Naruto's balanced ninja

Chapter 46 The Rope Tree Challenge

Chapter 46 The Rope Tree Challenge

Being targeted by so many pure and lovely girls, Ming Yan was actually a little moved. After all, he was a single dog before time travel, and he had never held a girl's hand, and he didn't know what it was like to be in love.

But when he thought that he was only an eight-year-old child now, Ming Yan immediately dismissed the idea. It is more important to improve his strength, and find a girlfriend after he becomes stronger. It's hard, let alone protecting others.

Speed ​​up and try to avoid the eyes of these girls. Some girls just take a second look and think this little boy is very handsome, but some girls are very bold. When they catch up with Ming Yan, they tease him and ask some inexplicable questions .

Ming Yan dealt with it casually, didn't he just look more handsome and have a better figure?As for this?

"Heh... the little handsome guy is actually a ninja." A girl followed him for a long time before discovering the forehead guard on Ming Yan's head, and she was a little surprised.

"Is it strange to be a ninja? Also, call me Naruto."

The title "little handsome guy" made Ming Yan feel uncomfortable. This girl looks pretty good, but she is too outgoing. Sometimes, being too outgoing can make people feel disgusted.

"The name is not important, are you interested in living with my sister?"

What the hell is this? It's unreasonable. Ming Yan speeds up again. With the physical fitness of a ninja, it's not difficult to get rid of this girl.

In fact, Ming Yan was struggling in his heart. The girl who was Shui Lingling came to his door. With his character, he shouldn't refuse, but when he thought that this body was only eight years old, he rationally suppressed the evil fire in his heart, and there was nothing he could do if he lived together. That's the point...

After walking out of the busy market, Ming Yan slowed down. Recently, it is really inexplicable. If you show your face in the crowd, you will be stared at by the girls. Do you still need to wear a mask when you go out in the future?

Maybe it's really necessary...

On Hokage Rock, a thin figure stood with his hands on his hips, standing on the edge of the rock wall, overlooking the scenery of Konoha.

A gust of cool wind blew over the figure, and the hair moved with the wind, adding a bit of desolation.

When Ming Yan saw this kid who was as tall as him in front of him, four words suddenly rose in his heart: Ma De is mentally retarded!
Standing at such a high place, the cool wind blows on the body and it is chilly, but still pretends to be an outsider, and is not afraid of being frozen to death.

Ming Yan shrunk his body, and if he stayed here for a long time, he might catch a cold from the cool wind.

Walking over, Mingyan said: "Hey, you stole my Taidao?"

Hearing the sound, the kid turned around, with brown hair, round face, still childish, with a Konoha forehead guard, a typical ninja kid.

At first glance, Ming Yan thought it was just an ordinary ninja brat, but at the second glance, Ming Yan felt that this brat looked familiar.

Is it a character who appeared in the original book?

I went through all the characters, but I didn't expect it.

"You are Chumen Mingyan?" The little ghost raised his chin to look at Mingyan, and suddenly his nose flowed out, and he took a sharp breath, pretending that nothing happened just now.

Ming Yan laughed out loud, the brat sucking snot came to fight him to the death?Are you sure it wasn't a joke invited by a monkey?
I thought I could hold it back, but in the end Ming Yan still laughed a few tears from the corners of his eyes and hid them in his eyes to prevent them from coming out. If he laughed and cried, then he would be no different from this brat. When the time comes, the so-called fight to the death, but It's teasing and pinching each other.

"What are you laughing at? Isn't this battle serious enough?" The kid sucked in the snot from his nose again, but he kept pretending to be serious.

Please, can you talk again after blowing your nose?This can't make him serious at all, okay?There is always a feeling of playing house with a kid...

Ming Yan took out a few napkins from his pocket and gave them to him, which he took from the noodle shop just now.

The kid took the napkin, turned around and blew his nose...

Just when he turned around, he flicked the necklace around his neck, and Ming Yan happened to see that it was a dark green necklace.

Naruto is very familiar with this pendant. Naruto, who was the protagonist in the original book, also wore this pendant. It was called the "death pendant" by Tsunade.

The death necklace is a relic of the first Hokage, which contains the Chakra seal that restricts the nine tails. The first generation gave it to his favorite granddaughter Tsunade, and Tsunade gave it to his younger brother Senju Nawaki. After Kato's lover, Kato's death, Tsunade was distraught, thinking that it was a pendant that would bring death to others, so he gave this pendant such an unlucky name.

These are not important, what is important is that the boy in front of him is wearing a pendant, so this boy is undoubtedly Shengshu, no wonder he looks familiar.

The rope tree was sacrificed in World War II, and now it is not very far from World War II, that is to say, the rope tree is not alive for long.

This is a very funny, very stupid, very silly kid...

Shengshu is still blowing his nose, but Mingyan can no longer smile. At such a young age, he lost his life in a cruel war without experiencing a good life. How sad!

This is the cruelty of the ninja world. To change this situation, the only way to achieve balance and harmony is to let the world reach balance and harmony. It is worth fighting for it to make the world develop in a better direction, even if it can only save one person's life.

After blowing his nose, Sheng Shu turned around, with a stern face, "Answer me, is your name Chumen Mingyan?"

Ming Yan nodded.

"Come on, let me see how strong you are." Zhishu took out Kunai and pointed the sharp blade at Mingyan.

From this sentence, it can be judged that Nakoki knew about his deeds a long time ago. He stole Benimaru because he wanted to ask him to come out to fight. Not wanting to do anything, "I just came here to get back the Taidao, I didn't want to fight with you."

"If you want that sword, beat me, or I'll throw it somewhere you'll never find it."

"Why do you want to ask me to fight?"

"Because you are my biggest enemy on the road of Hokage, my sister is full of praise for you, and even Lord Hokage attaches great importance to you." Naoki is very jealous of Mingyan, whose recent performance is too outstanding, which has already constituted a threat to him. threaten.

Mingyan was a little confused, he didn't expect Tsunade to praise him in front of Natoki, but how did Natoki know that Sarutobi Hiruzen valued him, is there any gossip?

Well, it is not surprising that there are gossips. After all, Nakoki, like Tsunade, is the grandson of the first generation of Hokage.

It has long been said that being too dazzling is not a good thing, and now troubles have arisen.

Mingyan was very reluctant to fight Naoshu, and if he won, the latter's self-confidence was frustrated, and if he lost, he couldn't get Hongwan back. This is really a dilemma.

But looking at the serious and serious appearance of Shengshu, it seems that it must be beaten.

Forget it, it's not a good thing to be arrogant at a young age, so let's teach him a lesson!

(End of this chapter)

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