The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 560 [Wayne Family]

Chapter 560 [Wayne Family]


Under the table, there was another commotion.

"Save what?" Many people asked along the topic.

Of course, there are also some who are more suspicious, and they directly lead their thinking to another path.

"I don't think you should listen to this guy talking nonsense here. I even doubt whether he is really Bruce Wayne, and the reality of this plane."

This is of course a question that many others have thought of as well.

"Heh, it's the same as I thought, maybe you guys are a bunch of virtual personalities with a little self-awareness, just become like me through plastic surgery or other means. So, this is silence again Is that guy playing tricks?"

"Fart! It's obvious that you guys are like me!" a brawny version of Bruce Wayne roared.

"Uh, no matter who you look like, what I care about is what silence does?" A thin version of Wayne with a big green question mark tattooed on his body held his chin in thought.

There is no way, there are too many Bruce Wayne present. Although they each have different experiences, at least 80% of them still retain the attribute of being cautious and intelligent. Therefore, when this group of people gather together, it is inevitable that there will be some little friction.

However, the person on the stage obviously knew it would be like this, and he didn't care.He just kept talking at his own pace.

"Do you know the multiverse?" He said lightly.

As soon as the sound was made, the surroundings immediately became quieter. Although everyone had their own opinions on what they were experiencing now, since the person on the stage wanted to explain everything, he had to listen more or less.

As for the concept of the multiverse, many people naturally know it, so they shut their mouths very wisely, wanting to hear what kind of answer the subject they have been researching foreshadows, and those who have not started research or do not understand at all People even shut their mouths, because they couldn't get in the words.

Just like that, there was only one voice left.

"Then, I think more than half of the people here know a name, and that is Barry Allen - 'The Flash'." He said calmly: "When I was 31 years old, my first As soon as I came into contact with this person, and in the following years, I gradually realized his ability to tamper with the timeline, so I wondered whether different timelines would be able to tear apart a brand new plane. About Twenty years ago, I used his 'Speed ​​Force' to unravel the multiverse for the first time. I think there are at least 20 of you who have reached this point."

In the crowd, some people's bodies began to tense up.

"Then, what I'm going to say next, I want everyone to try to accept it no matter what. That is. Gotham City is not just a simple city." Wayne glanced at the people present: " It's still a container."


This word makes everyone a little confused, what does a city have to do with 'container'?
At this moment, a pitch-black shadow suddenly appeared on the platform.

It is said that he is a shadow because there is really no other word to describe him, because the body of this thing is surrounded by a cloud of pitch-black fog, and the line of sight cannot pass through it at all. It can only be vaguely seen from the outline. It is a human form.

"Hi everyone, please forgive me for appearing in everyone's sight so hastily. We will talk about who I am later. Now, I will continue to explain to you what this so-called 'container' is."

The man said, his voice sounded hazy, but it was undoubtedly a male voice.

"First of all, I think everyone must know one thing, and that is that the universe is balanced, everything is conditioned by another, day and darkness, men and women, reason and madness complement each other, love and hate Intertwined with each other, we have desires, but our ability restricts us from driving desires at will, and if we pursue power, we must pay a corresponding price. This is all determined in advance. Only in this way, where we are The plane can continue to exist according to the normal process."

"However... this universe is not perfect after all. There are some elements that cannot be perfectly checked and balanced. For example, desires give birth to people to constantly seek ways to ignore checks and balances. Resentment makes us gradually lose our minds. In short, the universe began to be chaotic. This chaos has allowed us to accumulate something called [sin]."

"So, how do we deal with these extra [sins]? We can't let them wander around wantonly, so we need a container to wrap these unchecked sins, so here is here."

As he said that, the black mist seemed to open his arms, and his voice raised slightly: "Gotham, a perfect city."

"This place is completely independent of each plane. It has a magical force field that absorbs all the sins in the plane and gathers here. There are low-level gangsters who want to rob their homes every day and take out their daggers for tomorrow's gambling money. There are also crazy people who want to rule the world and study nuclear weapons, muscle madmen, and extremely clever anti-human elements. In short, all kinds of vicious people can be seen in this small city. Find everything that satisfies you here, and there are also stubborn citizens who know the dangers here, but will never leave this city. This kind of city seems to be traumatized forever, but still Always alive."

"This is the perfect container. City of Sin."

"." Everyone in the audience was silent, perhaps because this passage subverted their own perception of the city, or perhaps all of this perfectly fit with the issues that some people have been studying for a long time, In short, no one raised any doubts after this seemingly absurd remark. Even Bruce Wayne, who was hiding above the cave, had his brain buzzing, as if he realized something.

The dark shadow below continued.

"Of course, although this is a container, it doesn't mean that there is no need for management here. On the contrary, the more sins gather, the more people need to check and balance here. Of course, the people who check and balance this city will not be What kind of conscience, or a representative of hope, that kind of person can't survive in this city. Therefore, the people who can check and balance here must also be people who are guilty. For example, an ancient family Wayne."

(End of this chapter)

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