad.

In the summer of 206 A.D., Huo Yu marched towards Jiangdong with an army of 15.As soon as the news came out, the entire Jiangdong was shaken, and the people were panicked.

As for Sun Quan, after accepting Zhuge Liang's suggestion, he divided [-] troops under the command of Chen Pu, Han Dang, Xiahouyuan, and Xiahoudun, and went straight to Wu County, while he rashly stationed [-] troops to form a confrontation with Xiakou and Youzhou Army. .

Facing the powerful Youzhou Army, Sun Quan was not only not timid, but full of confidence.Because of the recent two small-scale encounters, the navy led by Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin showed great power, and the Youzhou navy was defeated. To be precise, the Jingzhou navy fled.If Sun Quan knew that Huo Yu did it on purpose, he didn't know what he would think.

Huo Yu welcomed an important guest in the Chibi Youzhou Army camp today.This person was extremely ugly, but Huo Yu not only did not despise him, but respected him as a distinguished guest.

"Tong, a grassroots man, An Neng won the champion and treated him like this!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Shui Jing once said that one of the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks can be safe in the world!" Huo Yu has been observing Pang Tong, such appearance is not made up.

"Uh, my teacher is wonderful! Tong, panic!" Regarding Huo Yu's words and deeds, Pang Tong is also secretly observing, at least for now Pang Tong has not yet confirmed whether he will become an official.

If he becomes an official, he will make his best friend Zhuge Liang an enemy.In short, Pang Tong was struggling fiercely, but all this remains to be seen, and today's coming here can be regarded as paying back Zhuge Liang's favor.

In order to show that he was thirsty for talents, Huo Yu immediately ordered a banquet and invited all civil and military personnel to come.

It is said that earlier, Sun Quan's subordinate Lu Ji recommended Pang Tong to him, but Sun Quan ignored it because he heard people say that Pang Tong was ugly, and everyone could only sigh secretly.

After three rounds of food and five flavors of wine, everyone dispersed. After all, it is currently in a state of war, and drinking in the army is also controlled.Otherwise, if one accidentally capsizes the boat in the gutter, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Shiyuan is here to seek an official?" Huo Yu, who was slightly drunk, asked tentatively.

"No!" Pang Tong added after a pause.

"Tong, after learning that the champion Hou Shui lost the battle, I'm here to offer advice!"

"It's not asking for an official? How can I offer advice?" Before Huo Yu could speak, Guo Jia said with a smirk.

"Youzhou's army has mostly cavalry, and they are not good at water warfare! The large naval ships cannot enter the inland river, and Jingzhou's soldiers are useless!" After speaking, Pang Tong provoked Guo Jia a few times, not to be outdone.

"Does Shi Yuan have a good strategy?" Suddenly, Huo Yu asked with a smile, his eyes widened.

"The iron rope connects the boat, no matter how strong the wind and waves are, it's like walking on flat ground!" Pang Tong got up and walked to the center of the big tent while talking and drawing with bamboo chopsticks in his hand.

"Hahaha! What a chain boat! Such a Youzhou cavalry can overcome the wind and waves like a flat land!" Huo Yu suddenly got up and laughed.

However, at the next moment, Huo Yu pulled out the sword of the guard at the side, and rushed to Pang Tong's side in three steps at a time, and said with a smirk, "Shiyuan is bullying me?"

"Why is this... the champion?" Pang Tongtong asked with an innocent face.

"Hmph! The iron chain connects the ship. It is true that the warship can resist the wind and waves, but it has lost its maneuverability. Waiting for Zhuge Kongming to attack with fire!" After speaking, Huo Yu suddenly released the murderous aura of his whole body, which made Pang Tong back again and again in shock.

"Shi Yuan, Shi Yuan, if you come here to become an official, I will treat you as a military advisor! However, it is a good plan to come here this time!"

"Champion Hou, does he want to use his tricks?" Pang Tong suddenly tensed up and said casually.

"It's true, but the Marquis doesn't need to fight at all, and he can defeat Sun Quan!" Huo Yu returned the sword to the guards, and then returned to the commander-in-chief.

"Feng Xiao, let Shi Yuan see the strength of our army!"

"No!" Huo Yu ordered, and Guo Jia stood up and walked to the map in the big tent.

In the next half an hour, Guo Jia talked about the deployment of the Youzhou Army to Pang Tong, and Pang Tong was in a cold sweat.

"Yizhou Army [-] Gan Ning Navy [-]." After listening to Guo Jia's explanation, Pang Tong's mind went blank, and his eyes stared blankly at the location of Yizhou on the map.

After a long time, Pang Tong suddenly laughed loudly and said, "I have heard that Guo Junshi is full of tricks, and today I am willing to bow down! Kong Ming, Kong Ming!"

"Shiyuan is wrong! All of this is planned by the lord, Jia just obeys orders!"

"It seems that Tong can't go anywhere for the time being!" After a short period of distraction, Pang Tong suddenly came to his senses.

