The disease of fast wearing is too charming

Chapter 343 Doomsday: Extreme Escape! [38]

Chapter 343 Doomsday: Extreme Escape! [38]

After Shusui heard his words, he hummed lightly to show that he heard it, then he leaned against the car window, closed his deep and deep black pupils, and suppressed the deep thinking in his eyes.

"Hey, although I don't understand why he is so persistent, but... I can still understand the feeling in his heart." Lin Sen raised his hand and touched the back of his head, and said with a sad expression, "I hope his lover, When reincarnated in the next life, choose a long-lived one, so that... if he meets his lover again, he can relax and not have to work so hard."

"Bringing all human beings to be buried with me, this kind of love is beyond my comprehension." Li Mu blinked, handsomely tossed the broken hair on his forehead, turned his eyes to look at the dilapidated scenery outside the car window, and said something in his heart The feeling of not coming out.

He fell into deep and bitter memories.

There was a man who was born shining like a star. He was so smooth from the age of one to 25. He graduated from university ahead of schedule, completed all courses, and won various scientific research medals.

He is such a genius. At the age of 17, full of youthful fantasies, he fell in love with a girl uncontrollably. Since then, his whole heart has been placed on the girl. Unfortunately, people are not as good as God , a few years later, his lover died.

——In the most beautiful years.

Those who died that year included the two people he cared most about in his life—his sister and her lover.

From then on... that genius fell from the altar, and he didn't recover for a long time, but he didn't know where he was stimulated, and he started researching a drug that could bring people back to life on a whim.

I don't even think about it, is it possible?

Perhaps for him, this thing is possible.

Just four years ago, this group of recruits was sent to that mysterious underground research room to help him and serve as his escort.

In a blink of an eye, time flew by, and it had been ten years since his lover passed away.

The man has grown from a young and handsome boy to a handsome flower now, and the years have left indelible marks on his extremely handsome face.

They have also witnessed that the drug has been tested countless times.Countless failures, countless re-studies, and countless improvements.

For ten years, he has been doing the same thing repeatedly day after day, year after year, never stopping, never giving up.

——Everything is just to resurrect his lover.

That's it.

But now, the drug has not been successfully researched, and it has turned 85% of the human population into zombies. The remaining 5% are people with special abilities in their bodies, and the last ones are ordinary people. When it comes to zombies, they are also those who give away their heads and have no power to fight back.

Li Mu didn't know whether to rejoice for him, or to mourn for all mankind.

After all, no one wants to become a zombie.

No one wants the end of the world.

Li Mu hoped in his heart that that person could succeed, and hoped that he could also research the potion that would restore the zombies to humans.

In this way, although he has committed a heinous crime, he will not end up being stabbed in the back.

Recalling the end here, Li Mu drove the Hummer with a serious expression and raised the speed to the fastest speed. Anyway, their trunks were filled with barrels of gasoline. Running out of gasoline was not a big deal for them. existing.

(End of this chapter)

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