The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 286 Dispatch at will!

Chapter 286 Dispatch at will!


Everyone was stunned, they listened to what the bartender said.

"What do you mean?" William couldn't sit still, he clenched his hands and shouted: "Do you still want to kill people?"

The bartender smiled: "Of course not, I will not take the initiative to kill anyone here, and it is also clearly written in the original rules, the loser will not be punished."

"Then why did you say that just now?" Cisse also shouted nervously.

"Oh? Is this so difficult to understand?" The bartender said with a smile: "I have already said when explaining the rules, you can send me as you like, and I also ask you all after each round , Is there anything I need to help with, by the way, this Ms. Jill asked me for a cup of hot cocoa."

As he spoke, the bartender pointed to the glass of drink in front of Jill.

"So, the meaning of sending at will is to send, to send, to send." He amplified this time and read out: "I can help you get a lot of things except drinks, so if you need anything, please Just tell me what you want."

The bartender said lightly, he was still smiling and his eyelids were slightly squinted, but at this moment, everyone seemed to be aware that under that seemingly smiling face was a cold and terrifying devil-like face.

"Bastard, do you want to say that we can also send you to help take other people's lives?!"

"Of course." The bartender said softly, those light words, like a giant hammer, hit everyone's hearts!

"Damn, what nonsense are you talking about!" Hearing what the bartender said, Cisse punched the table in front of him: "According to what you said, I will order you to die right now! Are you really going to die? "

The bartender still smiled and nodded: "Of course, if you ask, I will do what you want."

"Then why the hell are you still standing here?"

"Because you haven't paid the corresponding chips yet." The bartender responded.

Cisse was taken aback: "The bargaining chip?"

"Yes, chips, as I said at the beginning, I can be used by everyone, but not all of them are free. Like this cup of hot cocoa, of course it is free, and I promise, I make it Your drink should taste better than any other drink of the same kind you've ever had."

The bartender replied, and raised the corners of his mouth proudly, as if saying that his skill in making drinks made him happier than taking other people's lives.

"And there are naturally a lot of paid dispatches. As for the price, I will use the chips in everyone's hands now. For example, if you want a most high-end car, then you have to pay 20 chips. If you want to spend forever To keep your youth, you will have to pay 260 chips, if you want untold wealth, then you will have to pay 390 chips, and Mr. Cisse, your life is worth 15 chips."

"Damn! What are you talking about? What does it mean that my life is only worth 15 chips? Am I not worth a car?" Cisse yelled.

The bartender hesitated for a moment: "Oh, sorry, your life is not 15 chips. In fact, if you didn't participate in this game, your life is only worth 4 chips. As for your complaints, you are not as good as a car Sedan. Hehe, of course you are not as good as you. With all due respect, you are an addict, immersed in your own broken world every day, unable to integrate into society, and have never helped anyone. Your life is not even as good as one that can bring soul to the elderly Consolation dog, and that car, the money you make in your life, can't even buy a single headlight of it, so... you should be grateful, if it wasn't for this Ms. It will not create any value for this world."

These words came out of the bartender's mouth very politely, but in the process of his speaking, an invisible pressure permeated the four, especially Cisse, he didn't even dare to interrupt the other party's words, It wasn't until he finished speaking that he was able to tremble and let out a breath.

In this way, after a few seconds, Jill was the first to recover
"15 coins." She muttered suddenly, and then fiddled with the chips in front of her: "As long as I pay 15 coins, can I kill him?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Damn it, I only have nine!" Jill clenched her hands tightly.But at this moment, she suddenly saw the ears painted on the chip in her hand.

"Uh, what does that mean?" she asked, pointing to the painting.

The bartender bowed politely: "Dear Madam, as you are following, this is the ear"

"I know, I mean what does it buy?"

The bartender smiled: "Of course it's the ears."

There was a sudden buzz in everyone's mind.

"Can you make it clearer?" John said these words, and for some reason, his complexion seemed to be a little better.

"Of course." The bartender nodded: "As I said just now, chips can be exchanged for things, such as a person's life, but you don't have to pay all at once, because I can provide you with a staged payment. Services, such as this coin, if Miss Jill pays him to me, then I will immediately give you a pair of ears and you just need to point to that person lightly Oh, yes, I forgot to answer just now Mr. Cisse's question, you let me die just now, then, my life is worth 8 billion chips, as long as you pay, I will naturally die in front of you immediately."

An almost suffocating sense of oppression.

Now, everyone finally understands what the strangeness painted on these chips means.

At the same time, they also realized that what they participated in was not a game of picking lucky people at all, but a game of demons that was much more terrifying than they had imagined.

"What are you buying someone's ears? Uh, are you joking?!" Sissy yelled, he could barely speak clearly.

However, the bartender didn't care about Cisse's terrified expression at all. He still smiled quietly and looked at Jill: "Then, Miss Jill, do you want a pair of ears?"

His voice was very soft and gentle, like a gentle summer wind, drifting into Jill's ears. It was the whisper of the devil.

"He killed your son. The poor child has not yet been born, he has not heard your voice, he has not smelled your body, he has not seen your face, and of course he has not shouted." Mom'. But he died just like that, because the scum in front of you, hehe, you will never hear that 'Mom'."

The bartender spoke very softly.


"except for the ears"

"Do you want anything else?"

(End of this chapter)

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