The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 525 Hometown

Chapter 525 Hometown (End)

Since the villagers are all dead, then only you can find them yourself.

Old Joey led Pego over the dead bodies, trying to find something to eat.

The sea breeze was constantly blowing, mixing the bloody smell around with a bit of salty dampness.

Suddenly: "huh~"

Pego froze for a moment.

His cute pig nose sniffed the air, and then, it hurts to find something.

He is very familiar with the smell here!

As I said before, Pego recognizes the way or people entirely by his nose, so he can't tell where it is when the smell of blood is all around him. As for Old Joey, he After falling asleep, you change his place, and when he wakes up, he probably won't realize that he has moved.

Anyway, this person and one pig stayed in this village for a full 10 minutes, and it wasn't until the sea breeze blew away the blood that Pego finally realized it.

They seem to be walking back.

"What's the matter?" Old Joey asked in confusion.

Pego sniffed it again, and finally confirmed: "This is Hope Village."

"." After hearing this, Old Joey froze for a moment, then nodded silently: "Oh."

He just responded.

But he already knew that the people in this village were all dead.

Old Joey is sometimes stupid, but sometimes, his brain will be a little brighter. He knows that the deaths of these villagers must have something to do with him. When he left a few days ago, they had already said that because he killed An angel, this will bring disaster to them.

It looked like a disaster.

Old Joey didn't understand why these villagers thought this way again. They almost accepted the extreme. Those angels were very annoying, just like those maggots parasitic on the flesh. They were big and fat, but they didn't Taking care of itself, it can only survive by inserting its long breath into the parasitic flesh, wriggling its fat body and sucking juice.

But this group of villagers, unexpectedly so without anger, let themselves be sucked.

Everyone who raises pigs knows that if there are worms on the pigs, they should be eliminated.

But if some pigs don't want to get rid of them, that's okay, so Old Joey doesn't seem to care much about the deaths of these people.

"Then, let's find out if there is anything to eat."

He said lightly, but he didn't even notice that his hand, without knowing when, was clenched more and more tightly.

Unfortunately, there was no food in the village. It seemed that after the angel was chopped up by himself, other angels came and took the food away after killing the people in the village.

Old Joey sat down on the ground helplessly against the pig-head statue in the middle of the village.


He said as if talking to himself, and then, looking at the sun in the sky, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After an unknown period of time, he seemed to feel his eyes were stinging, so Old Joey lowered his head.

Suddenly, beside him, he noticed a very special corpse.

He didn't recognize the corpse because she had a human face.

And it was precisely because of this that Old Joey knew who this person was. There was a deep cut in her heart with some deep scratches on the edge. It seemed that she had struggled before she died.

In the whole village, everyone's wounds were extremely smooth, and they didn't even resist when their throats were cut.

Except for her.

"Is she that girl named Mia?" Old Joey asked lightly.

Pego came over, sniffed the corpse, and then "huh~huh~" he nodded.

Old Joey didn't continue to say anything, but just lowered his head.

He didn't know Mia very well, but, after all, this girl was the first person he saw in this world, and she was the one who brought him to this village.

After that there is no after.

The ordinary life almost made Old Joey forget about this girl.

And the last memory is that the girl rushed out of the crowd and stood in front of her. At that time, the villagers were throwing stones at her to get her out of the village.

This is all the intersections between myself and Mia.

However, just when Old Joey decided to completely kick this girl out of his memory.
He felt an inexplicable sore nose. He seemed to see Mia and was still smiling. He attached to Pego's side, stroking Pego's head. "This little pig is so cute."

This is Mia's evaluation of Pego.

Old Joey was taken aback suddenly.

Only then did he finally realize that he could actually tell that Mia was smiling, that kind of heartless smile known as a 'silly smile'.

Old Joey seemed to understand something.

Long, long ago, he once asked Ziliang what a friend is.

Ziliang's answer is, when you can tell whether a person's expression is crying or laughing, then that person should be considered a friend.

Although Pego told himself afterwards that Ziliang was just too lazy to explain to you, and at the same time, he was simply mocking you for being blind.

But Old Joey knew that what Ziliang said was right, because up to now, all the people he could recognize their faces were already his friends.

Old Joey lowered his head and looked at Mia's body.

"Pego, tell me, where did those angels come from?"

"Huh~huh~" Pego shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

"Well, who's going to know?" asked old Joey again.

"Huh~huh~ the angel will definitely know."

Old Joey nodded, yes, where did the angels come from, then the angels must know!Sure enough, Pego was much smarter than himself.

"So, how can I meet an angel? I want to ask him."

Pego imagined it, and said: "Unless there is something here that can attract the attention of angels from far away, then they should always come over to see what happened."

"A scene that can be seen from far away?" Old Joey thought: "So, is it smoke? Tornado? Or lightning? But, I can't get these things out."

He thought depressingly, then subconsciously looked at the sky again.

Squinting his eyes, he gazed through the harsh sunlight and onto the rock-encased dome where thousands of giant reptiles called 'suns' perched.

"Light is light everywhere, and if there is no light, people will notice it."

he thought.

Then, he stood up and slightly bent his knees.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The entire opposite side seemed to be hit by a meteorite, and the whole collapsed, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the ground cracked.

And a phantom, like the sky and the earth turned upside down, echoed from bottom to top and fell into the dazzling sky.

Old Joey's hand on the handle of the knife was buzzing.

"Don't light"

(End of this chapter)

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