The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 537 Sinner?

Chapter 537 Sinner?

"I am not a sinner?" Old Joey looked around blankly.

"You're not, of course you're not."

"But... I cut off the only way this world leads to the outside world, and this world is ruined!"

"This world is meant to be destroyed. You can't be blamed for not being able to fetch water in the desert, let alone be accused of not being able to save a dead person. It doesn't make sense."

"But Hongqiao is the hope of this world. At least with it, this world still has an exit. But I destroyed this exit, and I destroyed the hope of the whole world."

"No, hope is the most terrible thing." The craftsman said, "If you have never tasted the sweetness, then the bitterness of your life is nothing to fear. If you have never seen the light, what can you do with the darkness of your life?" In the same way, all things are greedy, they will constantly look forward to better things, when they eat rice, they will think about eating meat, when they are given meat, they will think about more delicious things, Hongqiao is like this , It was inserted there just to make people suffer, this pain is like hope, it will never end, the only thing that can calm people down is to cut it directly."

Old Joey's breath calmed down, or more precisely, he was dumbfounded. He tried to understand what the other party said. These words were a bit weird, but they seemed to make sense.


"No but." The craftsman interrupted Old Joey, and continued: "This world is like this. Natural selection has already explained everything. In the dark and dark deep sea, there is a kind of fish that can emit a faint light. As long as the fish are close to the light, they will be devoured, and in the jungle, if a little bright red suddenly appears in the green that makes people faint, it must be the deadliest poisonous insect. Light and color are never beautiful The representative of hope, this word is simply a means for some people who can never reach the end, to give themselves psychological comfort. People who really deserve the word "hope" never care about hope, they will only work hard silently , succeed or fail, that's enough."

Old Joey opened his mouth slightly, and he couldn't help but follow the other party's thoughts. As a result, the moment the other party stopped talking, he discovered that the "hope" of this world had become the most terrifying thing in heaven. s things.

Old Joey shook his head: "What's the matter, it's not like this, shouldn't I be a sinner?"

"you are not"

"However, people in the whole world hate me. It is because of this that I was brought into this world. This is my salvation!"


The craftsman shouted angrily, and Old Joey's body trembled suddenly, as if this sound shocked him more than the most terrifying attack hitting him.

"A group of people who only know how to worship, but they also know how to hate? They don't even dare to hide the knife stuck to their throats. How can such people have the right to talk about others. It is impossible for the worms on the ground to go back and blame the apes. Why? They can eat the freshest fruit on the treetops, and it is impossible for those monkeys to blame why the birds can fly, because they themselves do not have that ability, and a group of people who have not even boarded the temple of the Forgotten, instead come to It’s a joke to accuse a hero who walked across the Hongqiao, they are not accusing you of your sins, but accusing you of doing something they couldn’t do.”

Old Joey's mind buzzed. He felt that what the other party said made sense. What he did was like a bird can fly. It was because he had the ability to do so. If so, why did he do it? guilty?

This idea suddenly rushed into the depths of his thinking, and he was stupidly frozen in place. He didn't even bother to wonder why the person in front of him knew about heaven, why he He would know that the people of heaven must be enshrined, and how he would know that this place is called the Temple of the Forgotten.

Of course, the craftsman didn't know it at first, but Ziliang knew that was enough.

The reason, speaking of it, you may feel very disobedient,

Because in the pocket of the craftsman's military coat, the phone was not turned off, and the Bluetooth was turned on, and a Bluetooth receiver was plugged into the data interface on the back of the craftsman's head, so Ziliang could hear all the sounds present. And what Ziliang said was transmitted to the craftsman's head clearly.

While old Joey was still in a daze, Ziliang yelled in another plane: "Hurry up, this guy's brain is not working well, let's work harder while it's hot!"

The craftsman did not dare to be negligent in classical Chinese. Although the reasoning in his mouth was a little unreasonable, Old Joey was his friend after all, and helping a friend was the most reasonable thing to do. This was one of them.

And if Old Joey really can never get out of his knot, then he will surely sink into eternal pain, and saving such a person is the most reasonable thing, this is the second.

In the end, it is reasonable, as I said before, the angry old Joey is a butcher, he will kill everyone he sees, so saving the old Joey is equivalent to saving thousands of lives , Saving lives, this is the greatest truth.

This is the third.

And three is definitely better than one.

In this way, even if I added a little embellishment to what I said, and a little bit of deception, it was reasonable!
Yes, that's what a craftsman is, the most reasonable person in the world.

Finally, just as Ziliang said, he stepped up.

"Do you want to leave here?"

He said.

Old Joey's body trembled, and the point he expected most in his heart was touched. In the long years, he even forgot why he left here. He just vaguely remembered that he had some friends who needed him. , so, I have to go back.
But Old Joey subconsciously shook his head.

"I can't go anymore. I tried countless times, but this world is sealed off, and no one can get out."

"Because of that Hongqiao?"

Old Joey nodded: "Yes, it's broken, as I said, I cut it off."

The young man in the overcoat looked at Old Joey.

"Maybe you have forgotten me, so you can try to remember, I am a craftsman"

Old Joey looked at each other blankly, and murmured: "Craftsman?"

"Yes, craftsman, so... I can fix it."

(End of this chapter)

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