Naruto's balanced ninja

Chapter 293 Annual Kill!

Chapter 293 Millennium Kill!


Obito's scream was earth-shattering, which attracted the attention of Kakashi and Rin. They were curious about what senior and Obito were doing, and why Obito's cry was so desolate, as if it hurt deep in the soul.

"How about this trick?" Ming Yan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Obito only felt a burning pain in the back, as if hot oil had been poured into it.

"What is the meaning of body breaking technique? It's clearly trying to fool people." Obito felt so wronged.

"The power of this technique can only be brought into play by attacking those who are not prepared by surprise." Ming Yan said seriously.


Obito ran away, and now he has psychological shadows when he sees Mingyan.

"Senior, I remember that in the battle, you used a ninjutsu mystery called chidori?"

Kakashi came over, he has been very puzzled, Chidori is a high-explosive ninjutsu created by him on a whim, why the senior can do it, but it is different from his Chidori.

"Ah... yes, this technique seems to have many birds chirping, so it is named Qiandiao." Mingyan said.

Kakashi was even more puzzled, why even the reason for the name was the same as his, it's too coincidental.

"However, my chidori is different from yours. You concentrate the chakra on the palm of your hand and deal high damage instantly, but I can use the chidori anywhere, shuriken, tachi, and any part of the body." Ming Yan explain.

"Is it possible?" Kakashi asked.

"Actually, you should have discovered the disadvantages of using Chidori."

Kakashi nodded, "My Chidori is not easy to hit people, because it needs to run in front of the enemy, and the enemy's actions are unpredictable, so the hit rate is very low."

The appearance of Naruto changed the plot of the original book. Originally, Kakashi would get a Sharingan with Obito, so that when using Chidori, he could see the enemy's movement track clearly and greatly increase the hit rate.

Now, Kakashi does not have Sharingan, and Chidori cannot exert its power in his hands. Naruto feels that it is necessary to be responsible for what Kakashi lost, so he wants to guide Kakashi to master the Chidori style of attack and defense.

"So, have you ever thought about letting Chidori cover the whole body, or let Chidori appear in a certain place, like this?"

Mingyan demonstrated on the spot, pulled out the red pill, and injected the Thunder Chakra into it.

chirp chirp——

The thunder and lightning wrapped around Hongwan, covering it with a layer of dazzling brilliance, making a bird-like cry.

"In this case, the power is naturally not as powerful as the chidori that gathers chakra in the palm, but it can last for a long time, so you don't have to worry too much about not hitting people."

Seeing such a change, Kakashi opened the door to the new world, and was worried about what to do if Chidori couldn't hit someone. Now this senior just pointed out to him an alternative way to use Chidori.

Naruhiro felt that it was enough to just tap it, and with Kakashi's clever mind, he could master it with just a few taps.

"The most ideal state is to let the Chidori cover the whole body, so that every part of the body has the power of the Chidori, and this state of attack and defense, I call it the Chidori style."

"Chidori..." Kakashi murmured.

"Of course, this requires huge Chakra support. With your current Chakra amount, it's better to master some forms of Chidoriyu first."

"Thank you senior, I understand."

After getting the advice, Kakashi immediately ran to turn the theory into practice, and the best effect is to strike while the iron is hot.

Naruhiro nodded, satisfied with Kakashi's performance.

Kakashi is indeed a genius of the new generation. The 12-year-old Jonin sounds very powerful and has a high IQ, but he is a little proud. When he first met Kakashi, his posture was so arrogant. Now it has obviously improved. How can people not know, anyway, in front of him, he has become a lot more humble.

This "Senior" really sounds from the heart, unlike before, it was just for the sake of screaming.

Looking at Obito again, he ran to the river alone and squatted in a daze.

Alas, Shuanggouyu Sharingan, after using it proficiently, geniuses are stepping stones, but if he doesn't work hard, there is no way, with an attitude of dawdling, how can he become stronger.

He was looking at Obito thinking about something, when he was suddenly hugged from behind, he subconsciously tried to use his lightning armor to shock him to death, but when he heard the sound, his tense body immediately relaxed.

"Mingyan, long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

After letting go, Ming Yan turned around and saw that familiar face, those clear blue eyes, and was very moved.

"Brat, how do you know I'm here?" Ming Yan clenched his fist and hammered his chest.

"Hokage-sama said that you just returned to Konoha, I think you must come here, after all, this is the place where our dreams set sail."

Minato recalled the past ten years ago when the three of them practiced under the leadership of Teacher Jiraiya. It was so relaxing and comfortable at that time.

"Where's Teacher Jiraiya?"

"Teacher, he has traveled the world."

"Didn't you say when you'll be back?"

"He said that when Konoha needs him, he will naturally come back."

Jiraiya ran so fast that he didn't even have a chance to meet him, Mingyan sighed, the next time we meet, maybe it will be when Uzumaki Naruto's generation takes the Chunin exam.

"By the way, I'll take you to see Kushina, she's been talking about you a lot."

Pulling the water door shut, Ming Yan was about to leave when he suddenly noticed three strange gazes, each of which was full of deep meaning.

Minato felt that it would be better to greet the students, so he scratched his head and smiled at Kakashi, "You practice on your own, the teacher is busy."

After the two of them left, the three little devils got together to discuss.

"The teacher and that senior have a very good relationship, meeting is like a hug." Obito said meaningfully.

Suddenly thinking of the senior who just used the so-called Konoha's strongest physical technique, the thousand-year kill, on him, he suddenly felt a chill. Could it be that the senior really has a habit of that, thinking of the picture of the teacher and the senior staying together... …Cover your eyes, the picture is too beautiful to look at.

"Obito, what are you thinking about every day? Is that pure friendship? I haven't seen you for more than ten years. Do you know how much each other misses each other? This is the bond, do you understand me?"

Lin admitted that she was disgusted by Obito's remarks. As a companion, she felt obliged to correct his thinking and lead him to the right path.

Kakashi expressed his opinion: "We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, but we are not unfamiliar at all. I think this is not just friendship, but also a friendship that transcends life and death. Teacher and senior have definitely experienced life and death together."

Lin sneaked a glance at Kakashi, then put her hands on her hips to educate Obito, "Look at how good Kakashi's analysis is, Obito, learn more, don't fill your head with those dirty things."

Obito suddenly became unhappy, why Lin always stood by Kakashi's side, we are all companions, won't my conscience hurt if I do this?

Besides, there is nothing he can't compare to Kakashi, the only thing he has to admit is that Kakashi is very good at playing handsome, in the ninja school, he fascinated those girls who don't want to.

Alas, the world has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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