The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 190 The first meeting

Chapter 190 The First Meeting

However, the expected bloody scene did not appear.

Because those bullets stopped
Just so quietly, hovering in mid-air, only a few centimeters away from Mystique's body
Mystique smiled as if nothing had happened, her hand had already pressed the switch of the defensive force field the moment the machine gun fired.

And that old man, over the years, whether as an enemy or as a friend, he will never disappoint.

The function of this defensive force field is to reduce the influence of abilities, so when it was originally designed, it was considered that in case the inside of the base was captured, but because of the defensive force field, reinforcements from outside could not be deployed in time. To help the situation.

Therefore, his switch is designed to be extremely sensitive.

0.3 秒

Presumably, this was the time between the closing of the defensive force field and the bullets pouring out.

This interval is very short, less than the blink of an eye.

But there's metal in the bullet, and there's an old man drinking tea above the clouds
So, this moment is enough.

The bullets fell one after another, and the rows of machine guns had stopped firing. A pair of invisible hands pulled all the weapons out of the wall in an instant, and kneaded them into balls of iron.

At this moment, this secret military base no longer belongs to his manager.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to roar loudly, and an earthquake erupted.

On the aircraft, Ziliang hadn't finished smoking, but he saw the old man opposite him put down his teacup.

"Oh, they made it?" he asked.

Magneto smiled: "Yes, it has succeeded."

With that said, a helmet floated across the cabin and into Magneto's hand.

"This thing was built for Charles back then. Although I don't need it now, I've been wearing it for a long time. When I'm doing business, I'm always used to wearing it." Magneto said a little helplessly, and then slowly Slowly put this undecorated helmet on his head.

This thing is made of lead metal, which is heavy and thick. A shadow casts over Magneto's face, covering some wrinkles, making him look not too different from what he looked like decades ago. many.

"Wait for a while." He said lightly.

Before he finished speaking, the floor under his feet seemed to have turned into thick chocolate sauce, and a hole slowly flowed to the sides and appeared.

And Magneto, just so naturally, fell from that hole.

Central location in the Sahara Desert.

The earthquake was still going on, and the sea of ​​sand was boiling, like countless explosives detonated at the same time, the earth was lifted, and with the huge impact force, it splashed into the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Amidst the sand and dust, a slightly hunched figure was quietly suspended in mid-air. His hands were placed on his chest, and he was slowly lifted upwards, as if he was holding something, and the whole earth followed his trembling hands. , more and more roaring.

Magneto is 107 years old this year. Although mutants will live longer than normal humans, they are still not immortal.

Therefore, most people at this age are enough to be classified as dying and disease-ridden.

Magneto is no exception.

However, this old man seems to have inherited the old and stubborn mentality common to people of this age in addition to Parkinson's precursors.

He wanted to see those old people again before being thrown into the nursing home.

Just such a little wish, can't it be satisfied?

Then the old man will lose his temper. When you get older, you will always have a little temper.

If your own nanny refuses, you lose your temper with the nanny; if the world refuses to let you, then you lose your temper with the world.

It's just destroying the army, crushing the missiles flying towards you, raising islands from the bottom of the sea, moving mountains, changing rivers, setting off floods, causing earthquakes, and prying magnetic poles.

Maybe the world may have forgotten that a long, long time ago, a guy named Magneto was always doing these things.If it weren't for an old bastard named Professor X who was always making trouble, maybe the society of mutants would have come a long time ago.

Yeah, that old bastard called Professor X.
Thinking of this, Magneto smiled, as if recalling many, many past events.

He raised his hand higher, and the entire desert under his feet began to rise to the sky. The sea of ​​sand turned into a waterfall and began to pour down.Amidst the deafening bangs, a steel building larger than an aircraft carrier was lifted into the air by an invisible force.

Magneto dug out the entire base from a place more than 300 meters below Warsaw!

"Charles, you have to buy me tea."

At the same time, inside the base, all the departments were in complete chaos.

Since most of the employees here are recruited or brainwashed to work repeatedly every day, they don't know what they are going through now, let alone who is the enemy and who is the friend, anyway. Just like in all disaster movies, everyone started screaming and running aimlessly, wasting their energy desperately, and then when they really encountered any crisis, they could lie down on the ground contentedly , Tell yourself, I have worked hard.

However, in the deepest part of the base, there are still some people who know what happened.

In a huge space, countless display screens are still running.

"Radar is disabled, all weapons are disabled!"

"Emergency signal sent, but no response from any city yet!"

"We are surrounded by a huge magnetic force. And, we have been out of the original position, and now, we are 124 meters above the ground."

"It's already 125 meters, and it's still climbing"

Everyone is reporting the information they have received.

"Find me the source of the magnetic field!" A person suddenly shouted in an orderly tone. The voice was a woman.

after a few seconds
"found it!"

A staff member said that before the words fell, a picture of yellow sand in the sky appeared on the largest screen in the entire space. In the sand, a tiny figure was floating, and wearing a helmet, No one could see the man's face clearly.

However... at the moment when this picture appeared.

A woman stood up slowly. She stared at the little one who could only see the afterimages of her limbs, her fists clenched.

"Release the hypnotic gas, so that those bastards running around in the base will be quieter." She said lightly.

Then, he turned around and walked towards the exit of this space.

Everyone was panicking, they didn't know what to do. It stands to reason that in such a crisis, the woman called "General" should stay here and direct the response measures of the entire base.

However, no one dared to ask more questions, what did this woman want to do?
Everyone could only silently watch her walk out of the control room.
Only the last touch of scarlet hair remains, and a faint echo, like the soft song of some bird
(End of this chapter)

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