Chapter 82 The Bitch Is Hypocritical ([-])

At that time, there will be more and more people who think she is cowardly and come to find fault.

The woman in yellow and the woman in green were shocked at the same time, and then quickly put on an extremely aggrieved expression, looked at Dongling Yuze, and said weakly, "His Royal Highness, we, we are just fighting for you..." Said with a little cry.

Dongling Yuze first smiled at the two of them in a comforting manner, then turned his head to face Mo Xiaoyu, already changing his expression.

It was completely opposite to the way he faced the woman in yellow and the woman in green before.

However, this Dongling Yuze thought that he would win more people's hearts by fighting for the injustices of the common people, and he was still complacent in his heart!

Regarding this, Mo Xiaoyu said that she really wanted to say something, just because you are so stupid that there is no cure, doesn't mean that others are also as stupid as you, don't they have eyes?
"Mo Xiaoyu, this crown prince orders you! Apologize to these two women!" Dongling Yuze's voice was unquestionable.

After seeing what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Dongyao Kingdom did, there were some people around who were like a mirror, and they really wanted to cover their faces!
Is such a stupid person really the Crown Prince of Dongyao Kingdom?
They could all see clearly that the two women were acting, but their Highness the Crown Prince hadn't noticed it until now!
On the contrary, he also helped them insult their former wives. After all, they are not married, so there is still affection, right?
With His Royal Highness like this, they all feel extremely worried about the future of Dongyao Kingdom!
Unknowingly, Dongling Yuze's popularity began to decline again.

"Apologize? Are you worthy?" Mo Xiaoyu was aggressive.

But what he said is also true, although Mo Xiaoyu is not favored, she is still a daughter of the general's mansion, apologizing to a commoner, not to mention that the commoner has not been wronged at all, so what to say is unreasonable .

As soon as the words fell, the woman in yellow and the woman in green began to cry aggrievedly. This speed made people unable to react, as if Mo Xiaoyu had really bullied them.

Tsk tsk, Mo Xiaoyu flattened her mouth, with such poor acting skills, she had the guts to show her off, her crying was too fake!
Before she could say anything, she started crying?All fools know it's fake!
Mo Xiaoyu was helpless, it was the first time she met someone who was more deadly than Mo Lingwei.

The woman in yellow and the woman in green were so busy crying that they didn't realize that the people around them had gradually changed in front of their eyes, and even looked down upon them.

"Mo Xiaoyu! You did something wrong and don't apologize. Is this what you should do as a daughter of the general's mansion?" Dongling Yuze continued to die, and the more he died, the more he died.

Just saying that, the people around suddenly felt that Mo Xiaoyu was so pitiful, she had done nothing wrong, yet she was taught a lesson for such a nonsense.

Although it is said that Mo Xiaoyu is a waste material, it can't be like this, right?

In just an instant, Mo Xiaoyu created an image of a victim protecting herself.

Mo Xiaoyu shrugged her shoulders and rubbed her forehead. If this Dongling Yuze became the emperor of Dongyao Kingdom in the future, then Dongyao Kingdom would know that the future is in jeopardy without even thinking about it.

Such an obvious look, but I haven't felt it until now.

Now she takes back what she said in the Prince's Mansion that Dongling Yuze still has some brains.

"Dongling Yuze, do you have some brains?" Mo Xiaoyu was speechless.

She even wondered if Dongling Yuze was tortured so badly last night that the sperm got into his head now.

 score!score!score! [Say important things three times]

(End of this chapter)

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