The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 591 Chaos Arrives

Chapter 591 Chaos Arrives (End)

Everything in the world is sinful.

This kind of sin has no root, no starting point, no reason, no point, and no direction to return.

They are floating in the universe, in every trace of air, melting in every drop of water, every ray of light, waiting for those hearts that accommodate themselves, and then greedily drill in, slowly corrupt, erode, and then breed more intense crime.

Love is a sin, hate is the worst, clarity is the worst, uncleanness is also a sin, messy pillows and mattresses are sins after waking up in the morning, leftovers at the bottom of the bowl are sins, greed for merit is a sin, innocence is a sin, and in ordinary days is a sin. It is a sin to be afraid of the wind and rain, and it is also a sin for a cat to dream of dreams in a small room.

There are so many sins that if it were a power it would fill the universe.

[Sin] is to want this kind of power.

Inexhaustible, inexhaustible, cyclical, endless.

This kind of power is enough for him to go face-to-face with the Universal Council, without the need for friends or the help of the team.This place is like a breeding ground for him, even if he fails, he can be reborn from here again, and then, do it again, and do it again.

He will only get stronger every time, because he doesn't have any worries.

This is a battle that will never be lost, so the result is doomed at this moment, [Sin] will eventually succeed.

At this time, a weak fluctuation came from not far away.

[Sin] Looked over.

There, there were already two people standing silently.

One of them was a middle-aged uncle over 40 years old, wearing a light yellow shabby robe, with a necklace hanging on his chest, and the pendant was a small hourglass.

And the one next to the uncle is tall, but very thin. This kind of figure makes him feel uncomfortable, and his facial contour is full of a kind of unique Nordic blood. The sharp edges and corners gave this person an air of aura that people didn't want to get close to.

Sin looked at the two people who came out of nowhere.

"Yo~ It's time to come." He said with an obvious 'not welcome'.

[Time] smiled and said: "Yes, I am rarely on time, but for such important moments, of course I can't get the time wrong again."

"Oh? In other words, you have used your avatars that can travel freely in various times to stare at me for a long time?" [Sin] asked.

"Haha, yes." Saito nodded: "If the accumulation of parallel time is used, I have watched this battle for a total of 215 years. Please forgive my presumptuousness. Oh, actually, I don't need to apologize here. Because, at some point, I have actually been killed more than 1000 times in various ways."

"But I can't help it. I don't have much fighting ability. I can only use my feet to see it. The degree of chaos in this world is really terrible. I don't know how many times I have died to get here. .”

Sin shrugged indifferently: "So what, anyway, in your concept of time, there is no concept of [death] at all."

"Hahaha———Okay, okay." The world smiled: "I think you don't want to continue this boring conversation at all, then, let's go straight. What I want to do is already perfect, I give I have given you an endless source of strength, set up such a big situation for you, and excluded all threats, in short, your wish has been fulfilled, so it should be me."

Saying that, Time stretched out a hand.

Sinful smiled helplessly: "Oh, I really don't understand, you have wasted so much energy, and you just want this broken note."

After all, Sinie took out the compass and flipped through it casually: "What's so good about this thing?"

The moment Sin took out the compass, [Time]'s eyes almost burst into flames. Even a person like him who has seen the rise and fall of thousands of worlds still couldn't hide his inner desire.

"Yeah, there's nothing good about that thing, so...give it to me."

The time moved forward a few steps. If he hadn't suppressed himself, he would have rushed over to snatch it.

However, at this moment, Sin suddenly retracted the hand holding the compass.

"Hey, wait, don't be so anxious." He said nonchalantly, "I'm a very timid person. If you scare me, then I can't guarantee the safety of this notebook. A fire burned this thing."

Uncle Saito frowned: "Our deal is fair, I will help you gain the power to fight against the Universal Council, and you, give me the compass!"

"Yes, yes, I remember this transaction, but uncle, you should understand a truth after living for so long, the fairness of all transactions is based on the fact that both parties have needs and the chips are equal. And now." Sin shook the note in his hand: "Now it is obvious that the chips in my hand are much heavier than yours."

Saito's face gradually returned to calm, and at the same time, a coldness emerged: "So. You are going to break the deal and raise the price on the ground, aren't you?"

"Yes, you should know that I am a person who has no bottom line, so I often do things like sitting on the ground and raising prices. Oh, yes, I will do this. Didn't you foresee it? This is not like Your style, at such an important moment, you didn't use your weird methods to predict the future? can't predict the future after you get this notebook?"

Saito did not answer the question of sin, but said calmly: "What do you want?"

Sin smiled: "What I want. Well, there are not many, so I have to speak slowly! For example, the first thing, why do you want this thing? Don't lie to me, if you lie to me, the compass But there will be reminders."


After a while of silence, after about a few seconds, [Time] finally shook his head: "Okay, okay, I told you that I want a compass, just to let me cut off the connection between me in other timelines."

"Ah?" Sin did not think of this answer: "Why?"

"You don't understand the kind of pain that can predict the future. It feels like you have to read a book that you have read thousands of times all the time. Every sentence in the book, You have already memorized it backwards, but you still have to read on."

"Ah" Sin hesitated for a moment: "Well, it does sound painful, but if you have had enough of this suffering, hehe, why don't you die."

However, the voice just fell.

There was a sound of "噗———".

Sin gushed out a mouthful of blood without warning, and then knelt down on the ground in pain.

Saito smiled, walked over a little bit, and then tore the compass from Sin's hand.

"Hahaha——go to hell? I wouldn't do that kind of thing, damn it, it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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