The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 348 Hi, Long Time No See

Chapter 348 Hi, Long Time No See
Parker froze for a moment.

One was a little surprised, at this time, in this place, how could someone still appear, and although this guy looked messy, he didn't have any injuries on his body. He looked very relaxed.

Second, Parker always felt that he seemed to have seen this guy somewhere, but he couldn't remember it, and in the end he could only regard it as an illusion of excessive tension.

The third was that this guy was waving at him to signal him to stop.

Well, Parker is definitely not a good person. How could he stop casually at this time, and even if he wanted to stop, there was such a female death sitting next to him. If this pissed her off, then don't Said that the second idiot waving by the roadside would suffer even himself.

Therefore, Parker immediately decided, pretended not to see it, and stepped on the accelerator.

But what Parker didn't expect was that.

Selina said lightly.

Parker didn't react for a while: "Okay, I won't care about this idiot. Huh?? What?" He asked with a confused face.

"I said. Stop." Selina repeated again, and Parker turned his gaze to her, and then found that she was lowering her head slightly, and her gaze changed from the indifference and elegance before to full of anger.

Parker didn't know what was going on at all, and he didn't dare to ask, so he just nodded blankly: "Uh, okay—" After finishing speaking, he quickly parked the car on the side of the road.

Selina opened the car door and walked out, her eyes were on Ziliang, in fact, since she came into her sight, Selina's eyes never left Ziliang for even a second.

"Long time no see," Ziliang said.

"Long time no see." Selina replied in the same way, but her eyes clearly told everyone that her response had nothing to do with "friendliness".

Ziliang threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out: "Actually, I had imagined where we would meet next time. At that time, I thought it would be a romantic scene, such as a certain French restaurant in the 18th century. Or the square after the rain or something."

"You appeared in front of me now and explained the following points." Selina obviously didn't intend to continue this topic, so she directly interrupted Ziliang's politeness.

"First, you are out of your mind, or you feel that you have no chance of escaping from my grasp at all, so you are going to jump out by yourself and play the emotional card with me, trying to make yourself have a less miserable life." The result. But look at the formation over there." Said, Selina pointed to the Green Lantern Corps in the distant sky: "You should have brought these people here, right, so it seems that you haven't given up yet. .”

"Hey, don't say that I'm like a scumbag running away from debt, okay?" Zi Liang spread his hands and defended.

"Don't interrupt me." Selina said in a cold voice: "So the first point is not true, so the second point is easy to understand. You have been hiding for so long and suddenly appeared, which shows that you have the confidence to escape again. It's not just about running away, otherwise you can continue to hide, so you have the confidence to defeat me, right?"

Ziliang's expression looked a little embarrassed: "Ah, look, this is the reason why our relationship has gotten to this point, you always think of me as such a scum, who said that I have to fight with you Yes? Both of us are not suitable for fighting, you and I know it well, so why can’t I just come here to catch up with you, oh, by the way, in a certain plane before, I heard In a word, it's called 'fighting at the head of the bed and fighting at the end of the bed', so I think that if we two calm down and talk, maybe some small conflicts will be resolved."

Ziliang said in a nonchalant manner, and during the time of saying these words, Selina's anger had been provoked more and more.

"Small conflict?" Selina's eyes stared angrily: "You came up with the plan to split the consciousness of the universe. You tricked us into believing in you and led us all down a terrible path. At the moment, I ran away, threw everyone down, and disappeared!"

"Actually, I don't want to do this either, but..." Ziliang seemed to want to say something, but in the end he just shrugged.

"Hehe, but you finally got cold feet, right." Selina said, walking towards Ziliang step by step: "Do you know that I still had hope for you at the very beginning, I I also explained to other people that you may have your own reasons, but until the end, we still didn't wait for you. Do you know what we went through after that? We persisted for a period of time with great difficulty, but in the end we were still rejected by other people. Cosmic elements are defeated, in order to maintain our own existence, we can only compromise in the end, return to the consciousness of the universe, obey orders, and act as puppets!"

Selina's voice became louder and louder: "If all of this happened before we were endowed with personalities and bodies, it would be fine, but now we all have the form of life, have our own thoughts, and can perceive time. Having emotions. But these bring us only pain. All of this is thanks to you, so... you say this is a small misunderstanding? No, this misunderstanding is so big that you can't resolve it no matter what— —so, now, I'm happy to tell you in advance what you're going to experience."

"I will take you back to my palace, you will be trapped by me at the moment of death, forever, I will love you every day, think hard every day, use all my energy to think, how to torture you, how to torture you Make you miserable, listen to your wailing voice to relieve boredom, you have to use all your strength to say a word begging me to stop, and I will gently reject you."

Ziliang scratched his head: "Don't you think there is still room for relaxation between us?"

"Limit? Hehe, maybe there will be. After you arrive in my torture chamber, we will have tens of billions of years to discuss this issue. The lifespan of this universe is still very, very long."

Selina spit out these scalp-numbing words lightly, the atmosphere was already stiff to the extreme, and it was about to explode in almost a second.

at this time
"Didi~~ bang dang, woo——."

A very inappropriate sound came suddenly, Selina and Ziliang frowned, and at the same time turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

Parker was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the two of them with embarrassment.

"Uh, I don't want to disturb your husband and wife quarreling. I just. The water here is deep, so I have to move the car."

(End of this chapter)

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