Naruto's balanced ninja

Chapter 85 The Second Mission

Chapter 85 The First Mission

Jiu Xinnai handed over the unsealed sealing gesture to Ming Yan, and asked Ming Yan to try it.

What is sealed in the sealing scroll is Mingyan's Chakra, and it will not reject Mingyan, and it will definitely not work if others try it.

Mingyan simply made a few seals, pressed his palm on the scroll, and immediately felt that his chakra was continuously recovering, but the recovered amount was far less than the consumed amount, estimated to be only one-fifth of the consumed amount.

There must be loss in the process of transporting Chakra, and Chakra in the sealed scroll will also decrease with time.

But this is already very good. You must know how important Chakra is in battle. When the Chakra of both the enemy and the enemy is exhausted, you suddenly have more Chakra. The extra Chakra is enough to determine who lives and who dies.

"How?" Minato asked anxiously.

"Well, this sealing formula can indeed seal Chakra, but the recovered Chakra is only about one-fifth of the consumed Chakra."

"Very good." Minato was a little envious, but helpless, he didn't have the ability to control the chakra outside his body.

Jiu Xinnai was also a little helpless, and she didn't have the ability.

To control the chakra outside the body, most people will not practice this kind of practice. This is a compulsory course for learning illusion.

Jiu Xinnai suddenly realized something, and stared at Ming Yan unkindly, "Okay, Ming Yan, so you asked me to ask sister Meiqin out to learn illusion from her."

Ming Yan smiled awkwardly, she didn't expect Kushina to find out so soon, but didn't Mikoto tell her?It shouldn't be, otherwise it wouldn't be this kind of reaction.

"Ah, I'm a little interested in illusion, so I learned from sister Meiqin for a few days."

"Uchiha Mikoto? Is that the illusion genius?" Minato asked, although she knew that Konoha did not have a second Mikoto, she still wanted to make sure.

"Well, that's it." Ming Yan nodded.

"It's only been a few days, and you've learned illusion?" Although Kushina has never learned illusion, she often deals with sister Meiqin and knows something about illusion. Generally speaking, it takes at least ten and a half days to learn illusion. months, but only four or five days have passed...

"Sister Meiqin taught it well." Mingyan smiled coyly, it is impossible to say that he has a strong understanding, so he must not be mad at Minato.

"Yo, you two have only known each other for a few days, and you just called each other sister Meiqin. It seems that you and sister Meiqin are getting along very well."

Jiu Xinnai had a smirk on his face, but he admired Mingyan's learning ability in his heart. No matter how well others taught him, it was useless if he didn't have that ability. Moreover, he learned illusion in four or five days. I'm afraid no one will be able to do it again.

Ming Yan glared at Jiu Xinnai angrily, this little girl is young, she knows quite a lot, Miqin is really approachable and treats him very well, but they are just children...

Don't overdo Minato, why do you feel that the gap between you and Mingyan is getting bigger and bigger, isn't your hard work not enough?He asked himself this in his heart.

"Hey, it's early."

The three of them looked at each other in unison, and Jiraiya was walking slowly with his hands on the back of his head.

"Teacher, what are you teaching today?" Minato asked.

"I won't teach anything today, everyone has a good rest, and tomorrow we will go out to perform tasks." Zilai also said.

"Going out on a mission? What kind of mission?" Kushina was curious, but also afraid. She still remembered the last time she went out on a mission because she couldn't use the sealing technique proficiently and almost killed Minato. She was very worried about it. That's why I will study the sealing technique desperately in the near future.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. The last time I took you guys on a mission was just a joke, but this time, it's for real." Zilai also suddenly became serious.

Minato's blood was boiling with excitement. He had just realized the gap since the last time he fought against a foreign ninja, and this mission was just a test of the results of hard work during this period of time.

Mingyan was stunned, he hadn't participated in the last mission, and he hadn't seen the world outside Konoha.

Zilai also suddenly thought of something, and said to Mingyan: "Last time you were not present, you were not with us, and you lost a very valuable practical experience, but this time, you can make up for what you lost."

Mingyan nodded seriously. He knew that going out to perform missions would be accompanied by danger, even life-threatening. He said that he was not afraid to be false, but he had practiced in Konoha for such a long time. How much is it?
Whether it is a mule or a horse, you have to pull it out for a walk to know.

In order to master Shen's inheritance, Hatake's sword skills, and illusion skills, he spent countless days and nights and sweated a lot. His body was full of scars and he gritted his teeth and persisted. He repeatedly squeezed his cells and tried to break through the limit. He firmly believed that he was no better than others. Difference.

Put it on Konoha, he is the best ninja, put it outside, he is still not bad!

And he can just take this opportunity to test himself and improve himself. Without going through life and death, he will not be able to gain more powerful power.

Konoha's top powerhouses have all experienced thousands of life-and-death games. Because of this, they will stand on the top of the ninja world, become the objects of worship and admiration of the younger generations, and become the most powerful people in the whole ninja world. There is an existence that needs to be shaken three times.

If you want to become such a person, you must have a brave heart, not afraid of death, and dare to fight against death. Only in this way can you become a strong ninja.

And in a sense, this is his first mission as a ninja, and he has to take it seriously.

"This time you go out, prepare your dry food and bring all your ninja tools. Anyway, you must be well prepared, because the mission may last for several days."

Jilai was also a little worried, he was afraid that something would happen to his apprentice, but when Sarutobi-sensei asked Mingyan and Minato to participate in the mission, he still agreed, not for anything else, just for the two children to be able to leave in the future farther.

Those who stay in Konoha and play ninja games cannot be regarded as qualified ninjas. Only those who have experienced life and death, put the task first, and look down on life and death are qualified ninjas.

This is the definition of a ninja. In order to complete the task, he can give up the lives of himself and his companions. Although it is cruel, this is the reality.

Ninjas are the country's armed forces. It is for the stability of the country in large areas, and for the stability of villages in small areas. This stability often requires many ninjas to sacrifice their lives.

Konoha's peace and stability are all exchanged for the lives of countless Konoha ninjas. Peace does not last forever, it can only be maintained, and if you want to maintain peace, someone has to pay the price with their lives.

It can be said that Konoha's peace is achieved with fists. Only by making other countries afraid of Konoha's power will they not dare to invade Konoha, so as to achieve temporary peace.

And when Konoha's fist is no longer hard, or when the fists of other countries are harder than Konoha, other countries will have the idea of ​​fighting Konoha, and even start a war.

This is the law of this world. If you want people to respect you, you must first be afraid of you.

This is also the reason why the first generation of Hokage led Konoha Hidden Village not to be invaded during the glorious period.

The first generation of Naruto Senju Hashirama enjoyed the title of "God of Ninjas", leading the Senju clan to pacify the troubled times, and jointly established the peaceful and stable Konoha Hidden Village with Uchiha Madara.

Let me ask, if the two strongest families joined forces at that time, who would dare to take Konoha's idea?That is no different from courting death.

Therefore, this is the survival rule of the ninja world. If you want to enjoy a peaceful living environment, you must have the ability to resist foreign enemies and make others feel afraid.

In the final analysis, the world of ninjas is to compete whose fist is harder!

(End of this chapter)

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