The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 506 Embark on a journey

Chapter 506 Embarking on the Journey ([-])
The huge destructive power of Speed ​​Force Storm is actually no worse than Superman's full blow. After all, the speed is so fast that even if it is a stone, it will be a big hole when it hits the ground.

However, Chen Xiao didn't even have any scratches.

Of course, it's not because we Xiaoxiao already has a strong body. As I said before, after so many years, his physical fitness is still not much better than ordinary people.

And the reason why he was able to survive the huge impact of the speed force storm was because he learned an ability a long time ago. This ability has no name, but the effect is easy to explain——'invincible'.

Yes, it is the invincible with the 'invincible link' turned on in the game.The invincible that ignores poison attacks and is 100% immune to all elemental damage.

This ability is very powerful. In this state, Chen Xiao is indestructible in every sense.Well, if there is anything wrong with this ability, it is that the time is a bit short.

It only lasts for *** minutes.

However, Chen Xiao is now able to disassemble this second into 1/10th of a second, a hundred of 1/100th of a second, and so on.

Coupled with Xiaoxiao's powerful calculation and reasoning ability, he was forced to be unscathed in this baptism of super speed force storm.

However, what Chen Xiao cares about is not the storm, but the things hidden in the storm.

Soon, the wind and sand dissipated, and the whole ground had turned into a half-moon concave surface, and Chen Xiao stood at the bottom of the concave surface.

He smiled and looked in one direction. There, there was a person standing, or a person lying on his stomach.

It was a very strange guy, his whole body was constantly twisting and flickering, like a character on a TV screen with a bad signal.

But even so, Chen Xiao could still see the appearance of that person clearly. It was a young man wearing a broken red tights. The part below the knee is empty, and the section of the stump is full of stale flesh and blood. One can tell at a glance that it is necrosis caused by not being hugged for a long time.

Chen Xiao has never seen this person before, but if Ziliang is still here, he can recognize him at a glance. This person is Barry Allen, the Flash.

Chen Xiao patted himself on the shoulder to wipe off the dust on it, and then...
"Hi, hello, first time meeting, my name is Chen Xiao." He greeted the Flash in the distance, looking very polite, it would have been better if he didn't hold a gun in his hand when he greeted.

However, before he finished speaking, the Flash stomped on the ground and turned into a beam of light, rushing towards Chen Xiao.And Chen Xiao had no choice but to dodge to hide the light.

Uh. This face-to-face meeting is very simple to say, but in fact it is extremely dangerous, because if another person is present, then he will not be able to see the Flash's movements at all. By the time he reacts, his body has already been covered A ray of light smashed into fragments.

But fortunately, Chen Xiao came to his senses, and even avoided it. Don’t worry about how he avoided it, and don’t worry about the saying “the brain can react, but the body can’t keep up”, anyway, he just sideways After a while, he defuses the attack.

"Hey, I don't think we need to meet like this to start a fight, I'm just a soy sauce"


There was another loud noise that broke through the sound barrier, and before the sound burst out, Flash had already rushed hundreds of kilometers away. Obviously, he didn't want to listen to Chen Xiao's nagging.

But this time, the one named Chen Xiao escaped his own attack for some reason.

"What's going on?" Barry wondered, dragging his broken leg.

Although he couldn't figure it out, it didn't prevent him from continuing to hit the target.

So, Barry turned around and resorted to a 'hedge'.

'Hedge' is not a kind of ability, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is to use extremely fast speed to run back and forth twice in front of a target.

As simple as it sounds, at extreme speeds, the Flash can nearly minimize the time between these two hedges.In other words, when I am charging towards you, I am also charging once in the direction you are dodging.

This simple trick can almost deal with most enemies who can dodge their impact. After all, you can't dodge to the left and dodge to the right at the same time, right?

However, after Barry completed a 'hedging', he was surprised to find that Chen Xiao was still standing there. Twice, he dodged him!
This time, the Flash finally stopped. He walked up to Chen Xiao without saying a word, and looked at this person suspiciously. Obviously, his movements were not fast, but why did he always dodge his own attacks?
"Oh? Finally want to chat quietly?" Chen Xiao said.

"You're not as fast as me!" This was the first sentence Flash said after he appeared on the stage. Since he lost a leg, at this moment, Flash could only lie on Chen Xiao's body in a crawling manner. about 100 meters ahead.

Chen Xiao nodded: "I know! But no one stipulates that you must be faster than you to avoid you, right!"

"Nonsense." Flash muttered, his throat must have been rotten, so his voice sounded a little fuzzy: "But you can bluff as much as you like, my speed just now was only half of the limit speed, you can dodge, but I I don’t believe you can keep hiding”

Chen Xiao sighed: "Ah, yes, I have spent a lot of energy avoiding you twice just now. If I do it a few more times, maybe my brain will be burned."

He said, and then, he took out a baseball cap from his crotch.

The Flash frowned. He didn't know what the guy opposite had that baseball cap on at this time. Anyway, he watched the guy put the hat on his head, and then pointed the gun at himself.

This move made The Flash couldn't help laughing.

"Heck what are you doing? Are you trying to kill me with that gun?" he asked.

Chen Xiao nodded happily: "Well, that's what I think."

"Hehehe—don't make trouble, although your gun is very strong, but in my eyes, the bullet is as slow as a child blowing bubbles."

"Oh? It seems that you are very confident in your speed." Chen Xiao said, and then inexplicably pointed the gun at the ground at a 45-degree angle.

"Haha. Are you stupid? Where are you pointing your gun at? I'm right in front of you!" The Flash sneered.

Suddenly, Barry felt his head was blocked by something
"No, you're under my gun."

A voice came from above the back of Barry's head.

(End of this chapter)

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