Reborn Wife 32

Chapter 478 He seems to be different? !

Chapter 478 He seems to be different? ! (5)
Thinking about it this way, Nan Shiyang didn't stick to this topic, but continued to dress and prepare.

After finishing tidying up, the two left the ward together.

Wen Tingxin brought him a wheelchair, originally intending to push him out.But Nan Shiyang insisted that he was physically fit and not in a wheelchair.

So in the end, it was Wen Tingxin who helped him out.

After all, after sleeping for a month and a half, he didn't do any exercise during this period, and his muscles were sore and swollen. Almost every time he walked, Nan Shiyang had to stop and take a rest.

Simply have Wen Tingxin to support her, so the journey is not too difficult.

Don't be in a hurry to do the examinations prescribed by the doctor. First, Nan Shiyang went to the old man's ward, intending to see the old man first.

Wen Tingxin was by the side. When she reached the door of the ward, Wen Tingxin stopped and sat down on the chair in the corridor. After that, Nan Shiyang entered the room alone.

The old man's ward was surprisingly quiet. When Nan Shiyang entered, he didn't even see a single aunt.

Regarding this, Nan Shiyang couldn't help frowning, knowing that the Nan family must have made it, and deliberately transferred the people who served the old man away...

Stepping towards the old man, Nan Shiyang stopped beside the hospital bed.

At that time, the old man was staring at the ceiling in a daze, his eyes were empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Grandpa." Pulling a stool, Nan Shiyang sat down beside the old man, who turned his head towards him.

"Ah... ah..." Mmm, the old man opened his mouth hard and tried several times, but he couldn't even pronounce his name...

The paraplegia and hemiplegia of the lower body injured the facial nerve, so his eyes were crooked and his mouth was slanted, and it was difficult for him to speak.

Seeing the old man like this, to be honest, he felt quite uncomfortable.

The same is true in previous lives.

Sudden cerebral hemorrhage and stroke, paralyzed after waking up, Nan Shiyang came to see him once, let him recuperate well, but unexpectedly, news of his death came out after a while.

After that, the inheritance lawsuit started, and Nan Yuxiao used the argument that the old man suffered from mental illness as a point of debate.

In fact, whether there is a mental illness or not, everyone knows well...

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm late." Holding the old man's hand, Nan Shiyang found him trembling when he held it in his palm.

I don't know if it's a physiological excitement or a pathological one...

"Ah... ah..." Opening his mouth, the old man wanted to speak, but he couldn't articulate a single word.

"Okay, Grandpa, take a break and listen to me." Nan Shiyang stopped him with a voice, "If you want to agree to me, just blink, once means agreeing, twice means disagreeing. OK ?"

The old man blinked and fell silent.

"During this period of time, many things have happened in our Nan's family, and there have been great changes. Because of my incident and the appearance of that woman, the Nan's family has become like this." First, summarize the recent Regarding the situation of the Nan family, afterward, Nan Shiyang said straight to the point, "Third Uncle said that you gave him the position of Patriarch. Grandpa, I hope you can pass it on to me."

After these words came out, the old man opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

Can't believe what I heard...

Just a while ago, when this kid was in prison, he said that he didn't care about the position of Patriarch.

Now he actually offered to take this position...

"You know the third uncle's heart is not here. He doesn't want to take over the Nan family. He finally found the third aunt, and now his whole heart is on the third aunt's illness. Even if the position of the head of the family is given to him, he can't sit still." Slowly and leisurely As he spoke, Nan Shiyang tightly wrapped the old man's hand, and his determination was conveyed from this.

"Grandpa, if you believe me, give me the position of the head of the family. Our Nan family is not as beautiful as it looks on the outside. Only we know the chaos inside. I believe, and you should also know that the uncles and aunts in the family have no That ability to take on the responsibilities that come with that position."

Hearing this, the old man blinked in response and agreed.

