Abandoned Concubine Can't Escape

Chapter 54 Night Rain in Bashan 10

Chapter 54 Night Rain in Bashan 10
"Sister Xiao, are you really not angry with slaves?" Man Luo lowered her head, but from the corner of her eyes she looked at Su Wanling. If it was the past, Man Luo would never dare to say such things in front of her.

"Why should I be angry with you? It's your freedom who you like, and you also said that my brother is a good man, and handsome, if you don't like him, it would be strange!" She smiled lightly, In her heart, she had some expectations for what kind of person her brother would be.

"Sister Xiao, you are so kind. This servant will never marry in this life, and just wants to be by Sister Xiao's side." Man Luo said respectfully.

"It's up to you!" Su Wanling didn't say anything anymore, since she had such a heart, why did she need to say more, she looked up at the blue sky, while Man Luo just waited on her carefully.

As the sky gradually darkened, countless glazed palace lanterns were lit in the palace, illuminating the night like day.The moonlight, as bright as water, poured down from the window and landed on Su Wanling's body, like a fairy under the moonlight, calm and pitiful.

Hua Wuxue came to Qingzhi Pavilion as promised, and took her out of the palace with his extraordinary ease. After several ups and downs, she stopped at the entrance of an alley not far from the palace, where a horse was already tied.Hua Wuxue untied the rope, and he and she rode together. The sweaty BMW galloped on the deserted street, and soon reached the gate of the city, but they did not go out from the gate of the city, because the gate of the city was already closed at this time. closed.

"Wuxue, are we leaving the city?" Su Wanling asked softly.

"Well, take you out of the city, don't you like the feeling of freedom? I'll take you to ride a horse on the pasture in the west of the city." Hua Wuxue's gentle voice rang softly in her ears.

At seven turns, I entered a dilapidated and deserted courtyard, where there was a secret passage leading to the outside of the city, and Su Wanling was very surprised that the secret passage could be passed through on horseback. If foreign enemies knew about this passage, what would be the consequences Unbelievable.

Hua Wuxue seemed to see what Su Wanling was thinking, she couldn't help smiling, and said: "This secret passage was left behind by the founding emperor of the Xuanyuan Dynasty when he attacked the capital. There are no more than three people who know about this secret passage. And it's an honor to be one of them, but now you should be the fourth one!"
(End of this chapter)

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