Chapter 493 Counterattack
The head nurse immediately replied with a smile, "Director Hu's family's food is about to be harvested, he went home to help, and Huang Qiu also went to follow him!"

Harvesting wheat at this time?Gao Yunshu looked at Tian'er outside the window suspiciously. She always felt that it was not time to harvest the wheat, but the situation of each field was different, and she was not sure that the wheat in Director Hu's field was not ripe.

Donghe City is an agricultural city. Every household in this city is inextricably linked to the countryside. These people either have their hometowns in the countryside or have relatives in the countryside. During the autumn harvest every year, some go to work It is common for people to ask for leave to help.

Because it is related to people's harvest for a year, everyone is extra lenient about asking for leave for the autumn harvest.Gao Yunshu could only nod depressingly and say he got it.

At this time, Li Chunlan, accompanied by Huang Qiu and Director Hu, had already called Shi Jingning.

When Shi Jingning heard this situation, he immediately became angry, "Chunlan, don't worry, I'll come right away!"

Shi Jingning is also working in Donghe City now, so he rushed over to join Li Chunlan soon.

He already knew what happened, and when he saw Li Chunlan, he asked his wife, "What are you going to do about this?"

Li Chunlan pointed to Huang Qiu and Director Hu beside her, "We plan to go to the province to report this situation!"

Shi Jingning nodded at Huang Ke and Director Hu, "Thank you for helping Chunlan seek justice! But I can write materials to reflect this matter, and you don't need to go to the provincial capital!"

The three of them replied in unison, "Really?" Then they all laughed.

"It would be best if we could solve the problem without going to the provincial capital," Director Hu said first. He was not afraid of retaliation from Director Gao, but because the elderly and children at home were all in Donghe, so he ran away rashly. There is no one to take care of them at home.

It doesn't matter if Huang Qiu is alone, "Well, I have some connections in the provincial capital. Captain Shi, you write what happened. I'll be responsible for handing it over to you, and make sure it's handed over to the person in charge!"

You know, Huang Qiu has learned a lot from Li Chunlan during this time. The number of needles in his hands has increased from two to three.

Without Li Chunlan's guidance, Huang Qiu would not have dared to think that he would have made such progress. Now that his master is in trouble, he would naturally go through fire and water as an apprentice.

Shi Jingning didn't talk too much, and immediately turned around and took a few people to his office. He asked the three of them to sit down and discuss the details first, which unit to go to next, and he himself sat down to write materials.

Shi Jingning was born in writing work, and the speed of writing materials is fast and good, and he quickly finished writing the story.

After reading the materials, Li Chunlan and Director Hu thought that Shi Jingning's writing was very appropriate, so they handed over the materials to Huang Qiu.

Huang Qiu packed the materials without saying a word, and immediately stepped on the train to the provincial capital.

Wu Tiecheng soon found out about this matter, and knew that he was being targeted by someone, which caused Li Chunlan trouble, which made him very angry.

As the saying goes, cats have cats and dogs have dogs, and businessmen have their own channels. Wu Tiecheng quickly publicized Huang's actions on behalf of the pharmaceutical company everywhere.

The most taboo of doing business is lack of integrity. The actions of pharmaceutical companies have aroused public outrage, and they don't know it yet.

In particular, Representative Huang was still sitting firmly in Donghe, waiting for Li Chunlan to change his mind, and turned around to offer her the formula under President Gao's high-pressure policy!
(End of this chapter)

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