Chapter 664
As soon as the three of Li Chunlan approached the quarantine area, Xie Zixiu stood up anxiously to signal them not to come, but this time Li Chunlan was very firm, and Dai Xiaomei put her hands on her mouth and shouted, "Professor Xie, we are here to help! "

Seeing that the three female students came to serve as volunteers, the teachers at the scene were very happy. Everyone gathered together and seemed to have had an urgent discussion, and finally reluctantly agreed with the three of them to go.

But Xie Zixiu was very upset. He kept his face sullen and didn't speak when he saw Li Chunlan.

Li Chunlan knew that Xie Zixiu was unhappy because she was angry at her for not caring for herself!

Knowing that the professor cared about her, Li Chunlan didn't have time to explain.

Now there are five patients lying on the ground, one of them is a girl who was the first to suffer from the disease. Her face was flushed, her breathing was short of breath, and she had a drip on her hand. She has not yet woken up.

"Professor Xie let me take a look at that patient!" Li Chunlan ignored the nonsense and went straight to the point.

Xie Zixiu knew that Li Chunlan's acupuncture was very good, and now the patient's body temperature could not be lowered, so he was helpless. Anyway, Li Chunlan had already come, if she wanted to try it, let her go!

Xie Zixiu didn't speak, but took a deep look at Li Chunlan, and then nodded.

Among those present, Xie Zixiu had the highest status among the teaching staff. Everyone saw that he acquiesced to Li Chunlan's visit, so they hurriedly moved away.

Li Chunlan squatted down and checked the girl's condition. The girl's condition was very critical. As Li Chunlan guessed, the girl was indeed infected with a new type of virus. Existing drugs had little effect on this virus, so a large amount of medication was used. After that, the girl's condition was not controlled.

"I want to do acupuncture for her," Li Chunlan said, taking out the silver needle on the spot, but was stopped by Xie Zixiu.

"Don't use your own needles, we have disposable acupuncture needles here!" Xie Zixiu beckoned, and someone brought over disposable acupuncture needles immediately.

Li Chunlan nodded, although the silver needles will be disinfected afterwards, but the plague is too contagious, so you must be more careful.

Dai Xiaomei took the initiative to kneel on the other side to help Li Chunlan prepare. She rolled up the clothes of the patient who needed acupuncture and waited for Li Chunlan to give the needle.

"Professor Xie, you are a good student. It looks like that," Fang Jing, the teacher, watched Li Chunlan doing acupuncture, with a dim light in his eyes.

Fang Jing is a female teacher. Like Xie Zixiu, she teaches Chinese medicine. She is not very old, she is less than 30 years old this year, so she can be regarded as a handsome young man.

It's just that Fang Jing's advantage disappeared after meeting Xie Zixiu.Xie Zixiu is too young and outstanding.

There is also a legend about Fang Jing and Xie Zixiu. It is said that when Xie Zixiu first came to the school, Fang Jing also entrusted a vice principal to be a mediator to date Xie Zixiu, but Xie Zixiu refused.

Therefore, Xie Zixiu's attitude is to keep Fang Jing at a respectful distance. Hearing Fang Jing talk about Li Chunlan, Xie Zixiu smiled lightly, "Student Li Chunlan is a very talented student. Although she is still young, she has already made several prescriptions by herself. Cooperate with the pharmaceutical factory to produce it!"

Fang Jing didn't speak, but the raised corners of her mouth revealed a deep sense of sarcasm. She looked at the young and charming Li Chunlan, then at Xie Zixiu, wondering how could Li Chunlan's age and experience do such a good job? A prescription for medicine?
Since Li Chunlan came to this school, she started to shine. Perhaps, Xie Zixiu's help was among them.

As for how Xie Zixiu helped Li Chunlan, and why he helped Li Chunlan, this is a matter of different opinions.

Like Fang Jing, she claims to be a rare and elegant woman with both talent and appearance.Being rejected by Xie Zixiu at the beginning made Fang Jing very confused. She thought Xie Zixiu was blind.

After meeting Li Chunlan, Fang Jing suddenly realized that he had figured out Xie Zixiu's preferences. Xie Zixiu definitely didn't like women of his own age group, he liked young girls.

This idea made Fang Jing feel like seeing a rival in love when he looked at Li Chunlan again.

At this time, Li Chunlan had finished giving the unconscious girl the needles, and was doing the needles, adjusting the depth of the silver needles and the frequency of stimulation according to the needs of the treatment.

Several other teachers were commenting on Li Chunlan's techniques, and there were many words of praise in them, because good is good. Li Chunlan looked young, but these few times of acupuncture were very old-fashioned. Just judging from this acupuncture skill, there is no such thing as 20 years old. Years of practice is simply impossible to display.

Hearing everyone's spare no effort to praise Li Chunlan, Fang Jing couldn't bear it anymore, she stepped forward, "Li Chunlan, who did you learn this skill from?"

There was nothing wrong with these words, but coupled with the sour voice of the scene, it sounded like asking a teacher for a crime.

Li Chunlan was busy with acupuncture, and when she heard this voice, she knew that the other party had malicious intentions, so she replied calmly without looking up, "I learned from my master!"

The onlookers and helping students couldn't help laughing out loud, who didn't learn their skills from the master?

Fang Jing was a little embarrassed.

After finishing the acupuncture, Li Chunlan began to inject. She was very fast, and she took out the needles one by one, and threw them all into the basin filled with disinfectant. This needle cannot be used again, and it will be used once after the quarantine is lifted. sexual destruction.

After treating the emergency patient, Li Chunlan stood up and looked at Fang Jing. She knew that this was a female teacher at the school, but she had never dealt with her before, so she didn't plan to talk to her.

"Professor Xie, let me do acupuncture for those students!"

Li Chunlan took a few more boxes of disposable acupuncture needles, and was going to finish the treatment at once. You must know that once so many students in the hall start to have seizures, it will be troublesome to treat them.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that there are fewer people suffering from the disease now, those who can get treatment as soon as possible should be treated first.

Xie Zixiu frowned. Although Li Chunlan had come to the treatment area, he was still unwilling to let Li Chunlan have more contact with sick people. One more contact would increase the chance of being infected. To be honest, Xie Zixiu still admires Li Chunlan in his heart of.No one wants a loved one to step into danger.

Fang Jing next to him misunderstood what he meant. She thought that Xie Zixiu was disgusted with Li Chunlan's self-assessment, so she immediately said in a weird way,
"Okay, Li Chunlan, don't be so busy, there are so many teachers present, who is better than your medical skills, you start to do treatment as soon as you come, is it because you don't care about everyone's medical skills? "

Fang Jing took on the identity of the teacher, so it seems that there is some truth to this statement.Li Chunlan stopped in her tracks immediately, and saw that Fang Jing was about to refute, when Xie Zixiu spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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