The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 437 "Hell"

Chapter 437 "Hell"

In [-]s, there were naturally no intelligent maps, but now the arrow on this piece of waste paper is like a 'smart map', following Constantine's pace, constantly changing direction.

Fortunately, Konstantin is also a person who has seen the world, so he was not too surprised, so he followed the direction of the arrow and walked forward.

Immediately, he was really surprised.

Because before he walked out of this street, a small two-story building with the name [Hospital] appeared in front of him, uh, yes, he has arrived.

"Damn, didn't that bastard say that he has been looking for me for a long time, and the relationship is less than 200 meters away." John muttered angrily, put the waste paper in his pocket, and went to the hospital go.

"Hi! Hi!" came an impatient voice.

John subconsciously looked to the side, and then couldn't help being taken aback, because, right next to this door, there was actually a small window, which looked like a guard room.

Of course, what stunned John was not because of such a painful design of a guard room in such a small hospital, but the person in the guard room.

Let's put it this way, the ugliest thing John has ever seen is a 'deformed monster', which is a disgusting thing made of stumps and broken arms in hell. Eight legs, and a head on top of the crotch.

However, after seeing the guard, the deformed demon could only take a back seat to the second place.

Because this guy looks... How should I put it, if John hadn't been lucky enough to see the guy's eyes first, maybe he would have regarded the guy's head as a meatball with a top hat on.

Well, even though John knew it was impolite to say that about a burn patient, this guy's burns were just too curious.

What surprised John even more was that not only did this guy not have the inferiority complex of ordinary disabled people, but he spoke in a harsh tone.

"What are you going to do?" the man asked.

John thought for a while, then pointed to the door in front of him: "I want to go in."

"Are you sick?" the man said again.

This sentence sounds like a sarcasm, but this is the entrance of the hospital after all, so the meaning of this sentence is an ordinary interrogative sentence.

John slowed down: "I'm not sick."

"Why are you here if you're not sick?" the guard said reluctantly.

"I'm looking for a doctor named Ziliang."

"Look for Ziliang." The guard said, "$5."

"Ah?" This time, John finally couldn't hold back anymore: "What kind of rule is this, you still need to charge tickets when you enter the hospital?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you only charged you $5 for looking for that bastard Ziliang, and if you look for Nurse Quinn, I'll charge you $20."

John has never seen this kind of hospital in his life, let alone such a hard-nosed doorman. However, thinking of the expression on Father Midnight's words, John gritted his teeth helplessly and took out five dollars.

"Go in." After collecting the money, the doorman waved his hand, indicating that he could pass.

Constantine clearly saw that the doorman had written +5 on a piece of paper in front of him, and at the end of the paper was written [External Speaker, total price $355].

In this way, John finally entered the hospital, pushed open the door, and there was a straight corridor inside, with a "7"-shaped corner at the end, where he happened to see a room marked [Psychological Consultation Room].

And at this moment, in that room, a person wearing a chef's apron came out. Hmm. A cook walked out of the psychological consultation room. dead body.
Seeing John coming in, the man looked at him and showed a polite smile: "Welcome." He said, and then seemed to realize that he was still dragging a corpse: "Oh, don't be afraid, this is just . A patient who has just been hypnotized, he has been unable to sleep recently, I just help him."

The man said, and then hurriedly dragged the corpse and disappeared around the corner.

But John doesn't believe this nonsense, because there is still a long bloodstain where the man dragged it, hey, wait a minute?Why is the blood gone?Damn, the floor is actually sucking blood.

John told himself repeatedly that Lao Tzu was a man who had seen the world, so he let out a heavy breath and continued to move forward.

Soon, he saw the words "Doctor's Office" next to the corridor, and Ziliang must be there.

He was just about to knock on the door.

"Ahahahaha——" A creepy voice came from the [Nurse's Office] behind him, and John could recognize that it was a woman's voice: "My dear sweethearts——Bang! Bang! Bang!" followed by a series of gunshots.

John swallowed his saliva, and the same sentence, I am a man who has seen the world.

As soon as he thought of this, a 'reptile' with a brain exposed and a tongue that was half a meter long swung across the top of his head.

Yes, it crawled over the ceiling, John decided, something that grew up like that must have crawled out of hell.

Finally, John couldn't calm down any longer, and he started knocking on the door.

"Bastard, open the door, what the hell is this place!"

Before knocking a few times, creak-the door was opened.

And the one behind the door was not Ziliang, but a guy in a suit with a round face and a bit of cuteness. This guy stared at John with half-open eyes, although John could feel that this guy He doesn't have any magical ability on him, but if he stares at him like this, he feels uncomfortable all over.

"I" John was about to speak.

"Ziliang is right, inside." The man said flatly, then walked past John and left.

John frowned and walked into the office.
Then, he saw Zi Liangzheng's expression of bitterness and hatred. In front of him was a chessboard. It seemed that he was playing chess with the person who walked out just now. As a result, it seemed that Liang lost. Because he was still covering his head, muttering: "I should be the general! Why didn't I general first?"

John didn't care about anything else, he sat down opposite Ziliang angrily.

"Bastard. What is this place?" he growled.

Ziliang raised his head: "Oh, you are here, this is my hospital."

"Fart." John yelled, "How can a hospital have demons crawling on the ceiling?"

"Demon?" Ziliang was stunned: "Oh, that's not a demon, but a simple and lovely product of science, you can call them 'lickers'."

