Chapter 88

After a while, Little Luzhu made a suggestion, "Sister, don't you work in Rendetang? You can use the name of the medicine hall to give porridge and medicine to the poor people!"

Liu Qingxiang's eyes lit up, and she patted herself on the head, "Yeah, why am I so stupid, I didn't even think of doing this! This is a good way, so it's settled, let's find a few people first, and when we find them, Let’s start distributing porridge and delivering medicine in the county town first, and then go to every village to give porridge and deliver medicine to benefit the poor people in the whole county.”

Little Luzhu gave her a thumbs up, "A child can be taught!"

Liu Qingxiang continued, "We can also regularly help the lonely elderly and poor households in various villages who are unable to work."

Little Green Pearl nodded again.

Liu Qingxiang knew that if she really did this, there must be an explanation for the source of her supplies. She didn't dare to reveal these supplies before because she was afraid of being investigated and she had no connections to cover up and deal with the aftermath.

Now that she has Rendetang as her backer, she also has contacts, but if she wants to do some good deeds, she still needs the cooperation and support of the county magistrate Luo Chengzhi.

Just when she was discussing with Little Green Pearl how to implement it, she heard Jasmine's voice from outside the space, "Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang, I'm back!"

Liu Qingxiang asked Little Luzhu to do it by herself first, while she stepped out of the space, opened the door, and let Jasmine come in to report back.

Before, when Song Zhaonan and his gang were making trouble in Rende Hall, she had discovered that there were spies among the crowd.

After the people from the Public Security Bureau took Song Zhaonan away, the spy also left quickly, preparing to reply to his master.

Liu Qingxiang asked Jasmine to follow.

How could she let her go so easily if she dared to plan on her elixir and Rendetang?Inevitably, let them taste the evil results of framing others and killing people with a knife.

Jasmine reported back, "Xiangxiang, as you expected, it was really done by another medicine hall in the county - Qingmintang. They saw that our elixir was sold very well and the price was fair. Those who bought the medicine All the doctors and doctors came to Rendetang, and their business was greatly affected, so they wanted to discredit Rendetang and suppress Rendetang, so that their pharmacy could flourish again."

After Jasmine finished speaking, she turned on the high-definition camera in her body to record the conversation between Chen Qingmin, the owner of Qingmintang, and his brother-in-law Tang Chengan, and showed it to Liu Qingxiang.

This Qingmin hall has only been in operation for more than ten years. Chen Qingmin is a person who is eager for quick success, and he has acted a little unscrupulously in recent years, and has a bad reputation in the county and in the industry.

Their business was not good at first, and Rendetang's recent elixir works very well, and the selling price is affordable by the public, their business is even worse.

Chen Qingmin, who hated and envied, discussed with his brother-in-law and the others, and couldn't help thinking of a vicious idea of ​​killing someone with a borrowed knife. This is how Song Zhaonan murdered her husband and blamed it on Rendetang.

Liu Qingxiang saw the stupidity of the two men in the video who were greedy, poisonous, and afraid of being exposed, and couldn't help but sneered, "What a bunch of idiots! Even without me, Master and Uncle Zhuo are not something they can provoke Let's go, now that we know who did it, let's simply take revenge today, and let them surrender to the Public Security Bureau obediently tomorrow!"

Liu Qingxiang confessed to Rose, and then went out with Jasmine.

She was afraid that the noise of the car would be too loud and it would startle the snake, so she gave up driving and directly used the Wind Control Technique, and she and Jasmine rushed towards the direction of Qingmin Hall.

The speed of this universal robot, Jasmine, can run faster than that car once it is running. Even Liu Qingxiang has to use all her strength to catch up with her.

The title of this universal robot is really not covered!

The figures of the two of them passed by like the wind, and if someone walked at night, they would definitely think they had seen a ghost.

In less than 10 minutes, they had already appeared at the back door of Qingmin Hall.

Liu Qingxiang spread out her mental power and quickly enveloped the entire Qingmin Hall.

Soon, she found the two people Jasmine had told her about—Chen Qingmin, the owner of Qingmintang, and Tang Chengan, Chen Qingmin's brother-in-law who had set Song Zhaonan up.

These two people are quite big-hearted, and they both fell asleep, and they were still snoring loudly. It was really hard for the wife lying next to them to be able to sleep.

Liu Qingxiang asked Jasmine to watch outside, while she sneaked in quietly.

As light as the wind, as fast as a shadow, Liu Qingxiang at night was like Ah Piao, silently touching the head of Chen Qingmin's bed.

This time, Liu Qingxiang used mental power to hypnotize her.

Her mental power directly broke into Chen Qingmin's brain, and directly cast a dark curse on him, "I am the mastermind who framed Rendetang for selling fake medicines. I asked my brother-in-law to find Song Zhaonan, and after encouraging her to kill people with rat poison, If you blame Rendetang again, I will surrender, I will surrender, I will surrender..."

