The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 571 A Laughing Chapter

Chapter 571 A Joke

The sky was covered by tens of thousands of bats, blocking out the sun, but in the castle on the other side, people did not notice this strangeness, they were all attracted by the embarrassing scene in front of them.

Bruce Wayne and the Joker sit side by side against a wall.

Needless to say, the clown, his muscles have not been used for decades, and they have shrunk to such an extent that it is difficult to even stand up, so he can only sit slumped in a wheelchair.

Bruce Wayne, on the other hand, was still in a very weak state because he had just met Sin head-on, and he could barely maintain his sitting posture by leaning against the wall.

Therefore, these two old enemies who would definitely beat each other with a hammer when they met in the past, can only sit quietly at this moment, unable to do anything.

After a long time, it is estimated that Batman felt that sitting like this was too embarrassing, so he chose to speak first to break the silent scene.

"I said... I heard that you were dead, how did you come back to life?"

"Hi!! Hahaha——you speak first, you lose!" The clown shouted excitedly when he heard Bruce speak.

Wayne looked uncomfortable: "I didn't compete with you to let go first, this is not a husband and wife quarrel!"

"What? It's not a husband and wife quarrel?" The clown put on a shocked look: "Calculating the time, I thought the seven-year itch was over for both of us."

"I haven't known you that long. I'm just 25 years old. In my plane, I've known you for less than two years, and in my plane, you're not so talkative!" Bruce almost used Said in a roar.

"Okay, okay~" The clown looked helpless, and nodded his head like coaxing a child: "It's only been two years, but it's not bad, at least you still have a fresh feeling for me, you know, in order to keep this fresh Sense, I have to come up with some new ideas every now and then to get your attention, robbing banks is so old-fashioned, bombs, gas, I even imagined kidnapping the Justice League. Oh, yes, in your place In fact, you haven't come up with such a small group of 'playing house'."

"Okay, shut up, bastard!" Bruce yelled unbearably: "I'm asking you a question, shouldn't you be dead!"

"It's true, it's you or something, but the group of people outside the door made me alive again. Oh, I forgot to say thank you. I should mail them some gifts when I find time."

"No one wants to receive your gift and, it's not me who killed you, but the madman in the Batcave, by the way, there are at least 80 Batmen in the Batcave now, if you like Batman Play, I can offer to throw you in the Batcave, they will be very happy."

"No, no, no~" The clown said quickly, "Those little bats are all lunatics, the kind that have been played with badly, and broken toys are meaningless. Speaking of which, I like you more now."

"It's disgusting, you should pray that you recover faster than me, otherwise as long as I can move first, I guarantee that the first thing I will do is break your leg."

"Oh~ you're rude, but I like it"

"." Now Bruce knew why no matter which version of himself saw the clown, he would go straight up and beat him up, because bickering with this guy was really uncomfortable.

And at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and Hannibal walked over.

"Hi, I didn't disturb your two-person world." He said lightly.


"A little bit!"

The clown and Bruce shouted in unison.

Hannibal nodded: "Okay, I can apologize to you, but I think you should come and see, Harley Quinn has woken up."

"Oh, is that little sweetheart awake?" The clown's attention was taken away immediately: "I really love that chick, she just wanted to shoot me down with a gun, hehehe, that must be a great feeling .”

As he spoke, the clown immediately struggled, straightened his body, and then turned the wheels of the wheelchair as hard as he could, moving forward steadily.

"What happened to Quinn?" Bruce asked.

"Just now, these children made a resurrection sacrifice ceremony. The sacrifice was Harley Quinn, but Quinn was lucky not to die. Of course, she still paid some price, such as memory."

"Memory? Has Quinn lost his memory?"

"Yes, uh. You'd better take a look, seeing some old friends will help restore memory." Hannibal said, and walked over to help Bruce.

"It's crazy, I had a fight with the clown just now, and now I have to go and help Harley Quinn retrieve her memory." Wayne muttered, and walked out of the room with Hannibal.

On the opposite side of the corridor is another room. Hannibal opened the door and went in. Wayne found that everyone in the room was gathered together, frowning, and on the other side of the bed, Quinn was huddled in the corner and looked at the opposite side , with a look of horror.

Quinn yelled again as soon as he saw Wayne and Hannibal walk in.

"Stay away from me! You crazy people!!"

Wayne looked at him with a strange expression: "Um, I never thought that one day Quinn would call others crazy."

"I didn't think about it either, come here quickly, people who just woke up can't be too stimulated." Ziliang waved to himself very depressed: "By the way, Hannibal, by the way, you can't let her be quieter. Is it?"

"Of course not. Although she signaled, she is still the carrier of the shards of sin. I can't do anything about her. It would be fine if she could cooperate with me in counting sheep, but obviously she doesn't want to listen to me."

"Hey - it's really difficult. Do you just watch her shrinking in the corner like this? Who can ask her to cooperate."

at this time
The clown moved forward with the wheelchair.

"Would you like to hear a joke?"

"No! Stay away from me, oh my god, your face is so ugly!"

"My face?? Oh, by the way, I thought of a joke about clowns."

He ignored Quinn's expression of horror and disgust, and said to himself.

"The joke goes like this:
A man went to the doctor one day and said he was depressed, that life seemed unforgiving and cruel, that he felt alone in this threatening world.

After a detailed examination, the doctor found that there was nothing wrong with the man's body, so the doctor suggested that he take more rest and go to the circus performance.

"The circus troupe just came to town. Their performances are wonderful, especially the clown. He is very good. He will make you laugh and make you forget your troubles."

But just as he was talking, the man suddenly cried, "But doctor, I am that clown."


(End of this chapter)

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