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Chapter 282 I am you, you are me

Chapter 282 I am you, you are me

In fact, whether it is love or not, the atmosphere between two people is actually just right, not too much and not too little, so that there is a dependence on each other, but it is not so extreme that what will happen if you lose each other.

Keeping each other warm and licking each other's wounds is more about harmony than love.

"I'll take you there today and stay with you," Xiao Bai rubbed silently for a while, then suddenly spoke again, "Ye Lishang probably won't give up any chance to get close to you, but now you are mine, and I don't want him succeed."

Now you are mine.

Gu Yao raised her chin, reached out to hook Xiao Bai's chin, like a domineering hero in a book, and pulled his handsome face in front of her: "Xiao Bai, you are mine, I am not yours."

"Huh? Whose are you?" Xiao Bai didn't struggle, but closed his eyes slightly, his tone was a little bit cold.

Gu Yao smiled mysteriously: "I belong to the world."

Xiao Bai freed up a hand, and gently scratched her little nose: "It's really a naughty little beast."

The atmosphere of the two people's fights was just right, and they didn't get up together until noon. Wang Dao swam around the two of them with ambiguous eyes, but he never found any clues.

However, when Xiao Bai was helping Gu Yao peel shrimps and asking for warmth, Wang Dao suddenly saw Xiao Bai before he lost his memory.

After the meal, Wang Dao went on to the research room to study new medical equipment with Xiao Xiao, and of course the DNA comparison that Xiao Bai asked him to do.

One day, when talking about whether it is fast or not, Gu Yao sat on Xiao Bai's lap, shaking her little head with a happy face: "If I knew that falling in love with you is so comfortable, I would definitely go with you on the first day." gone."

"Comfortable? I haven't had anything to do with you yet, so how come I'm comfortable?" Xiao Bai pretended to be serious, "You really cared about me all the time."

"I mean, fuck me!" Gu Yao raised her hand and slapped Xiao Bai on the head fiercely.

"You said that I made you comfortable, not intentional. What is obscenity?"

Gu Yao blushed, and bit Xiao Bai's shoulder hard: "Xiao Bai, can you be more serious!"

"I thought you would like this very much, or do you like Ye Lishang, who doesn't say anything, but likes to force you?" Xiao Bai gasped in pain.

"Why did you mention him again?" Gu Yao was still laughing and talking to him, but after hearing the words Ye Lishang, her whole body froze.

Xiao Bai didn't know what he cared about, he agreed to love her, but he seemed to put her in the bottom of his heart just because of the ebb and flow, because he was too lacking in tenderness and insecurity. .

That's why you want to keep this fake girlfriend in your pocket, right?Thinking of this, Xiao Bai took a deep breath, and didn't explain, he didn't want Gu Yao to know his fragility and concern.

"Now, I really feel that he is dispensable. At first, I would feel sad and miss him, but now I won't at all. I am a very ruthless person. Who treats me well? , whoever I like."

Xiao Bai really didn't expect Gu Yao to say that. After all, in his memory, she dragged him to call Ye Lishang many times, and this was the hurdle he couldn't get over after she said to try.

Unexpectedly, she admitted her "thinness" so frankly, Xiao Bai really didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

He really wanted to speak, but the phone next to his hand rang. Xiao Bai frowned and glanced at the caller ID, his fingers moved a few times, and finally he picked it up as if he had made up his mind: "Hello?"

"Xiao Bai, Gu Nansheng has given birth." Dongfang Kong hung up the phone after he finished speaking quickly.

Xiao Bai stared blankly at the phone whose screen had turned black. Gu Nansheng gave birth?A few days ago, she was still taking a walk with nothing to do, and told him a lot of long-winded words, why did it happen in a blink of an eye.

Regardless of Gu Yao who was behind him asking about the situation, Xiao Bai picked up the keys and coat and rushed out the door. He didn't know what he was anxious about, but he was eager to see Gu Nansheng, even if it was just for a glance.

"Grandson, you can remember that a woman is exchanging her own life for your child's life. What reason do you have to be unkind to her? Grandma doesn't know if she can still see you have a child, but you You must remember to treat the woman who gave birth to you well."

One life for one life...

Xiao Bai held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, trembling unconsciously, the messy words in his brain gathered into a ball, and some memories that once belonged to him also filed in like crazy, At that moment, he seemed to feel the sound of his own brain exploding.

"Xiao Bai, when will you and Gu Nansheng get married? I told you to hurry up and have a child. Having a child will make the relationship really stable!"

"I heard from Nan Sheng that you will get married as soon as you graduate. Congratulations. We have noticed every little thing you have done in the past three years. We are waiting for your invitation!"


