Chapter 65
It was said that the owner of the bookstore knew that the business would not be negotiated, so he didn't need to worry about the full copyright anymore, and from the words of this brat, he could clearly hear the intention of knocking him down.

Looking at Ming Yan who was sitting just a little higher than the dining table, he was very angry.

He never expected that in the end he would be tricked by this humble brat. In the business field, this brat is smarter than Mr. Jiraiya, more than a little shrewd, and can see the future market.

"Negotiate the manuscript fee? What kind of negotiation?" The boss of the bookstore had a wry smile on his lips.

"How was the manuscript fee calculated in the past?" Ming Yan asked.

"It's calculated on the basis of 50 taels per thousand characters."

Ming Yan thought for a while, originally wanted to use the sharing model, how much money was paid for the number of books sold, and the remuneration was directly proportional to the sales volume, but it was difficult to count the sales volume, and he couldn't believe that the boss of the bookstore would report the sales volume truthfully.

This advanced sharing model does not work, so only the traditional buyout model remains.

As for the previous 50 taels for a thousand characters, it was just begging for food. I have to say that the boss of the book club has a dark heart, so what can 50 taels do?Eat at most one light meal.

A book has at least 20 words, and you only earn 1 taels of hard work writing a book, but what about the bookstore?A book sells for 240 taels, plus the low printing fee. If you sell more than 40 books, you will get back the original, and take all the rest into your pocket. There is nothing like this for a black-hearted businessman.

As the most affluent village in the five major countries, Muyeyin Village has a population of about 5 to [-]. Most of the audiences of "Intimate Paradise" are adult men and there are also women. The sales volume of at least dozens or hundreds of copies a day is a conservative estimate. .

That is to say, the owner of the bookstore, who is the sole supplier and distributor of "Kind to Heaven", can earn back the remuneration for writing a book for Zilaiye in one day, and can also earn more for the remuneration for writing a book for Zilaiye. There are 1 taels.

If it accumulates over time, it will be a very huge number, and the owner of the bookstore doesn’t have to do anything, as long as he prints it and sells it. As a result, all the tickets went into the pocket of the owner of the bookstore, and Zilai could only drink a scoop of the three thousand weak water.

Moreover, as the reputation of "Intimate Paradise" grows, one day it will spread outside the village and make the whole country of fire look sideways. That will be the real big market. By then, these in the village will be just small Just kidding.

However, as an author, Jiraiya can only pitifully lick the leftovers eaten by the owner of the bookstore. This is a vicious capitalist who only cares about taking money for himself and does not care about the interests of others.

Even so, the boss of the book club still wants to make the idea of ​​the full copyright of "Intimate Heaven". He eats the food in the bowl and looks at the food in the pot. His conscience is broken, oh no, he is heartless!

"Intimate Paradise" not only belongs to Zilaiye, but also belongs to Mingyan. Mingyan must protect his own rights and interests, and cannot let the evil capitalists sit back and enjoy their profits.

"50 taels for a thousand characters? Isn't that too low?" Ming Yan raised his eyes and saw the owner of the bookstore, as if he was looking at a demon who eats people but doesn't spit out bones.

The owner of the bookstore knew that this brat was very shrewd. Seeing the good sales of the book, he was dissatisfied with the status quo, but it was not impossible to mention a little bit, after all, the big head was always in his hands.

"60 taels for a thousand characters, you should be satisfied, right?"

Ji Lai also heard that he added ten taels all at once, and couldn't help being overjoyed, staring at Ming Yan with a burning gaze.

Mingyan chooses to ignore Jiraiya's gaze. Zilai is also very smart, but in the business field, he is extremely stupid when dealing with crooked capitalists. If you are satisfied, the other party will give you a little sweetness, and you will be very happy.

Although it is often said that "contented people are always happy", this does not belong to the category of not being satisfied, but involves the infringement of one's own interests and requires rights protection.

"Where are you going to send the beggars?" Ming Yan stretched out a finger without even looking at the owner of the bookstore, "That's the price."

The owner of the bookstore was impatient, "100 taels for a thousand words? You don't need to sell the copyright, and I have made the biggest concession in terms of price. Don't bully people too much."

Ji Lai was also a little surprised at the price proposed by Mingyan, but he had nothing to say. He didn't understand Mingyan's approach. He refused the copyright fee of 3000 million taels and raised the buyout price so high. The owner of the bookstore would definitely not agree. .

"Boss, I think you misunderstood." Ming Yan withdrew his fingers and said with a light smile, "It's not 100 taels for a thousand characters, but 1 taels for a thousand characters."

As soon as the words fell, the owner of the bookstore widened his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost, and poked his ears, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

So quiet for a little while...

Afterwards, the owner of the book club laughed, breaking the silence, "Mr. Jiraiya, the little friend you bring is really good at making jokes."

"Yes." Zilai also laughed.

Different from the smiling faces of the two, Ming Yan had a serious face at this moment, "I'm not kidding, if the boss can't afford this price, our cooperation will come to an end here, and don't worry about the second volume."

The smile of the owner of the bookstore gradually disappeared, and his complexion gradually became gloomy, "Thousands of words, hehe...impossible!"

The tone of the last three words is unusually firm.

"Mingyan, isn't it a little..." Zilai also looked at Mingyan, and found that the latter's state seemed to be different from usual, and the expression on his immature face was so serious, which was never before, but The cheeks are still a little red, are you drunk?
Before he finished speaking, Mingyan looked at Jiraiya very seriously, "Mr. Jiraiya, please trust me."

Being drunk can't be like this, Zilai also doesn't understand what's going on with Mingyan today, so he just doesn't care about it, he can do whatever he likes, anyway, in the end, as long as he gets paid for the manuscript.

"Your bookstore is not the only one. You can't afford to publish thousands of words. I don't know how many other bookstores are willing to publish." Ming Yan is not worried at all. "Intimate Paradise" is a gold-lettered signboard, and it will not depreciate wherever it goes. Will increase in value over time.

The fact is that many bookstores are greedy for the sales of "Intimate Heaven", but they have no right to sell it, because they are not in a cooperative relationship with the author. Printing and selling without authorization will infringe copyright, and they will be jailed.

The owner of the book club naturally knew the profits and losses involved, and his firm attitude just now was to let the little devil retreat, but he didn't expect that the little devil was not afraid at all. This shows that this little devil knows Konoha's book market very well, and knows that he can Got a lot out of this book.

Many book clubs wanted to cooperate with him, and they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money for this, even willing to hang up the signboard of his book club, but he refused all of them. The reason is very simple. Rare things are more expensive. If you want to make love to heaven, then he will make a lot less money.

Currently he only has the right to sell the first volume of "Intimate Paradise", and Mr. Jiraiya is still writing the manuscript for the second volume. Considering it, it is very disadvantageous. With the word-of-mouth reputation of the first volume, the sales of the second volume will not be bad, it will only be better.

Even if it is a thousand words, he can still make a lot of money. After weighing it again and again, the owner of the bookstore can only give in: "A thousand words, I agree."

(End of this chapter)

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