Chapter 641 Unexpectedly
"Miss Wen, what do you think of my writing?" Tang Xueyi asked.

"Not bad." Wen Dongnuan nodded.

Tang Xueyi was not very satisfied. A peasant girl from the countryside knows what is good and what is bad, but it is not bad?The emperor thinks her poems are the best, so at least one should say that they are excellent.

"It's a pity that Miss Wen failed to write her own poem..." Tang Xueyi said regretfully.

"Who said I don't have any poems?" Wen Dongnuan stuffed Tang Xueyi's poems into Tang Xueyi's hands.

Tang Xueyi looked at the crumpled rice paper in her hand, and frowned, "Miss Wen didn't write it just now."

"I don't like to write, so I'll just speak."

"But..." Tang Xueyi felt inexplicably uncomfortable and was about to stop her, but...

"Then tell me about it." Emperor Zhao Wen spoke, and there was no chance for her to speak.

"Mei Xue is fighting for the spring but is not willing to fall, Sao Ren Ge's pen fee review. Mei Xu is three points inferior to Xue Xue, but Xue is inferior to Mei Yi Duan Xiang." Wen Dongnuan said directly.

She really doesn't know how to compose poetry, so she didn't plan to participate in it at first, but Tang Xueyi and others have been mocking her all the time, especially when Tang Xueyi first proposed to compose poetry, she named her alone, and later said that doggerel is fine, It seemed that she was speaking for her in a considerate manner, but it was clear that Tang Xueyi herself was the one who most wanted to see her jokes.

If she doesn't know how to compose poems, can she not recite poems?

She just didn't know Tang Xueyi's true level, so she didn't plan to write it at first, but decided to recite Tang Xueyi's poems after reading them first.

If you plan on her, then you must be prepared to be counted on by her.

After Wen Dongnuan's words fell, those who were not optimistic about her widened their eyes. Not only did Miss Wen write a poem, but the poem was...very good?

Song Wanran was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. It turned out that she was the one who was worrying about it blindly. Wen Dongnuan was so confident that she lured Tang Xueyi and others into the bait.

Interesting, this Wen Dongnuan really suits her taste.

Tang Xueyi's face was ugly, which was completely beyond her expectation, and... this poem was even better than hers.

Sure enough, the next moment, Emperor Zhaowen slapped the table and praised: "'Mei Xu is three points inferior to Xue Xue, but Xue is inferior to Mei Yi Duan Xiang.' Good!"

He has already agreed, so do others dare to contradict him?

"What's the name of this poem?" Emperor Zhaowen asked again.

"Snow Plum" comes from Lu Meipo, a poet of the Song Dynasty.

"Now that the plum blossoms are in full bloom, and it just so happens that it's snowing, the name of this garden happens to be Xuemei Garden, good! Really good! I think you're the winner today, what does the Queen think?"

"The concubine also thinks it is good." The queen nodded, but she was very disgusted in her heart. Liu Yanxin was also full of talents back then.

"Then today's top poem is..."

"Your Majesty, my daughter has something to say." Tang Xueyi said suddenly, and everyone looked at her.

Emperor Zhaowen frowned, his expression turned cold, "What do you have to say?"

Tang Xueyi's expression froze. She knew that the emperor was unhappy, but she couldn't help it. The development of all this was completely beyond her expectation. Wen Dongnuan could compose poems better than her?

She lost again!Still losing at what she is best at.

This made her unwilling, but the most important thing now is that if the top prize is not hers, not to mention that she can't get the reward from the empress or other people's prize, she has to take in 4000 taels herself.

She only had 2000 taels of cash in her hand, not to mention giving all of it would be enough to make her feel pained, even if she really gave all of it, it was still not enough... 4000 taels, what would she do with the short 2000 taels?
(End of this chapter)

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