Words like these were not very clear at the beginning, but at the end they seemed to be ringing in his ears completely. Xiao Bai felt that his brain was about to explode. Suddenly there was a piercing whistle, and he turned his head to look at his left.

Before he could see clearly, the pain from his limbs made him faint for a moment, followed by the pungent smell of blood, and finally returned to calm, nothing, no sound, no light, no him For myself, I can't see or hear anything, the only thing I have is the darkness.

Dongfang Kong waited left and right but did not wait for Xiao Bai to come. Gu Nansheng's heart-piercing roars made the whole manor tremble. Jing Shaoteng has been by her side as Owen, constantly giving her strength.

It's just that the pain was really bursting, and the people around him couldn't sustain it with the strength. Seeing her in such pain, Jing Shaoteng's heart throbbed as if soaked in pepper water.

"Jacks is not in the country, I can only measure the data, Owen, step aside." Dongfang Kong said and kept recording Gu Nansheng's heartbeat and blood pressure. Yun Li stood by Gu Nansheng's other side, holding on tightly her hands.

Jing Shaoteng pushed away a little distance, but he never let go of the hand he held tightly with Gu Nansheng. Thinking that she was in such pain when she gave birth to Gu An'an, and that she had a heart attack at that time, his heart couldn't help it There were bouts of discomfort.

This stubborn little woman!

"Miss Li, please work harder, and the baby will come out soon." The female doctor who delivered the baby gently coaxed Gu Nansheng, her gentle tone was like a gentle stream flowing into her ears.

At this moment, the appearance of a little girl suddenly appeared in her mind. She tilted her head cutely with her big eyes open, and smiled at her: "Hello Gu Nansheng, and I am Li Nansheng gone."

"Ah!" At that moment, Gu Nansheng's abdomen was in pain and he screamed, but his mind was clear, "Hello Li Nansheng, I'm Gu Nansheng."

One big and one small looked at each other in the ocean of consciousness, Li Nansheng slightly curved his mouth, smiling cutely like an elf, Gu Nansheng stood majestically, although he had a soft smile, he was like a knight.

The two looked at each other, with different thoughts in the eyes of the same color.

"This is the first and last time we met." Li Nansheng said, approaching Gu Nansheng, "I think, I still want to give you all my memories, you are the mother of two children, and I'm just an obsession, which shouldn't exist in the first place."

Gu Nansheng was taken aback, and subconsciously touched Li Nansheng's finger: "You..."

Li Nansheng embraced Gu Nansheng with open arms, and she whispered in her ear: "I am you, and you are me, but because your memory is blocked, I am also blocked, you have been looking for you all these years. My own memory, so I gradually became stronger."

"Gu Nansheng, you want to be happy, but don't let Yun Li down. He is a very good person, but because he loves you, his eyes will be hidden. Don't let the Yun family down. Although they have reservations about your disappearance, But when they were very young, they treated you like their own daughters, they were very good people."

Li Nansheng used the most immature tone and tone of voice to outline the ordinary narrative, but this most common one also made Gu Nansheng feel the most sad. She nodded slightly, and there was mist in her eyes.

She reached out and hugged Li Nansheng tightly: "You are me, and I am you."

It is said that patients with split personality will become very lonely after recovery. The person who used to snatch things from him suddenly disappears, and no matter who he is, he will become uncomfortable.

Gu Nansheng has this feeling now. When Li Nansheng's consciousness gradually disappeared in her mind, she felt more and more lonely, and the missing memory in her mind became clearer and clearer. tears.

Goodbye, Li Nansheng, goodbye, another me.

Seeing Gu Nansheng crying suddenly, Jing Shaoteng felt even more distressed, but there was nothing he could do, he could only give her excessive warmth and strength, and then persuaded her with very bureaucratic words.

"My name, your last name..."

Suddenly, Gu Nansheng turned his head to look at Yun Li, said six words weakly but firmly, and Yun Li was shocked: "Ah Li, do you remember?"

Gu Nansheng didn't speak, or she was so weak that she couldn't speak. Just when everyone thought that Gu Nansheng couldn't hold on and Dongfang Kong was planning to have a laparotomy, a baby's cry sounded sideways.

"Congratulations, Miss Li, you are a little princess!"

Gu Nansheng raised his head to look at his child, and tears welled up in his eyes in an instant. Because it was Dongfang Kong's assistant, Jing Shaoteng took over the trembling of the child's hands unconsciously. If it wasn't for his strong willpower, I am afraid that he has betrayed his identity at this moment, so he reported the child to Gu Nansheng's side for her to see.

(End of this chapter)

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