The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 133 He Came From Heaven

Chapter 133 He Came From Heaven ([-])
One wave of shock followed the next wave of shock, as if all the bombs just thrown exploded in his head.

Leon looked in shock at the doctor who came down from the ruins. His clothes were completely torn, hanging on his body in strands, and the corners of his white coat were covered with blood, dust, and bright sparks that were affected by the explosion.
However, that body was actually intact.

Hadn't he just been disembowelled?Shouldn't he be dead already?

"What about you?" Leon opened his mouth a few times, but in the end he couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Why am I still alive?" Ziliang asked lightly, "Don't be so surprised. The world is very complicated. You just found a job. It's normal that you don't understand many things."

what?Leon shook his head, trying to figure out what the doctor said, but it was too absurd, his mind was already in chaos, and in this chaos, he could only follow his only normal world view——

"No, no! We have to help him! That" Leon pointed at the strong man not far away: "That. Butcher!"

"Help him?" Ziliang asked indifferently: "Heh, you should help yourself—run as fast as you can."


"No but—" Ziliang's tone suddenly turned cold: "You also said that he is a butcher, and butchers are meant to be slaughtered. If you don't leave, you will die here."

This was Ziliang's last words to the crowd.

Then, he turned around resolutely, swayed his thin body, and walked towards the center of the ruins where muffled noises were still erupting.

Ada put her hand on Leon's shoulder: "Let's go."

She said, and took one last look at the chaotic scene, pulling Shirley, who had been so frightened from the beginning to speak at all, and rushed towards the gradually dissipating night.

Ziliang smiled helplessly when he heard the messy footsteps behind him, but finally went away, and then lit a cigarette.

the last one.
In the dust that was repeatedly blown away and fell down again, I took a deep breath.
"Hey! Old Joey, have you had enough!" he shouted angrily.

Old Joey. Or Oink.

who cares.

In short, he hasn't had enough shots yet. The virus has eroded his brain, and perhaps the breakdown of a certain nerve has caused a slight change in the thinking that was not very bright.

A certain emotion slowly but frantically emerged.

That was the memory he wanted to seal even if he threw everything away.

He is just sad now, angry and slaughtering.

The world, all the worlds, be damned!

His arm skillfully drilled through the disgusting flesh, trying to find some internal organs, preferably the heart, and then smashed and crushed it.
The monster's resistance became even crazier. Maybe it finally realized that it couldn't get rid of this terrible "human being".

and so--


It roared again, the newly condensed tumor split open again, and a new huge eye appeared.

At the same time, its face mutated again.

The lower jaw drooped and eventually fell off the face, the sharp teeth fused with the rest of the mouth, followed by a violent whine from the deformed throat, and two new arms grew from the sides of the body like maggots Similar fingers protrude from the front of the arm with claws.Fragments of bones and pus and blood-like purple liquid flew around.Dark blood flowed through its fishy yellow eyes.

This monster has evolved again!
And as it evolved, the monster's chest was also torn apart, and a huge mouth appeared in front of Old Joey, which was densely lined with strange teeth, and opened with the sound of wailing.

Old Joey's hand suddenly lost what it was holding, so it was slapped flying by the newly grown claw!

Only then did the monster escape the butcher's clutches for the first time.

In the next second, the monster let out a roar, and the incomparable anger could be heard in the roar, and the rotten flesh of its whole body vibrated with it!

It could be seen that it wanted to pounce on it again and tear the person it shot out into pieces.

However, this monster hesitated, all the muscles in his body were piled up, and he turned the two huge eyeballs to the direction where Shirley escaped just now.

at last
The monster's two giant claws hammered the ground fiercely, leaped vigorously, and chased in the direction where Leon and the others were fleeing.

The butcher lifted the debris from his body, stood up, and looked for the thing he hadn't slaughtered yet in his sight.

However, that monster no longer knew where it had gone, and in front of his eyes...
It is a person who is walking towards him.

Very thin, very weak, easy to kill.

So... the butcher raised his butcher knife and walked towards that person with heavy strides.

"Why doesn't he run?"

butcher thinking
But it doesn't matter, just kill something, no matter what it is.

The butcher's knife in his hand was clenched tightly, and a little scarlet before sunrise appeared on the sky. The scarlet radiated on the rusty surface of the knife, reflecting the blood that hadn't dried yet. The soft buzzing sound was like The wail of thousands of damned souls.

The knife was raised.
"Hi, old Joey." The man said softly, like a greeting when old friends meet.

The knife hangs in the air
Old Joey, this name is very strange and special, the butcher hesitated.

"My name is Oink." He murmured
"No, that's just the name you used to be. You're no longer Oink, and you're no longer a butcher."

"Not anymore? Why?" The butcher frowned, "I can't remember."

"Your memory has been taken away."

The butcher suddenly became very angry: "What? Who took away my memory!"

"It's me." The man said softly.

The butcher's head was slightly raised, his pale pupils eroded by the virus stared at him, and he was about to chop it into pieces in the next second: "Why did you take it away?"

"You beg me," said the man.

The butcher froze for a moment, he wanted to know all this, he wanted to ask why, but he felt as if he was crying for no reason, and the wet stuff got into his beard along his cheek.

"Don't ask why. You have abandoned everything just to forget." Ziliang said.

"You're lying to me...I don't believe you!" said the butcher, then shook his head.

His head hurts, the virus has changed the structure of his brain.
What did he remember.

Sea of ​​blood

Tribute to the Forgotten
【My death is coming】

[splashing buckets of blood from my enemies created an ocean]


(Old Joey is about to evolve, so I will write about Old Joey's story in the next chapter. In addition, it is not recommended to read the comics of Butcher in Heaven. Ticket.)
(End of this chapter)

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