Naruto's balanced ninja

Chapter 51 Suffering

Chapter 51 Suffering
Ming Yan suddenly realized that his performance was inappropriate, he quickly smiled and said, "Then I'll go find Shengshu."

Turning around and walking away, Mingyan realized that his heartbeat was a little faster. Although he looked like an ignorant little boy, his soul had experienced twenty years, which was the age of restlessness, and because he had always been single, so he met Tsunade This kind of natural and unmodified real beauty will have this kind of reaction.

It can be said that Tsunade is the most beautiful of all the girls he has met in his life. There is no one who can stand at the pinnacle of appearance without heavy makeup!

Tsunade looked at Mingyan's leaving back, his eyebrows could not be stretched for a long time, and he sighed in a low voice: "Oh, such a good seedling has been ruined by Zilai."

Ming Yan walked so fast that he didn't even realize the envelope fell out of his arms, and continued to follow the road map.

Tsunade, who hadn't left yet, saw something falling from Ming Yan's body, and immediately walked over to pick it up, only to find the envelope after a glance. She shouldn't have opened other people's envelopes at will, but found that this letter was addressed to her .

Since it was written to himself, he would see it sooner or later, so, driven by curiosity, Tsunade opened the envelope.

"It was actually printed." Tsunade became more and more curious.

While watching, read in a voice as delicate as a mosquito's feet: "Beautiful and generous Princess Tsunade, you are the brightest star in the dark night, illuminating my way forward..."

As soon as he finished reading the first sentence, Tsunade couldn't read any more, a blush quickly crossed his face, and then he was extremely ashamed and angry, "Ming Yan, you can't learn well from Jilai, if you try to learn these crooked ways, I will definitely Take good care of you."

As he said that, Tsunade rolled up his sleeves, put his fingers together, and put on a posture of preparing for a big fight. Even the birds on the tree were scared away by this momentum.

Ming Yan followed the route on the road map, made countless detours, and finally arrived outside a villa.

The reason why it is called a villa is because it is a mansion, and it is far away from the busy city, with flowers and grass, trees and water, and the environment is beautiful and quiet.

"Only Tsunade can enjoy this kind of treatment." Mingyan sighed in his heart.

The location is still very hidden. If there is no route map drawn by Tsunade, Mingyan will definitely not be able to find this place. With those foreign killers, he will never be able to find this place. Even if foreign ninjas invade Konoha, this place is relatively safe It will take some time for the flames of war to spread here.

It is a treasure!
Although Mingyan's previous log cabin was far away from the busy city, the environment was very bad, and the surrounding area was even used as a garbage dump to pile up garbage. If Konoha did not take protective measures, he would probably be suffocated to death by the stench. Fortunately, he has changed his residence now.

The door was half-closed, Ming Yan looked out, and there was a boy inside who was sweating and beating the stake, and this boy was naturally a rope tree.

I didn't bother, until Naoshu was too tired to continue.

Shengshu picked up the water glass, took a few big gulps, then squatted on the ground, swung the towel in the basin for a few times, wiped his face, wiped his body after wiping his face, and wiped off the stinky sweat.

As soon as he stood up after wiping, Shengshu saw Mingyan who was very close to him, and trembled all over, frightened half to death.

"Are you a ghost? Do you walk without making a sound? Don't appear in front of me without warning in the future, okay?" Zhishu touched his little heart while expressing the anger in his heart with words.

"It's not that I walk silently, it's that you're too tired." Ming Yan's eyelids drooped slightly, this kid's psychological endurance is far behind.

Sheng Shu panted, without thinking about the consequences, and sat down on the steps directly, "Hey, hello."

It was like sitting on a ball of fire and jumping up immediately, the movement was extremely fast.

Ming Yan chuckled, it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was still very poisonous, the steps seemed to have been baked by fire for a long time, exuding endless heat, too hot to touch with the skin.

"What's so funny." Sheng Shu felt very embarrassed, brought two stools, and sat down first.

Mingyan also sat down, and was about to ask about Hongwan's whereabouts, but Shengshu asked first, "How did you find this place?"

Usually no one will visit them, because my sister likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be disturbed, so she chooses to live here. Shengshu feels strange, how did Brother Mingyan come here.

"This is the road map drawn by your sister." Ming Yan took out the road map.

Seeing Shengshu, the pattern and lines can't be seen, but the label is indeed written by her sister, so she is relieved.

"Brother Mingyan, why are you looking for me?"

Sheng Shu was not too tired from sitting, so his attitude became better. It was Mingyan who made him find his own value and put him on the right path. He was grateful for the boy in front of him who seemed to be slightly older than him of affection.

"Red pill..."

As soon as Ming Yan finished speaking two words, he heard a shout resounding through the sky: "Lustful brat, stop for me."

Covering his voice directly, it is undoubtedly Tsunade's voice, but why does it sound so angry?Also, who is the lecherous brat?
Mingyan was puzzled, he didn't know what disease Tsunade was suffering from, Naoki was worried, he didn't know why his sister was going crazy.

A second later, Tsunade appeared in front of them, rolled up his sleeves, and clenched his fists. What is this for?

At this moment, Tsunade is like a tigress that eats people without spitting out bones, and will open its bloody mouth the next moment.

Especially the pair of beautiful eyes that spit out fire, it made Mingyan terrified to see it, because Tsunade's gaze was fixed on him, as if Tsunade would open his mouth and swallow him up next...

Mingyan asked himself that he hadn't done anything wrong, but he was still very scared. Tsunade's aggression was extremely terrifying. Just thinking about the consequences of Jiraiya provoking Tsunade, he trembled wildly.

Shengshu wondered, under normal circumstances, if my sister showed this form, someone would definitely suffer. I remember the last time, it was the lecherous white-headed uncle, who seemed to have annoyed my sister by saying something that should not be said. , That's why I went back with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Could it be that brother Mingyan has offended sister?
Shengshu couldn't figure it out, so for safety's sake, he quickly slipped aside to avoid accidental injury.

"Senior Tsunade, what's wrong... huh?" Mingyan's heart was beating wildly. On the one hand, he was frightened by Tsunade's terrifying aura, and on the other hand, Tsunade was too close to him, and he bent down to stare at him at close range. With his eyes sweeping randomly, he could always see the looming spring scenery and smell the faint body fragrance.

Naruto was sitting, and Tsunade just bent over and stared at Naruto, eyes wide and small, the two faces were almost touching each other, and they could feel each other's breath.

For the mature Mingyan, it was very painful both mentally and physically.

If he had the power to conquer Tsunade, he might throw Tsunade down in a single thought. Even if he couldn't do anything at the age of eight, he could always cast it, so that he wouldn't suffer so painfully.

But he didn't, so he could only endure this suffering alone...

(End of this chapter)

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