Chapter 565

A question mark popped up in the minds of the people around calmly, and then some people looked at the black figure that had been standing in the shadow.

This person has not moved from the beginning to the end. Even if he belongs to the holder of some kind of supernatural ability, Batman can still tell if he has made a move.

not him.
So, whoever made the person on the stage disappear, so that he didn't even catch his sight.

It seems that it is to verify this idea.

A second after that person disappeared, a person suddenly appeared at the place where the person was standing just now.

The man was wearing a red dress that was close to the skin, with a golden bat shape on his chest.

No one saw where this person came from, he just appeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, and he was still fiddling with his gloves carelessly so that he could match himself The fingers fit together more comfortably.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was changing clothes just now, and I'm a little late." The man said lightly, "This suit fits you well."

"That's good." Behind him, the lunatic version of Bruce was still rubbing his neck.

Beside him, Superman Wayne also staggered and stood up, his kryptonite-burned bearded skin slowly healing.

"Don't worry, I've also prepared your combat clothing. In fact, I've been preparing for several years. There are various models, and you can choose slowly."

The wide-slit version of Wayne continued, and after a while, he seemed to remember that there was a large group of stunned selves under the table, waiting for the direction in which things would develop.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced it to everyone yet." He turned his head and said to the audience: "Here, I won't say much about the name, the holder of the Superman Potion. So, you can treat him as a complete The complete Superman, whether it is speed, strength, or flying ability, of course, also includes his fear of kryptonite. From now on, this Bruce Wayne will completely follow my instructions. In other words, if you still have If anyone wants to use force or kryptonite to prove himself, then I welcome it."

No one spoke, that was Superman, as long as he was not too overwhelmed, no one would confront him head-on.

"And this one." The man continued, and gestured to the man in the red battle suit in front of him: "The successor of the Speed ​​Force, the previous generation of Flash, the power bestowed by Barry Allen himself before his death, Similarly, he has all the abilities of Barry Allen, and at the same time, he also has things that Barry Allen has never used, such as the determination to be so cold that he can kill himself from another plane at will. Where did the kryptonite maniac go?"

"." No one spoke.

"Hey, to be honest, I don't know too much, why don't I ask for everyone."

And Bruce Wayne, who inherited the Flash, seemed to have finally adjusted his battle suit, and the casual answerer said: "Probably, he is circling the outer side of the earth's orbit. If he can freeze quickly at that speed , so as not to be blown to pieces by the pressure difference in the body."

"Well, I hope he has that kind of luck."

There was a more silent situation in the audience. Who would have thought that at this moment just now, The Flash led the man out of the restraint of the surface, and was directly thrown out of the atmosphere, turning into a lump in the universe. Floating ice cubes.

"Ah, look, I forgot, and this one, he is also my supporter." Before the others recovered from the shock, the lunatic pointed to the person at the front of the crowd: "Then, holder of the lantern ring, do I need to introduce you specifically?"

The voice just fell: "I don't think so"

As he said that, a green light flashed from the audience, and a person floated up and landed on the platform.

Everyone has seen this person before. At the very beginning, he used the power of the lantern ring to send everyone to the Bat Cave. Unexpectedly, he is also the man of that lunatic?

A more dazzling green light surrounded the man, and after a few seconds, the green light dissipated, and the man was already wearing the standard battle robe of the Green Lantern Corps, except that the logo of a bat was printed on his chest.



[green light]

These three represent the most powerful people in each universe, and now they all give power to three different Bruce Wayne, and these three Wayne all obey the lunatic on the stage.

This is what he means by strength.

Well, no matter how much he doesn't want to admit it, his statement 'I'm not consulting with you, but ordering' is not arrogance.

"I think there must be some people here who are still angry, still thinking about how to escape from here, hide, and make some plans to kill me. Please forgive me, I won't let you do this." The lunatic finally Walked to the front, it seemed that a speech was about to be delivered.

"What are you pursuing? Is it to punish the evil? Or to protect Gotham, or you just use various methods to suppress the desire in your heart that you can't even explain.

In fact, after listening to what I said just now, you should all know that what you have been doing, in the final analysis, is one thing, and that is to be a balancer of crimes. You confine these crimes in Gotham City and prevent them from messing around. Run Wayne family generations will be like this, your father, now yourselves, your sons, descendants, continues, without end.
This is a curse, your children will not have a good childhood, they will not love and live wantonly, you will not have a good night's sleep, and you will hide in the darkest corner even when you cry , Afraid that someone will come to comfort you.

Do you want something like this?

Now, I give you such an opportunity, you just need to follow me, I have already revealed the mysteries between multiverses, I have torn some holes, and you are the coordinates, I can put the sins in the universe you are in Total concentration here, creating a separate universe made entirely of sin
In this way, other universes will not become unbalanced by the initiation of sin.

Gotham will never again be the capital of sin.

Everything will move in the direction of balance.
Of course, such a result, for ourselves, may be death, but what does that matter, our ending is already doomed.

We're going to go crazy, we're going to die, we're going to be like me, suffering every second, waiting for the moment when we'll break down.

In this case, why don't we do something to make our death more meaningful before we collapse? "

(End of this chapter)

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