As a precautionary measure, Liu Qingxiang added some material to him, and cast an illusion in his mind. If he doesn't turn himself in to the Public Security Bureau after ten o'clock tomorrow, let him try the ghost haunting... Taste, see if he can stand it?
After tidying up Chen Qingmin, Liu Qingxiang quickly went to Tang Chengan's room again, and gave him the same hypnotism and illusion as Chen Qingmin.

If this still can't deal with them, then she has more tricks waiting for them to try.

Liu Qingxiang was about to leave, when she swept away her mental strength, she inadvertently discovered that this Qingmintang was the real nest of fake medicines!
More than half of their medicinal materials are fake medicines!

These people really don't take other people's lives seriously. Even if some counterfeit medicines won't kill people for a while, they will definitely not cure the disease. It's like harming someone!
Liu Qingxiang's heart suddenly became angry, and she really had the urge to set fire to this place.

This sale of counterfeit medicines must not be tolerated!
She wrote down the types and quantities of these counterfeit medicines, thinking that she would tell Magistrate Luo about it tomorrow and ask him to send someone to check and deal with it.

Liu Qingxiang asked Jasmine to stay at Qingmin Hall to monitor them, to see if Chen Qingmin and the others would follow her wishes and surrender themselves to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow?

Jasmine is a versatile robot, as long as she has enough energy, she can work non-stop.

The energy she needs is the ubiquitous natural energy, whether it is light energy, wind energy, electrical energy, sound energy, heat energy, etc., can become the energy absorbed by these universal robots.

Liu Qingxiang deeply felt that after having these universal robots, it was really much easier for her to do things, she no longer had to fight alone, it was really nice to have partners fighting side by side without worrying about their betrayal !
Back at Xiaoyanglou, Liu Qingxiang freshened up, didn't go to sleep, and sat cross-legged on the bed, adjusting her breathing with luck.

the next day.

Liu Qingxiang finally showed up at Rendetang on time and started to work normally.

After she arrived at Rendetang early in the morning, she went to see Elder Kong first, and reported to him that she planned to give porridge and medicine to the common people in the name of Rendetang.

As soon as Kong Mosheng heard her say that this incident was organized by her sect, and the materials were donated by her sect, she immediately said to her, "Xiangxiang, your sect has such kindness, and it is the responsibility of our common people." Good luck, you can do it with confidence, the master will definitely support you with all your strength!"

Liu Qingxiang suddenly asked him, "Master, have you ever thought about visiting our master's gate?"

A trace of excitement flashed across Kong Mosheng's face, "Is it okay? I think so, but I'm afraid it's too presumptuous."

Liu Qingxiang smiled and said, "It should be possible. I'll ask the teacher for instructions first. If it's possible and the date is confirmed, then I'll take you in to broaden your horizons."

Ever since Liu Qingxiang knew that there are laws monitoring the space, and she doesn't have to be afraid that others will reveal the secrets of the space, she wanted to treat this space as a sect's secret realm.

In the future, she can bring in the recruited disciples to practice, and she can also let people she trusts come in to have a look, so as to deepen their confidence in Yuqingmen.

Otherwise, she would just say that there is a Yuqing Gate every day, but she will never see her. After a long time, old people like the master will always see the problem. It would be better to set up a teleportation array and teleport them into the Yuqing Sacred Palace in the space to have a look, walk around, and let them witness in person.

She didn't need to say anything, just told them that this is the secret realm of Yuqingmen.

None of them had the perspective of God, and they would never have thought that this secret realm of Yuqingmen was actually her personal space.

And after they had seen the Yuqing Sacred Palace, they would trust her even more, and if she produced some rare things in the future, they would have a source.

Having made up her mind, Liu Qingxiang asked Xiao Luzhu to prepare for receiving the new disciples and guests of Yuqingmen in the space.

During the time she was busy outside, Xiao Luzhu made a lot of money in the plane mall.

Liu Qingxiang asked Xiao Luzhu to buy about fifty simulated household robots.

The functions of this type of household robot are far inferior to those of a universal robot, and the price is naturally much cheaper, only one-tenth of that of a universal robot.

Although this kind of household robot does not have many functions, it is completely enough to be used to do housework, do some physical work, or be a worker for small green beads, and to process and produce some pills and delicacies.

She asked Little Green Pearl to divide their group of robots into male and female groups. The males wore long robes and long hair;

There shouldn't be any loopholes in fooling the master and Ziyu like this?
Unless they have the eyesight to see that these artificial robots are fake.

Just in case, after they came in, she'd better let them have less contact.

After arranging these, Liu Qingxiang began to attend the consultation in the lobby.

As she expected, after ten o'clock in the morning, the Qingmin Hall became lively.

(End of this chapter)

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