The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 135 He Came From Heaven

Chapter 135 He Came From Heaven ([-])
【The priest is preaching to the world】

【Every word from his mouth is a favor】

[I finally understand that the ugliest is not the devil in his words]

【It's the words themselves】

Just like what the villager said, there are dangers all over the road, the sea of ​​blood is like a spring leading to hell, and countless demons will crawl out of it.Every time I see their ugly bodies, it makes me tremble with disgust.

I had knives in my hand so I started killing them because they all deserved to die.

In this way, the road I walked was filled with demon corpses, but such behavior did not extinguish my anger, but intensified it.

I can't understand why this is so, but over time, this behavior became my belief and carried me a long way.

I don't know how long it took, my knife cut open the chests of so many demons, and chopped off so many heads
Maybe that butcher knife angered some kind of existence in hell, and finally I met a powerful demon that day.

It is as high as a hill, and its whole body seems to be made of countless broken muscles. Every step it takes, you can feel the ground shaking. It has a head that is almost square, and it is covered with a stinky sackcloth. .And its mouth was sealed by dense lines, those lines got into its lips, its face, I thought, its tongue must have been cut off, those lines were sewn in its mouth, connecting the chin and palate together, Tightly, one sewn to the throat.

It must be the demon's foul language that offended the mansion of heaven, which is its due punishment.

But the merciful god did not take its life
But I am not God so I will carry this punishment to the end.

That battle was very bitter, this demon was too strong. I fell again and again, maybe it was faith that gave me strength.
What are my beliefs?
Actually, I don't know either. I just think that if the temple at the end of the sea of ​​blood can give me lost memories, then it must be a wonderful place where all my wishes can come true.

there is my faith
So I stood up again and again, and the blade chopped into the devil's bones again and again.

In the end, I once again used the scars all over my body to give this demon the punishment it deserved.

When I walked past its corpse, I knew it was called Hobert, because I saw a brand with his name on the back of his spine.

What does this branding mean?
I don't know, my mind even automatically bypasses the thought in fear.

I can only move forward.

The sea of ​​blood was very, very long. The journey was very, very long. I dragged my exhausted body and slashed one demon after another with the butcher knife in my hand.I remember that since a long time ago, I was so tired that I couldn't walk. Every time I took a breath, I could feel the pain tearing at all my nerves, giving me unimaginable pain, but I still walked, Towards the temple whose name I have only heard.

that's it.

that's it.

Finally, I seemed to see something. The sea of ​​blood drew a thrilling arc in the shadow of a high mountain. On the other side of the high mountain, there was actually a clear river. The waves lapped on the shore. I could almost feel the waves Cool.

Inexplicably, I knew clearly that above that mountain peak was the [Hall of the Forgotten Sacrifice] I was looking for.

Finally I came to the most beautiful place in this paradise.

However, the darkness before the end came as expected.

The most powerful demon I met. It was a dry and emaciated freak, its eyes were sewn to death with needles and thread, and there was bright red blood in the needle holes.

It is powerful not because of its power.

Rather it is able to speak.

Language is like a deadly poison. It tells me that all this is false. I have walked the most cruel and painful path in the world, and I am about to enter an even more terrifying reincarnation.

It said to me, do not enter that temple.

It must be lost, a poor body without faith, its soul corrupted by evil, so, on behalf of God, I snatched the last words from its throat.

Rest in peace. Mary.

That was the name it uttered before it died.

Then, I boarded the rock, crossed the mud, and exchanged the most unbearable pain for even a centimeter of distance close to the top of the mountain.

Finally, the magnificent temple appeared in front of me.

In fact, it is not very grand, even a little crude. The huge chimney is like a huge mouth facing the sky, vomiting thick smoke.But it doesn't matter, because she is the most beautiful Garden of Eden in my heart.

i opened the door
The sight in front of you.
Made me forget to breathe.

This is a factory, a slaughterhouse, hundreds of chopping boards, hundreds of pigs.

The sound of ripping fat meat almost became an uninterrupted buzzing, and the meat scraps and blood flowed down the pipe to the bottom of the mountain and poured into the sea of ​​blood.

What shocked me even more were those guys who were chopping meat with butcher knives.

They turned out to be those demons. People with pig heads.

Like the laborers here, they chopped up the fat pigs piece by piece with the butcher knife in their hands, and countless people with angel halos on their heads hovered around them, holding long whips in their hands, and kept whipping them. on them
Here is the [Hall of Forgotten Sacrifice] that I have been longing for.

My brain began to hurt, and I began to roar, as if telling me in fear, not to move forward, but I still walked with heavy steps to the depths of the temple, and I knelt in front of the priest.

"Give me that medicine, I want my memory back.
My voice sounded like rusty gears because I hadn't spoken for so long.

The priest was kind. He didn't ask me anything, but he didn't give me any medicine either.

"Oink, you are a devout believer, you don't need any medicine, this is all you need if you want to get your memory back."

He said, and handed me a mirror.

I lifted up the mirror with trembling hands, and what I saw in front of my eyes was the scarred face stitched together with silk thread.

The line, as on Hobert's mouth, as on Mary's eyes.

My mind is burning, I don't know what it means, just looking at
Suddenly, I found something on that ugly face, it was a thread, for some reason, it was not sewn into the flesh, but sticking out, as if tempting me, pulling it away.

My hand started shaking, but I held it anyway.
The line broke open, blood flowed out, and it was painful, but I didn't care, what was hidden under that face!
Hiding the truth!

The truth I don't want to know!

But it was too late, and I was holding the thread that had been pulled out!

My face peeled off, under that skin
It's another face.

one piece.
(End of this chapter)

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