Naruto's balanced ninja

Chapter 312 Shadow Energy

Chapter 312 Shadow Energy
After eating seafood, Ming Yan felt full of strength all over his body.

Back in the 'Xiao' building, Yuetong was busy with other things, and Mingyan began to think about the ominous box.

It would take a year or even longer to inject shadow energy into it to condense shadow crystal nuclei. Thinking of this, Ming Yan felt a headache.

Try it first.

But the first step stumped him, how can the shadow energy be extracted?

As if aware of his confusion, Jie said: "To extract the shadow energy, one must first sense the shadow energy, and then slowly draw it out through mental power."

"Induction? I don't even know where the shadow energy exists."

"It's in your body, you feel it carefully, it's a mass of dark energy, similar to Chakra, but much stronger than Chakra."

Mingyan did as Jie said, and after a long while, he really sensed a trace of an ability different from Chakra in his lower abdomen. It was not as calm as water like Chakra, but a little restless and restless.

Since Ming Yan had practiced illusion, his mental power was not weak, and under the guidance of his mental power, he slowly guided the shadow energy to the palm of his hand.

Spread out your hands, and observe the changes in your palms while guiding.

After 10 minutes passed, Ming Yan's forehead was dripping with sweat, and his mental energy was exhausted and he was very tired, similar to doing a coolie. However, the so-called shadow energy did not appear in the palm of his hand.

Hold on... hold on!
Ming Yan gritted his teeth, even though his consciousness became a little blurred, he continued to guide that ray of shadow energy.

Finally, a dark, hair-like thing appeared in the palm of the hand. It slowly wriggled in the palm of the hand, accompanied by a burning sensation and a little itching.

As the shadow energy continued to be extracted, it became thicker and thicker, until later it looked more like a black earthworm.

It hovered, twisted into a ball, and then drilled out of the palm, floating above the palm out of thin air.

The moment the shadow energy came out, Ming Yan clenched his teeth and clenched his five fingers tightly, almost screaming out in pain.

It seems to be drawn by some kind of force, like a wisp of black smoke, it penetrates into the ominous box, and a wisp of black air floats in the originally empty box.

"Close the shadow box quickly, or the shadow energy will be lost." Jie reminded.

elapsed? !

Ming Yan quickly closed the box, put it in the drawer and locked it, then leaned on the chair with his head held high like a dead dog.

Extracting shadow energy is a physical effort, not to mention being in a trance, and the pain is almost fatal.

If the shadow energy is allowed to pass away, it will be a big loss.

After resting for more than an hour, I gradually recovered. As soon as I regained my senses, I heard Jie urging in my mind: "Continue!"


Ming Yan thought he heard it wrong, such a hard work once a day is not enough?

"Otherwise? The shadow energy you provided just now is not enough for one ten-thousandth of the energy required by the shadow crystal nucleus. At your speed, it will not be completed in ten years." Jie said.


Mingyan wanted to cry but had no choice but to continue to extract the shadow energy. He had no choice but to save Nagato for him. He also had to condense the shadow crystal nucleus as promised and read the contents of the box.

He was actually somewhat curious about the shadow taboo inside the box. If he mastered the powerful shadow power, even Madara would have nothing to do with him.

After all, shadow energy is energy that does not exist in the Naruto world, and this power is stronger than Chakra. Its existence will undoubtedly bring about a huge change in the structure of the Naruto world.

As for whether he will become the next robbery because of the shadow taboo, I am not too worried, because the power of shadow is not terrible, what is terrible is the human heart.

Akali proved this point very well. Phantom Sakura Killing Dazzling is also a shadow mystery, but Akali has always been consistent with balance and has not been eroded by the shadow.

Extract shadow energy, rest, continue, rest, continue...

Since then, Mingyan's daily life has been like this. He hides in the office every day, and starts to condense shadow crystal nuclei after finishing his affairs. People who don't know think that he is overwhelmed by work, because every time he sees the second leader, he looks exhausted. Unbearable look.

Yahiko and the others were quite puzzled, Ming Yan didn't have a heavy workload every day, so why shut himself in the office.

Because of this matter, Yahiko also talked to Mingyan, and Mingyan dealt with it casually, saying that he was studying the secrets of ninjutsu, and Yahiko also believed it. He had no reason not to believe it. Every once in a while, Mingyan would always come up with new tricks , It is not impossible to stay in the office and study ninjutsu.

The only pastime every day is to take Yuetong out for dinner. Outside, Mingyan introduced her as his younger sister. In terms of age, Yuetong is indeed three years younger than him. The identities of the two brothers and sisters are very suitable, and Yuetong doesn't mind. In front of outsiders, it is very sweet to call a brother one mouthful.

Yuetong is not familiar with the place, so he acts as a tour guide, and at the same time can protect her well.

A delicate woman who looks so thin that she has no strength to restrain a chicken and has disabled lower limbs will inevitably be harassed by some hooligans when she goes out alone. Although Yuetong can solve it alone, Mingyan is still worried.

Tsukihito's strength has never been shown in front of him, but after a few days of contact, she vaguely understands that her attainments in illusion are second to none among Takihiro, and it is reckoned that she has the strength of an ordinary ninja to say the least.

If someone threatened him, she would attack him without hesitation to protect herself, and if the other party wanted to kill him, she would kill him without hesitation.

I'm afraid that the kind of hooligans who only tease and harass with words, she can't bear to punish them at most, so that they will retreat, but this is not the way, and playing hooligans in words is also very hurt to a girl .

But with Mingyan by your side, this kind of situation will not happen. Those who know each other know that they are brother and sister. Those who don’t know each other will think that they are a couple. No matter how much you covet Yuetong's beauty, you will always stay away from him, and at most take a sneak peek.

Ming Yan didn't wear the Hongyun windbreaker when he went out, but that majestic aura always made people feel inexplicably guilty, and always felt that this person was extraordinary.

This kind of life, if the condensed shadow crystal nucleus is removed, it will be better, but it can't.

The shadow energy in the box of ominousness is increasing, from the initial wisp to a ball, and then from a ball to the current whole box.

The dark and quiet shadow energy slowly floated aimlessly in the box, as if waiting for some opportunity, and after a while, there were signs of gathering.

According to Jie, this is a phenomenon of sudden energy shrinkage. This stage is very critical. It is necessary to continuously inject shadow energy into the box every day to maintain the basic energy supply. After a while, the shadow crystal nuclei will be condensed. At that time, the shadow The secret of the box can only be peeped.

In order to condense the shadow crystal nucleus, Mingyan paid so much, Jie seemed a little sorry, so he offered to teach him some of his other strongest secrets.

Regarding this, Mingyan didn't have the intention of rejecting and welcoming. Jie offered to offer that if he didn't accept it, he would look down on Jie's profound truth in a disguised form. Therefore, he would not refuse anyone who came, as much as he wanted...

(End of this chapter)

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