Chapter 314

"Yes, we may encounter Kyuubi when we go to Konoha this time, and our task is to defeat Kyuubi and seal it back into Jinchuriki's body."

"Then I will go even more." Yuetong said firmly.

No matter how much I persuaded, Yuetong would go, and I had no choice but to take it with me.

Ming Yan is not afraid of her being burdensome, her fighting power may be stronger than most Xiao members, but she is just worried about her safety, and finally seeing this vast world, don't let it go before you have time to experience it.

Along the way, Yuetong seemed to be interested in everything, but the atmosphere was enlivened, not so depressed, as if they were just out for a trip.

Arriving at the border of the Land of Fire, because of the unexpected situation of Yunyin and Wuyin, many ninjas were also assigned here.

Konoha Ninja saw a group of people coming here from a distance, and they all got ready to fight.

"It's Akatsuki!"

Someone can recognize the clothes worn by those in the front row of the group, the Hongyun windbreaker, which is Yuyin's Xiao!
Hearing the word 'Xiao', Konoha Ninja said that they are not afraid, but it is false, but they have to suppress the fear in their hearts, even if they die, they cannot let them step into the border.

"Go to the village quickly and ask for support, just say 'Xiao' is coming." The border captain ordered.


The ninja who received the order quickly ran towards Konoha, with a speed comparable to that of a cheetah, and disappeared within a few breaths.

The captain of the frontier guard organized a team to watch the visitor vigilantly, but found that the other party had no intention of fighting, as if he was walking in the garden.

"This is too contemptuous of our Konoha ninjas."

The captain of the frontier guard was itching his teeth with anger. He thought it was Xiao's arrogance and fearlessness, and he didn't pay attention to them at all.

"Detonator bombing, get ready!"

The Konoha ninjas took out Kunai from their ninja kits one after another, put detonating symbols on them, and carefully aimed at the opposite side.

"Hey wait!"

Mingyan suddenly saw the Konoha ninja in front of him posing as if he could give up on me, so he yelled.


The captain of the frontier defense made a sound, and the other party seemed to have no intention of going to war with them, which made him wonder, didn't the other party come to invade Konoha?
Mingyan trotted to Konoha Ninja, with hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him, holding Kunai with the detonating talisman in his hand, if he dared to move around, he would be blown to ashes in an instant.

"Are you in charge?"

Seeing that only this very young looking man in front of him was wearing the jonin uniform among these people, Mingyan reckoned that being promoted to jnin at such a young age is not bad, he is considered a talent.

"Yes, if I guessed correctly, you are 'Xiao'!" The young man stared at him closely, as if trying to see through him.

"That's right, but we are here to help you, there is no hostility." Ming Yan said.

"Help us? Konoha is fine, why do you need your help?"

"It's fine now, but it won't be good soon, maybe in a few days, or maybe tomorrow."

"Nonsense, arrest him for me."

"Hey wait."

Ming Yan blocked it with his hand, and suddenly found that he was covering his face and hadn't revealed his identity yet.

"My name is Chumen Mingyan, a friend of the Fourth Hokage. I attended Minato's wedding a year ago. Some of you should know each other." Mingyan put down his collar.

Hearing this name, someone reacted, and when that resolute face appeared, they immediately recognized him.

"I recognize him, he is Hokage-sama's best friend."

"I also recognize that the genius who won the first place in the Chunin exam more than ten years ago is him."

"Trumen Mingyan? Oh! That ninja who was awarded the Medal of Honor personally by the three generations of Hokage-sama, is extremely talented, once in a hundred years!"


Seeing that all his subordinates relaxed their vigilance, the captain of the border guard still refused to believe the visitor. He had never heard of Chumen Mingyan, nor witnessed those deeds. He only knew that the other party was from 'Xiao'.

Ming Yan frowned, it seemed that the young man in front of him didn't intend to let them go.

"Didn't I all identify myself, and there are so many people testifying, why don't we let us in?"

"Not to mention whether you are demagogic, even if your identities are true, I can't let you in, because you are 'Xiao', and it is a special period nowadays, and non-Konoha ninjas cannot freely enter and leave the border." The border captain only admitted death .

"Urgent situation."


Being stopped here gave Mingyan a headache, and the members of Akatsuki who were behind were very dissatisfied with Konoha's behavior, and they were treated as enemies when they came to help them.

If it weren't for the purpose of 'Xiao' to "maintain peace and quell war", and the tailed beast is a terrible weapon of war, they wouldn't bother to meddle in this business and let Konoha kill himself.

"You can't spend it here all the time, can you?"

After Mingyan had said all his good words, he naturally couldn't go to war with Konoha Ninja, that would be really hard to argue with.

"I have already sent someone to ask for support. If anyone can prove your identity, I will let you go there." The border captain said.

"Captain, he is really a Konoha ninja, what should you do if something goes wrong?"

"Captain, we can all prove that he is Hokage-sama's friend."

"Captain, I can assure you that he is definitely a good guy."


"Are you responsible for the accident? You just know how to yell and don't even have any judgment. How did you become a ninja?"

The captain blocked his subordinates' mouths with one word.

What a brain, Mingyan wanted to scold him, but because of his status, and because he was also dedicated to his duties, he just did things too rigidly. Such a ninja is destined not to achieve much. I guess the captain of the border guard is the pinnacle of his life. up.

"Don't be impatient, everyone, wait a little longer." Mingyan steadied the restless Xiao member.

In fact, it didn't take long, and Konoha's support was still very fast. Mingyan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person who came. Fortunately, he had an acquaintance, otherwise he would have to explain again.

Kakashi led an army, and even Anbu dispatched a detachment.

When he was about to arrive, Kakashi couldn't figure out the current situation, and said that "Akatsuki" was coming, but what was the situation in front of him?Do you fight with your mouth?
Kakashi was startled when he saw the face smiling at him, senior? !How could seniors get mixed up with 'Xiao'?
Except for Kakashi, some other people also felt a little familiar. After being reminded, they found out that this person had appeared at Hokage-sama's wedding and had a very good relationship with Hokage-sama. But why did he stand in the other party's camp? They can't figure it out.


Kakashi saluted respectfully. He sincerely admired the senior who saved Konoha from the three-tailed claws.

But he was very strange, why the senior would wear the 'Xiao' costume...

(End of this chapter)

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