Chapter 9
After trying dozens of times, even if he is as firm as Mingyan, he still has a headache. Controlling and maintaining chakra is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

Chakra always does not diverge according to Mingyan's idea, and wants to form a hemispherical barrier. After tossing for a long time, it becomes an irregular shape and cannot maintain its shape.

This technique is somewhat similar to the shape change of Chakra, so the difficulty is naturally not low.

It seems that we still have to take it one step at a time.

"Let's practice climbing trees first."

Still coming to the grove outside the village, under the bright moonlight, Mingyan, who was a student, began to practice genocide.

This small forest has gradually become Ming Yan's exclusive training ground, because this place is very quiet, no one disturbs, and it is close to home.

Although it is outside the village, it is very safe. After all, there are ninjas patrolling around the village all the time. It is absolutely impossible for Hokage to let there be a safety hazard near the village.

Focus on nothing else, get rid of all distracting thoughts, and draw out some chakras to gather on the soles of the feet.

This point is not difficult, Ming Yan did it quickly.

Next up is tree climbing!

One foot stepped on the tree trunk, using the chakra on the sole of the foot to generate adsorption force on the tree. When Naruto felt that the sole of the foot was glued to the tree trunk, he lifted the other foot. As a result, the other foot just Stepping on the trunk, he fell to the ground before he could stabilize himself.

It was very easy for both feet to be attached to the tree trunk, but it didn't last long, and they often fell off while walking.

I don't know how many times I fell, but when Ming Yan got up from the ground and continued to climb the tree, he did it.

Facing the night sky, looking at the dots of stars, step by step, he climbed up smoothly, said he climbed, or rather walked up, and sat on the branch of the tree. Ming Yan was not afraid that the branch would break, because he was only eight years old now. little boy.

The night was beautiful, and it was rare for Mingyan to appreciate it. Looking at the distant mountains, it was pitch black, and only vague outlines could be seen. Even so, one could still feel the majesty and majesty of the mountains.

The tree-climbing practice came to an end, and in the next few days, Mingyan practiced treading water on a lake outside the village.

You can't escape the fate of becoming a drowned chicken. Walking on water is much more difficult than walking on trees, because the water is flowing, and it is even more difficult for Chakra to maintain it.

Just when I found a little feeling, I heard a few very familiar voices, my thoughts drifted, and with a "plop", I entered the water again.

"Seeing the village is as cordial as seeing Wenrouxiang. I can finally rest for a while, hehe." It sounded like Jiraiya's voice.

"You still want to rest? You don't know how many children have graduated from ninja school recently, and the guides in the village are not enough."

This is Tsunade!

"Let me teach those little devils, don't be kidding, I won't teach those without talent, even if Sarutobi-sensei arranges forcibly, I won't teach." It's still Ziraiya.

"Ji Lai Ye, I am quite similar to you in this respect." His voice seemed hoarse and hoarse.

That's right, it's Orochimaru!
Ming Yan swims up, feeling a little excited. These three are powerful ninjas who won the name of Sannin in the Second Ninja World War. Two of them are the teachers of the two protagonists in the original book. They are very powerful. Even before World War II, The name of Sannin has not yet been achieved, so it should not be underestimated.

"Hush!" Tsunade heard the sound of water and pointed behind the bushes.

The three of them appeared behind Ming Yan silently, but Ming Yan didn't notice it at all.

"Little ghost, who are you, why did you appear outside Konoha Village?" Tsunade asked with his hands on his hips.

Hearing this voice, Ming Yan turned around, and saw a beautiful woman with twin ponytails coming from her with a pure aura. The current Tsunade is indeed a pretty girl in her 20s, and she doesn't use ninjutsu to maintain her youthful appearance.

In addition to Tsunade, there are also young Jiraiya and Orochimaru. They are all wearing Jonin uniforms, and they must have just returned to the village after completing a mission.

"My name is Chumen Mingyan, and I'm a student of Ninja School." Mingyan confessed honestly.

"Is there any evidence to prove it?" Orochimaru is very vigilant, age does not determine anything, it is very likely that the kid in front of him is a spy sent by other ninja villages.

Ming Yan took out a personal information card that he carried with him, because it was protected by a card sleeve, so even if it was submerged in water, it would not be affected.

The personal information card is equivalent to the ID card, and also records the enrollment information.

Orochimaru took it over and took a look, and then nodded to Tsunade's Jilai, indicating that this brat is indeed a student of the ninja school.

"Then you are not staying in the village, what are you doing outside the village? Do you know that it is dangerous outside?" Tsunade frowned and accused.

"I knew I was wrong." Mingyan was well-behaved and sensible, which made Tsunade lose his temper.

Although Tsunade is a woman, she is not as careful as Orochimaru. Orochimaru found that Naruto was soaking wet, and with the sound of falling into the water just now, he asked, "Little devil, were you practicing treading water just now?"

Tsunade and Jiraiya didn't think about that either, because climbing trees and treading water are compulsory courses for ninja, and this kid is still a student of ninja school, so how could he do this without guidance? If one's own comprehension has achieved this step, then one is naturally a genius.

Ming Yan nodded.

It doesn't matter if you don't nod, Tsunade and Jiraiya were also slightly surprised by this nod, including Orochimaru who made a bold guess.

"In other words, you have already managed to use Chakra to climb trees?" Jiraiya asked.

Ming Yan nodded again.

At this time, the Sannin in the future are a little unbelievable. They have also practiced climbing trees and treading water, but they did it after becoming a ninja and after being instructed by the teacher, but this child actually did it with his own understanding. In other words , this child's talent is even higher than they used to be!
"Little ghost, can you try?" Tsunade suspected that the kid was bragging.

Naruto is of course very happy to show himself in front of Mirai Sannin, maybe he can use this to graduate early. After all, relying on Mirai Sannin's status and status in Konoha, it is not difficult for a child to graduate from Ninja School early.

Master Hokage's proud disciple, the granddaughter of the first generation of Hokage, and the top combat power of Konoha Hidden Village, which one is not a representative of identity?

Suppressing the expectation in his heart, Ming Yan shook off the water from his hair, and then walked to a big tree.

The soles of the feet gathered chakra, adsorbed on the tree trunk, maintained the amount of chakra, and kept maintaining it, step by step, successfully walked up!
Turning over and jumping, Naruto landed on the ground, smiling and looking at Mirai Sannin with a wonderful expression.

"Then why don't you apply for early graduation? With your current situation, you have already reached the level of early graduation." Tsunade was a little excited.

"I've applied, but the teacher doesn't allow it." Ming Yan cried and felt extremely wronged.

"Which teacher is so short-sighted, come with me, and I will take you to reason." Tsunade was in a hurry, and he pulled Mingyan into the village.

"Tsunade, do you want to be his instructor?" Orochimaru said, if he hadn't discovered this, how could Tsunade have discovered the child's talent and now wants to compete with him as an apprentice?
Every teacher hopes that the apprentice has good talent and becomes a better ninja than himself, so that he can give the teacher a face. The future Sannin is no exception. The stronger the ninja, the stronger this idea.

"Such a good seedling, if you don't accept it, you won't accept it for nothing." Tsunade felt that he should take it for granted.

"Hey, hey, there's me too, I want to take this brat as my apprentice too." Zi Lai Ye smiled silly.

(End of this chapter)

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