In a blink of an eye, one month has passed, during which time the Youzhou army stayed behind closed doors and built a series of warships wantonly. When the news spread to the south bank, Zhuge Liang was overjoyed.Of course, what is even more gratifying is that the army that conquered Sun Shao won many battles and was about to conquer Wu County.

However, there are unpredictable circumstances and people have misfortunes and blessings.On this day, Sun Quan, who was in a good mood, received a piece of news like a bolt from the blue!
"Report! My lord, military advisor, Youzhou's army of [-] troops appeared outside Wu County! General Chen and General Han were defeated and captured, and the two generals Xiahou are nowhere to be found!"

"What! Are you saying it again?" Sun Quan, who couldn't believe his ears, said angrily.

"General Chen and General Han were defeated and captured, and the [-] troops from Youzhou are heading towards Jianye!"

"Boom!" This time it was Zhuge Liang's turn to lose his composure, and he was under attack, but they didn't know where the [-] troops came from.

"Report! A war is called outside the Youzhou military stronghold!" Another scout suddenly reported.

However, before the two gave the order, they heard shouts of killing outside the water village.Not long after, Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai, who took the initiative to fight, were completely defeated and returned.

Received two consecutive bad news within one day, Sun Quan and Zhuge Liang could no longer calm down, and hurriedly summoned the generals to discuss the matter.It's just that in the face of such a predicament, even Zhuge Liang is helpless!

"Youping, are you going to do something?" When Jiang Qin came to Zhou Tai's big tent, he looked around and said in a low voice.

Zhou Tai nodded and said nothing, in fact Sun Quan treated the two of them quite well.Fortunately, Huo Yu's order was not to order the two to kill Sun Quan, but to open the gate of the water village.

"My lord's order must not be violated." After a while of silence, although the two felt ashamed, they had no choice but to carry out Huo Yu's general order.

With the battle at this point, anyone with a discerning eye can see which is better.What's more, Huo Yu's command cannot be violated!
It was night, the two recruited cronies and said they were strong, and then took down the gate of the water village in one go.The Youzhou army took advantage of the situation and entered, and Jiangdong's troops had no way to resist it.

Among the rebellious army, Sun Quan fled in a hurry under the cover of Huang Gai, and the depressed Zhuge Liang was captured alive by Ma Chao.So far, the Chibi War ended with a complete victory for the Youzhou Army!
"Kong Ming, Kong Ming, you shouldn't be, you shouldn't be." Huo Yu threw such a nonsensical sentence after seeing Zhuge Liang, and locked him with Pang Tong.

In fact, Huo Yu admired the talents of the two of them very much.Being locked up with Pang Tong is intended to persuade him.

Although Sun Quan escaped, Jiangdong had no more soldiers to use, and it was only a matter of time before the entire Jiangdong was conquered!

In July 206 A.D., General Lu Bu of Youzhou led his troops to conquer Jianye. Sun Quan ignited the Wu Mansion when he broke the city, and the fire burned for three days and three nights.

In August, Sun Shao surrendered to Huo Yu, and the world was now unified. Since the end of the Han Dynasty, the land of China, which had been plagued by frequent wars, returned to peace once again.

In the spring of 207 A.D., Huo Yu held a hall of offering sacrifices to heaven on the top of Mount Tai, and then ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.For the rest of the people, the king will be the king, and the reward will be heavy.

In 210 A.D., Gan Ning, the captain of the navy, led a large army to the south to conquer the barbarians. He made great strides along the way, and killed Liu Bei in Tianzhu, captured Wei Yan, and played the mighty power of the Chinese navy.

In 215 A.D., Huo Yu changed the country of Wa to Ryukyu, which was included in the territory of China, and made a decree that all Wa people would be slaves for life, and they were not allowed to go to school, become officials, or marry Han people.

In 218 A.D., various tribes and small countries in Southeast Asia wrote a letter requesting to annex the territory of the Han Dynasty and become a county.

In 220 AD, the population of Huaxia exceeded 20 million, and the national treasury was full.After making full preparations, Huo Yu left Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Liao Hua, Xi Zhicai and other senior officials to assist the crown prince in overseeing the country, and he personally led his righteous brother Lu Bu, generals Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Dian Wei, Gao Shun and others. The [-] army began a long journey to the west.

In 222 AD, the Guishuang Empire surrendered; in 223 AD, the Parthian Empire surrendered; in 228 AD, the Roman Empire surrendered; all the countries in Eurasia belonged to the territory of China.

In 235 A.D., Huo Yu officially passed on the throne to Prince Huo Ping. At the same time, he faded out of the government and lived an enviable secluded life with his wives and concubines.

One day in the spring of 240 A.D., Huo Yu sat on the top of Mount Tai, looking at the beautiful mountains around him, with mixed feelings in his heart.When he was young, facing the rising sun, Huo Yu exhausted his last bit of strength and shouted: "I will enter Huaxia without regret in this life!"

(End of this chapter)

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