"I may be too young, and I may have shortcomings, but grandpa, I am indeed more suitable than third uncle." The tone of his speech was very firm, and the old man saw confidence in his eyes.

That is a different kind of confidence than before.

Nan Shiyang has always been arrogant, has always been very confident in his abilities, and never speaks modestly.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard him speak so humbly, and fought for this position with him...

The old man felt that that kind of self-confidence was real self-confidence, not blind.

"Can you give me this position?" Just after finishing speaking, Nan Shiyang felt that this kind of reason might not be convincing, and added, "I will do my best to make this family Take care, take good care of you."

After the words fell, the old man frowned and thought for a long time.

There is a measuring stick in my heart to measure the pros and cons of all aspects.

In this Nan family, the most suitable candidates in the old man's mind are Nan Jingshan and Nan Shiyang.

But it would be inappropriate to give the position of Patriarch to both of them.

Nan Shiyang is too young, and his young age is the biggest hurdle in front of him.

Not to mention whether he thinks he is capable, if he is given the position of Patriarch, the elders of the Nan family will definitely panic.

Nan Jingshan was the child who was expelled from the house by him, and his name is no longer on the Nan family tree.If this position is given to him, the Nan family will have to go through a storm.

Both Nanjingshan and Nan Shiyang will be attacked and encircled by other members of the Nan family.

The old man felt that Nanjingshan could handle it, so he forcibly handed over this position to him.

If Nan Shiyang has the confidence that he can handle it, and leave it to him, that would be great.

After thinking about it, and after careful consideration, the old man made a decision.

"Ah... good..." Zhang opened his mouth and agreed.

The old man was such a strong person in the past, but now it is difficult to even speak a word.

Seeing such an old man, Nan Shiyang felt very uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Grandpa." After nodding, Nan Shiyang looked at the old man and the empty ward, and said, "Grandpa, I will find two aunts to take care of you later."

Originally, stroke patients needed special care, but now the old man didn't even have a guard by his side, which was unbelievable to Nan Shiyang.

Although the children of the Nan family are selfish, they are not so good at cooking.

In the meantime, Nan Shiyang was a little suspicious, maybe someone with a heart was playing tricks...

Sure enough, outside the ward, Wen Tingxin, who was bored and could only wander around, met two aunts who were chatting at the nurse's station.

The two aunts were talking about the old man of the Nan family, and they talked very enthusiastically...

Then, she stood by and listened... the ward...

Nan Shiyang was still gossiping with the old man. After finishing the business, the old man asked Nan Shiyang to write a letter of succession. His seal was taken by the children of the Nan family yesterday, so he stamped the letter of succession on the letter of succession. It's his fingerprints.

Believe it works...

In order to prevent the children of the Nan family from making trouble again, Nan Shiyang recorded a short video for the old man. In the short film, the old man said a word very hard, expressing that he would pass on the throne to Nan Shiyang.

In this way, the children of the Nan family will not want to come to the old man to make arguments.Even if they want to quarrel, they will only go towards Nan Shiyang.

After finishing these things, Nan Shiyang told the old man that he planned to take him out of the hospital and let him go home to recuperate.

The old man shook his head with a look of panic, as if he didn't want to go back to Nan's house at all.

Asked him why, he tried his best to open his mouth, but couldn't explain clearly.

Thinking about it, Nanjingshan must have encountered this kind of situation, so he didn't let the old man go home to recuperate.

The grandfather and grandson talked for a long time in the ward before the two aunts approached the ward, talking and laughing.

The two aunts should take care of the old man, but they are not serious at all.

After seeing Nan Shiyang in the ward, the two aunts calmed down, obediently went to pat the old man on the back, turned over, and poured the urinal.

Nan Shiyang talked to the two aunts before going out.

At that time, Wen Ting folded her hands in her heart and smiled at him with a smug face...

"What? Something good happened?" Nan Shiyang raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"A bad news, do you want to hear it!"

(End of this chapter)

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