"The licker?" John said with a disgusted look on his face. "Well, whatever it is, anyway. Maybe it's a bit embarrassing to say, but. You said, you can help me, right."

"Yes, I always keep my word." Ziliang said.

Ziliang's words sounded like a tasteless fart to John's ears, but he had no choice but to nod his head: "Okay, then I'll join and talk first, it's only temporary."

"Of course, I am a reasonable person, and I never force employees. You see, everyone here is attracted by the benefits here to stay. I think, after a while, you will be like them , I love this hospital." Ziliang said with a smile.

Of course, this is another fart for John.

"So. Since I'm here, shouldn't we hurry up and talk about what is going on with my cancer?"

"Of course." Ziliang said: "You also know that you got cancer a long time ago, and the reason why you can live until now is entirely because someone took the cancer away. But, in the end, 'Take it away Cancer' operation is a kind of magic blessing, when that person doesn't want to continue, then the cancer will naturally return to your body immediately."

"But... this shouldn't be possible." John said.

"Oh, I know, you played with the three demon kings of hell before, right?" Ziliang took over John's words: "This matter is not a secret in the circle, of course, my notebook has Very powerful information search function, so, I know more details than those rumors, I know how fucked the "one soul sells more" contract is, and I also know that it almost keeps you from dying forever. But. If Hell is really at war, hell is unified, and there is only one demon king left, then your contract will eventually become a piece of waste paper."

John shook his head: "That's why I said it's impossible, because it's impossible for those three guys to go to war. If that's the case, there must be no good fruit for the three of them. They are not fools."

"I know that under normal circumstances, they would not start a war, because the number 'three' is a balance that no one wants to break. But what if it is not in balance."

As he spoke, Ziliang took out a newspaper from under the desk and threw it to John.

"You've been so drunk these days, so you may not have noticed that something big happened in France."

John picked up the newspaper and saw that the headline read in the largest letters
[The Louvre was stolen, ancient documents were stolen]

such words.

John realized something instinctively: "What was stolen?"

"A book. The people in the Louvre didn't find out what the book was. They only knew that it was a cultural relic from the Crusades, so they put it in the museum to make up for it. However, I know that it is What." Ziliang's expression turned slightly serious: "That's the first draft of "Hell."

"Ah?" John was stunned: ""Inferno". Is it the "Inferno" written by Dante? What does cancer have to do with it?"

Ziliang replied unhurriedly: "Listen to me slowly, first of all, it is indeed the original manuscript, and it is precisely because everyone thought that the "Divine Comedy" trilogy was all burned, so it can lie quietly. It has been in the museum for so many years, but recently, someone seems to know that the "Hell" chapter is still in this world, so... it was stolen—the most important thing is that although the story written by that guy Dante is all embellished , made it up, but there are some things that have some basis. For example, he recorded in "Hell" that whenever the sun and the moon meet, the soul of the devil king of hell, Azazel, will be suppressed most powerfully. In other words, at that time, Azazel's strength was at its weakest stage, and if someone wanted to do something in hell, then at that time, it would undoubtedly be the best choice."

Hearing this, John gradually frowned, because this demon king "Azazel" was one of the demon kings who signed the bloody treaty with him, and there was another one called "Beelzebub", and the last one was " The First Fallen".

And speaking of the strength of these three demon kings, the "First Fallen" must be the most powerful, because in a sense, hell is managed by this guy alone. Kill the other two people, so hell has always been divided by these three people.

And if it is really like what is recorded in the book. The power of "Azazel" will be weakened when the sun and the moon meet, so the 'First Fallen' will probably take the opportunity to take down the other two in one fell swoop.

"Oh." John smiled: "When the sun and the moon meet, isn't this kind of rhetoric really made up? The three guys in hell have been fighting for so many years, and they don't know each other's weaknesses. One of them went to hell for a few laps." mortals, can you know?"

"Then what's the matter, you can sleep with the soul banshee, so you don't want to have sex with the devil, so let's make some heartfelt words?" Ziliang responded.

"Well——" John also nodded this time: "It makes sense."

As soon as the words fell, Ziliang threw another piece of newspaper over.

John took it and saw the headline saying.

[The Bureau of Astronomy speculates that on the afternoon of March 3, the largest total solar eclipse in 8 years will approach]

"What's the date today?" John asked.

"March [-]th. If you cut the beginning and the end, you still have three days at most." Ziliang replied lightly.

John let out a long breath, the matter has come to this point, and he can't pretend not to believe it: "Well, from this point of view, I really have to thank you, but the question is, how can you help me?"

"Hi, hi. Pay attention to your tone. I just want to help you, not to wipe your ass like your nanny. So, how to solve this matter is up to you. Of course, the most important thing is , you owe me a favor afterwards."

These words made John feel uncomfortable, because usually, these words came out of his mouth.

"Well, if that's the case, I still have some friends left, I have to find them." John said.

"Of course, I've heard rumors that before you do things, you always find friends first." Ziliang smiled: "Then, I'll wait for you here. When you need me, you only need a word."

"it is good!"

Constantine said, then turned around and hurried out of Ziliang's office.

At the same time, in the [Library] around the corner.

Moriarty was sitting by the window, holding a very old book in his hand.

On the cover is an Italian word.

The translation is——"Hell"

(End of this chapter)

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