Mischief Vampire Highness

Chapter 349: The Unstoppable Man

Chapter 349: The Unstoppable Man
"Ji Mingxuan, did you see that there is a zombie face crying for you, hurry up and laugh at him, otherwise you will miss the chance if you miss it." His long rose-red hair exudes a fragrance.

Outside the window is a lonely summer night, the curtains are gently blown by the wind, and the sound of insects coming from the wild grass can imagine that it is a peaceful night outside.

Leaning on Meng Chike's slightly trembling shoulders, I took Ji Mingxuan's cool hand, "Ji Mingxuan, please wake up quickly, don't give up on us all, Meng Chike will definitely be a cow for you in the future." I don't hesitate to be a horse."

I was the only one talking to myself in the empty room, Meng Chike's rosy head suddenly moved, and he got up without raising his head to leave.

I quickly grabbed him, Meng Chike's tall body paused, "Don't run away, you are brothers. If you don't even face you, then what will he do!" I pulled him back to sit back Leaning away from his side, he pulled out his Liuhai, his slender eyelashes were wet with tears, and his eyes turned red.

He dodged my eyes, he didn't want me to see his frail appearance.

"this is not your fault……"

"It's all because of me, because I'm a monster, I'm not qualified to have anyone's love, it's me who cast a shadow on him, it's me who has been hurting Nier, without me, he wouldn't be what he is now Look, do you understand!"

Meng Chike suddenly supported my face to face him forcefully, he growled in self-blame, crystal liquid flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"..." His extreme thoughts about myself made me not know how to respond, I was silent for a while, and I shook my head, no!Not your fault, fool.

Why do you have to bear so much, how ruthless is it to be able to face these things? It's really enough.

"He just loves you like you love him, it's really not your fault, no." I firmly pulled his head against my shoulder, wrapping his vulnerability in my arms.

Meng Chike buried his head in my neck and sobbed softly, patted his back, and I rubbed his hair. At this time, this mighty man looked so weak in front of me.

Ji Mingxuan, have you seen it?He has always loved you so much, please wake up soon.

The night outside the window was getting darker, and a meteor dragged its long tail and cut through the boundless night.

(End of this chapter)

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