Chapter 500

In this way, the old man nodded to express his understanding.

The head of the family stopped talking, let alone other people.

Xiao Qi is also even less opinionated, not only has no opinion, but is also proud of herself, her brainwashing last night was really timely, otherwise how could father think so clearly.

Originally, these things were nothing compared to life.

At least Xiao Qi knew that she had saved Brother Wen twice.

One time was due to his fetal belt disease, and the other time was due to her detoxification pill?

If there is no her detoxification pill, although this guy's body has a little anti-toxicity due to the consumption of space water, but the poison cannot be detoxified for a long time, it is still harmful to the body, and it can still kill him after a long time.

After all, Brother Wen's body is all thanks to her, so these things are really nothing, just accept it.

Besides, these are all grains. Xiao Qi always thinks that the more food these things are, the better. They are given away for free, so why not?
I am afraid that anyone who has experienced hunger will have this idea.

Seeing that everyone had no objections and looked at the things in the yard, Lu Zhongshou began to arrange.

He asked Qingshan to pull a cart out, and then distributed some food, meat products, and charcoal medicinal materials to Lu Zhongye's house. They were two brothers, so naturally he couldn't eat alone.

Then there is no further distribution of food and so on. After all, there is no shortage of food in my family. I bought some bacon, bacon, smoked duck and ham for my second son, as well as some charcoal and some medicinal materials. These things It is safe to say that each family prepares some.

There is no need for the third daughter-in-law to divide. Since the third daughter-in-law's mother's family left, the third daughter-in-law and the children ate with them for the past two days.

Seeing that there was still a lot of ham and bacon left, Lu Zhongshou nodded secretly in his heart.

To be honest, there is really a shortage of meat these days. If Lu Zhongshou is satisfied with everything in the car, it is naturally meat.

There is no shortage of anything in the house, the only thing that is missing is meat. As for poultry, all the edible ones have been eaten, and the inedible ones are reserved for laying eggs.

Wen Gu is good, you should know that there is not much food shortage in the family, and the most sent are all kinds of meat, there are three carts.

Soon, except for the assigned ones, the other things were transported to the warehouse by the big guys, and some were put into the cellar. Xiaoqi received the hidden meaning of his father and rushed to take on the task of going down to the cellar.

After transporting things, I collected some of them into the space. Of course, the most collected is meat, so as to maintain the maximum freshness.

Looking at the extra meat in the space, Xiao Qi smiled with satisfaction, and from the corner of his eye, he looked at the wheat, rice, corn, etc. that were about to mature around him, and the smile on Xiao Qi's face became even wider.

How long is this?The food planted in the space is estimated to mature in a short time.

After planting such a crop of grain, Xiao Qi has a solid idea in her heart. She estimates that it will take two months for these grains to mature. Two months, what is this concept?
You must know that there is only one crop of wheat here in a year. To be honest, Xiaoqi is really happy about this news, and there is no need to worry about food in the future.

It is said that the food at home is not enough for her to worry about, and her own food is still enough.

Next to the shelves in the space, there are bags of grains stacked one after another. These have been secretly collected into the space after harvesting grain every year with the acquiescence of my father in the past few years.

With such accumulation year after year, a lot has been piled up in the space, almost catching up with her previous inventory.

Coming up from the cellar, Xiao Qi gave Dad a dark look, and Lu Zhongshou nodded calmly.

The September moon is in the sky, and the night is getting dark.

Just when everyone was sleeping soundly, there was a knock on the gate of Qingyun Village, and the villagers who guarded the gate almost jumped up in shock.

Ever since the gate of Qingyun Village was built, he had never encountered someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night. The villager suddenly became nervous and began to think about it.

Boldly came to the gate, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Lu Qingjiang," Qingjiang shouted outside the door.

Lu Qingjiang was wearing casual clothes, and there were two people standing behind him.

Hearing that it was the third child of the Lu family who was just about to open the door, he realized that he was wrong!Isn't the youngest of the Lu family working as an official in another place?Why did you come back in the middle of the night?What do the villagers think about this matter?

"You said you are Lu Qingjiang, do you have anything to prove it?" It's better to be careful, if the bad guy pretends to be fake, once he opens the door, he will harm the villagers.

Lu Qingjiang: ...Why does it feel like entering a city gate?

To prove how he wanted to prove it, Lu Qingjiang was a little dumbfounded. He never thought that there would be a day when he would not be able to enter his village.

There was no other way, so Qing Jiang had no choice but to report all the names of the family members.

"No, change another certificate. It's too easy to find out the name." The villager was too cautious, and he still didn't open the door after thinking about it. He couldn't make fun of the safety of the whole village.

Lu Qingjiang choked, it was hard for him, so he was going to spend the night outside the door tonight.

After thinking about it, Lu Qingjiang reported the names of the old man's friends in the village, thinking that he should be able to enter this time.

After all, some of the people here have already passed away.

Not to mention, when the names of the two deceased old men in the village were mentioned, the villager immediately believed it. After all, who would inquire about insignificant people?
"You are really the third child of the Lu family. Where do you work as an official?" The village head confirmed again.

"Yes, big brother, I'm really the third child of the Lu family, and I'm the county magistrate in Huima County." Qing Jiang helped to complete the statement that this is the big brother of the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper villagers heard everything right, and then opened the gate hesitantly.

The moment he opened the door, he saw a familiar face against the moonlight. The villager breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his worries.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I'm..." "It's okay, this big brother is doing a good job, you really should be careful in the middle of the night." Lu Qingjiang quickly stopped the villager's brother's words, with a full face said with a smile.

As he said, he helped the big doorkeeper to re-insert the gate with a few bolts.

To be honest, when seeing this gate, Lu Qingjiang was relieved from the bottom of his heart that the villagers guarding the gate were still so cautious.

Sure enough, as Dad said in the letter, he doesn't have to worry about the house, it's safe.

Xiao Qi, who was sleeping at that time, suddenly opened his eyes, and used his mental strength to confirm in the direction of the village gate suspiciously.

Then with a joy on his face, he sat up and put on his clothes, pulled on his shoes and knocked on the door of his parents' room.

"Dad, mom, dad!"

It was the dead of night, and Xiao Qi's father and mother not only woke up Lu Zhongshou and his wife who were sleeping, but also woke up the old man and Qingshan couple in the backyard.

What do you think happened?The few people who were awakened hurriedly put on their clothes.

Especially when Lu Zhongshou heard his daughter's hasty cry, he thought something was wrong, he only had time to put on his clothes, and hurriedly opened the door without even putting on his shoes.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Lu Zhongshou asked worriedly while opening the door.

"Xiao Qi, what's the matter? What's wrong?" Wei Shi shouted anxiously in the inner room while putting on his clothes.

Xiao Qi: ...Uh, I forgot it was midnight when I got excited, it seemed to frighten my parents.

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  Thank you book friend 2****10!Thanks tsiay!
  Thank you, Summer Cool!Thanks Jiajia!

  Thanks for the rest of my life!

  Thank you angels and demons!

  Thank you guys for your monthly support ╰(*︶`*)╯

(End of this chapter)

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